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End of year network review


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In response to post #10913618.

Servers are a hell more complicate than the desktop computers we use. There may be some people in the site who knows some stuff about servers, but they would need to spend too much time working with the team, and I doubt many would be willing to do it for free.
If you really want to help, the best thing you (and anyone else who wants to help) can do is throw your two cents into the team's bank account. I don't know if the site accepts donation, but you can always go premium.
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I am probably not alone in understanding the difficulties that come with upgrading the infrastructure of a large, complex system, add in the need to minimize downtime and the Surprise! complications that arise, well, we have seen megacorps with mult-million dollar budgets and an army of technical staffers stumble even more when doing upgrades.


As a long-term member, I have rode out the rough waters in the past, and have every confidence that you will continue to paddle past the rocks and return to smooth sailing.


The Nexus is a damned impressive operation, you should be proud of how much you have achieved.


So, I'll kick back and let you folks continue to do the excellent jobs you have been, and I am sure that soon you might get the time to play some games besides 'Wack-A-Mole' on Nexus Bugs.


Keep up the great work!




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Honestly this site is amazing and for a site that requires no pay has a lot of benefits for those who don't have money to pay. And unlike so many sites you guys actually don't cover up your mistakes where other sites will say that something was intended and just needs to be reworked. This site holds a lot of promise and doesn't seem to go out and advertise itself like so many other sites. Saying its the best or anything. Nexusmods is just Nexusmods. People need to stop complaining and be happy that it exists in the first place.
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I've been using the Nexus for 3+ years now. That's amazing when you think of how much enjoyment you've brought me. The site has grown and changed so much! Growing pains suck, that's for sure, but we'll get through this and be better at the other end. The Nexus team (it's great there's a team now!) is doing a great service for us without asking for anything in return. It's time for me to donate - now that I've realized how long I've been here lol.

So thank you guys for the site, the hard work, and much good juju in the next year for all!

Thanks for sharing.


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Good luck for making the site more stable and..well fast enough as more as possible,however about maintenance (on peak times or not) they never "come back" one-two minutes after...it takes at least 15-30 minutes every time.
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