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Missing lore dialogue on Carriage Drivers


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I have this inexplicable bug for over a year now and I don't know WHAT is causing it.


To clarify: when I interact with carriage drivers who drive to major (vanilla) cities, the dialogue option "What can you tell me about [insert city name]?" just isn't there.

I've been scouring my load order for the culprit and I can't find it.


Does anyone know if there is a mod that causes this? Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

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That dialogue is under 'DialogueCarriageSystem' quest (0x17F01) You could check vvia SSEEdit if somethin overloads that quest.

The conditions for those lore bits are fairly simple:

Player must be not in combat, and Actor they talking to must be loaded as ReferenceAlias for a driver from that town, OR their ''Variable02 " actor value needs to be set to a certain value (i.e 5 for Windhelm)

So something must be broken with that quest.

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That dialogue is under 'DialogueCarriageSystem' quest (0x17F01) You could check vvia SSEEdit if somethin overloads that quest.

The conditions for those lore bits are fairly simple:

Player must be not in combat, and Actor they talking to must be loaded as ReferenceAlias for a driver from that town, OR their ''Variable02 " actor value needs to be set to a certain value (i.e 5 for Windhelm)

So something must be broken with that quest.


DialogueCarriageSystem is affected only by Convenient Carriages. And the mod author (tarlazo) has assured me time and again that his mod isn't doing this (he can't reproduce the issue). He tested it extensively, custom-made optional files to help me, but no dice. It's not his mod.

The only carriage driver that isn't affected is Markarth driver Kibell. He's the only one who has his lore dialogue intact, for whatever reason.

Lore dialogue records themselves aren't affected by any mod either.

Edited by Katarsi
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I've noticed there's a difference in Conditions between the Markarth driver and all the other four - which may be a way to get the dialogue option to show.

This is a default condition that appears only in Kibell's starting lore dialogue:


Type: Equal To

Comparison Value: 999

Function: GetStage

Quest: DialogueCarriageSystem

Run On: Subject


It obviously refers to a quest stage in DialogueCarriageSystem, but the number 999 confuses me. What kind of value is that??

I've tried adding the same condition to lore dialogues of other four drivers, but it didn't do anything. Perhaps it requires a different value?

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Frankly, a condition like that pretty much means "make it impossible". I.e. when debugging some of my dialog trees, I might set a condition like that to disable an option for a time. Especially considering that this quest does not HAVE any stages to begin with. But that condition is there for Skyrim vanilla, so I doubt that diaogue option ever worked.

In fact, there is some lore dialogue under 'QuestDialogueMarkarth' quest, that is exclusive to Kibell - the local driver, and is completely different from the one defined under Carriage dialogue quest.


I actually just installed Convenient Carriages (IC version), and frankly it has such a massive fomod that almost everyone's install is likely to be unique. Meaning you would have to debug it on your own setup.


First item, check if this is an issue with your current game. Start game, and at main menu, open console and type 'coc whiterunstables'. Exit the stables and talk to Bjorlam. See if he got the lore option.


Now for that debugging. The lore option topic for Whiterun is 000C41D3, and response is 000C41D4.

The only conditions I have on it are:

Player - IsInCombat - == 0 AND

GetIsAliasRef (subject) WhiteRunDriver - == 1 OR

GetActorValue (subject) Variable02 == 1


First one is self-explanatory.

Second check it to be a specific Alias, and that alias is hard-locked to a unique actor, CarriageDriverWhiterun (Bjorlam)

If you are not getting that option, it can mean that:

> Somehow the owning quest is not running . (Try 'startquest 17F01' or maybe 'resetquest 17F01')

> Quest Alias failed to load for some reason. Again, resetquest may help.

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I FIGURED IT OUT! I fixed it :dance:
It was the wrong Comparison Value in Packages in Convenient Carriages mod.

For every driver, under packages Shelter, Rest, Sleep, they ALL had this same condition:

Type: Not Equal To
Comparison Value: 3.000000
Function: GetActorValue
Actor Value: Variable01
Run On: Subject

I remembered that you mentioned how they all have their own values, so I compared those values to the ones in their Lore dialogue records.

And so, I changed their Comparison Value accordingly: Whiterun - 1, Solitude - 2, Riften - 4, Windhelm - 5.

Only Markarth (Kibell) was working because he had his value of 3 all along.


OMG I'm so glad I've finally restored the Lore dialogue. Such a small detail, but it was bugging me so bad.

Thank you @scorrp10 and @7531Leonidas for brainstorming it with me :thumbsup:

Edited by Katarsi
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I am afraid you found A way to fix it - via that variable condition - which I am fairly sure is reserved for carriage drivers arriving to major towns. The takeaway is by changing this, you might have broken something else.


Kibell worked not because he had value 3, but because his lore option is part of generic Markarth dialogue quest, not tied to carriages.

And other drivers should have had the option by simple virtue of being loaded aliases under carriage dialogue quest...

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I am afraid you found A way to fix it - via that variable condition - which I am fairly sure is reserved for carriage drivers arriving to major towns. The takeaway is by changing this, you might have broken something else.


Kibell worked not because he had value 3, but because his lore option is part of generic Markarth dialogue quest, not tied to carriages.

And other drivers should have had the option by simple virtue of being loaded aliases under carriage dialogue quest...


Well... I haven't noticed that something broke after I applied this fix. But yeah, as Tarlazo also said (he pretty much agrees with you), this is just a workaround, not an actual solution.


Perhaps Realtionship Dialogue Overhaul is messing up something in some script? I really don't know anymore... I don't want to cause instability to my game, the engine is creaky and dated as it is.

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