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Quest starts but doesn't register having started.


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I'm at the point in a game where Underground Undercover leads into Precipice of War and have run into the strangest bug. After talking to Desdemona (not killing) I get the notification that UU is complete and The Brotherhood attacks etc., but PoW doesn't actually begin. I can fight off the Brotherhood attack, clear the catacombs and the church and get Desdemona's orders to attack the police station and take the vertibird but it doesn't show up as an active quest in my pipboy and if I leave the church and go to the police station Deacon and Tom aren't there.

I've tried console commands but nothing seems to work. FO4Edit doesn't show any conflicts and the only thing that even touches PoW is the Unofficial Patch which has never caused a problem before.


Any idea what's going on here? Is my playthrough doomed?

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At this point my best guess is that I've run in to some obscure conflict between faction quests.


I did Blind Betrayal and one of the side effects of that was that P.A.M. will no longer interact or give out missions. Despite that Drummer Boy keeps running up to me to tell me P.A.M. wants to talk to me every time I pop in to Railroad HQ. Maybe I've set off some variable that's preventing things from progressing?


The only other thing I can think of is just a mod conflict, but the only things I added since my last play through were a few "recruit npc-x as a settler" mods and none of them show any clear conflicts or even interaction with Underground Undercover or Precipice of War.

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I'm not sure that's it. According to Nukapedia completing Blind Betrayal only locks you out of Railroad side quests until you become hostile with the BoS. I couldn't find any mention of it effecting the main quest.


I just double checked with P.A.M. since I'd completed Mass Fusion and been designated a Brotherhood enemy since the last time I tried talking to her and she did give me the first Variable Removal mission. So I'm clearly BoS free enough to keep the Railroad quest line going but talking to Desdemona and triggering the Brotherhood attack still doesn't start PoW.

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Supposedly, being considered "Hostile" by the BoS *should* open up Railroad quests again, but, it seems even the vanilla game has issues actually doing that..... I am not sure if there IS a fix for it..... aside from completing the quest via console command?

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