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Question about RDO and Skyrim AE


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Hello Folks,


I am tired of dodging the inevitable, and have decided to let Steam update my Skyrim SE. I've been downloading all the most necessary mods that I will need to update but there is one in particular that has escaped public discourse by not allowing comments as the Author, cloudedtruth has shut them off so, I'm assuming reaching out to ask them would be uncouth as they obviously don't want to discuss the mod.


The last update was in 2018 and I was wondering if anyone knows if this mod will work on AE version. It's kind of essential for me to know as at least 4 of my companion mods need it to function.


Regardless, I would appreciate it if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks ahead of time!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks folks, much appreciated.


My update just finished and I'm in the process of moving forward.


Game ON!


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