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How do I UN-Install a plugin?


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A while ago, I installed two different texture replacing mods. However, they are not plugin-based, and I have no clue as to how to get rid of them. Reinstalling Morrowind DID NOT fix the problem, although I didn't uninstall the CS. Anyone know how to fix this?
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If you just uninstall Morrowind I have the feeling it keeps the Data Files folder intact. Maybe just delete the Data Files folder (backing up any plugins you want to keep etc first) and then load all the default Data Files from the CS CD.
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thats strange, i had this problem in the past with texture replacers that i hated and Uninstalling everything cleared up the probem. Now I leave texture replacers that dont tell or show everything they replace
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The only time I used a texture replacer it did not in fact replace the original textures; both sets were in the textures file although the new textures were the ones the computer loaded. I downloaded the replacer to a temp file to check the texture references, went into the system textures file and cut the new set (they were in one large batch). The old textures were then operative. In fact I did transfer across a few of the new textures but specific ones.
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My suggestion is what switch said, about using the files from the CS CD, but you shuldnt need to uninstall it. Delete the mod .esp (if there is one) then get in there and paste all the stuff from the CS CD and overwrite whats in there. Files from other mods will be over written probably, but you can just re-download the mod, or if you still have it on your computer, then just re-install it.
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