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End of year network review


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I'm a newbie. I've enjoyed the site and many of the mods. I look forward to your improvements. Unfortunately, computer science is not quite a science, nor quite computer engineering either ... I've experienced this at work and as all of you have probably heard ... the affordable care act website in the US.


Keep your chins up. Happy New Year! and again THANKS!



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I would be interested in seeing just what the bennefits are to having video's of said mods and their bandwidth usage is , on your servers compared to when you didn't have video's, when videos are being watched in thumbs view or on Skyrim i see a noticeable drop in transfer times of files from TesNexus then i do without, I'm on a business connection and i pull 100MB down so i shouldn't see a 46% hit but i do and its only with Nexus


along with this I would really like to see these miraculous bills and fee's you state you absolutely need in order to keep up to date and to make everything work as you state, I mean are you hosting all of these servers out of your own home on an F/O connection if not, that's not your responsibility to insure rapid transit speeds or data compliance that's your ISP host and Server's responsibility, if they aren't providing you with a stable platform to work from or your paying for a low grade server and expecting it to perform at Business standards then your issue isn't with all the encoding or file transfer or updates ... and if you really want to look at it, like a gear box or a transmission keep in mind you can put a higher end gear box on an engine that's only designed for 2 speeds , and in this event your basically shooting yourself in the foot if you don't update the engine to handle the increased amount of RPM's or Torque your going to need for the applications your trying to get it to produce.


I am all for updating and making things better but when you speak of hirring someone now and not having them upto speed for another 3-6 months when you need the help now, that to me says your spending money where you shouldn't because if all these plans took place 2-3-4 years ago that should of been priority at the top of your list and not an after thought. I don't see why Premium members or members that pay need to get the same service as regular members because when your servers are down, or in regular maintenance its not just us non paying members that are effected its them as well, so one would really need to ask themselves and i say this to all Premium members that pay, what is the real bennefit to paying if the money isnt spent to better the server when it needs it rather then make excuses why they don't need the help ....now...yes 3-6 months most defiantly what about year from now or 2 or 3 when do you realize that your fighting a sinking ship here and ask for help? money is a necessary thing but if the servers proper equipment , or FTP's or funding isn't there and used appropriately then when do you accept responsibility, cause i see a lot of excuses and reasons why nothing has worked in the above and a lot of failures that you yourself are comparing yourself to Microsoft, so I must ask myself , are you saying because Microsoft can screw the general consumers of their products that its OK for you to do the same?

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Wow was my later comments taken down? SO for stating my own opinion, I get attacked saying that im a troll and given very dumb and childish excuses, not only from members BUT Dark0ne himself, then to make things better my comments are taken down?


I'm here still because I love nexus, and I would LOVE to support this website, but people obviously have chosen to do things that have NOT benifited this website at all, they have spent money on certain things saying they have improved it and have NOTHING to show for it. You constantly warn and ban people for stupid things.


Its a real shame. You make a website for people to download and upload mods, but you treat them like dirt when they complain about how its down most of the time, because they aren't giving you money. You constantly go after that person, "Why are you here" "Your not paying them you cant complain" "Your a daft prat" ect ect ect. And to the bans and warns yes, YES there is tons of evidence, you leave it out for everyone to take a damn look at it.


Is this what Nexus really is? Sad as hell.

Edited by LadyXvenom
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In response to post #10913567. #10933239 is also a reply to the same post.

I was about to become a premium member but then all sorts of downtimes, maintenance and bugs/bugfixes happened so I'm not sure yet. Atm I can only use the updated mod manager in offline mode, it crashes every 20 to 30 minutes. Edited by dubhorizon
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In response to post #10913567. #10933239, #10939204 are all replies on the same post.

Hey don't get me wrong , here I too admit that they have made progress in their developments, and im not flip flopping here my earlier statements, what i am saying though is, as a business owner and i have 3 good commerce comes from honoring your paying masses and giving in to the masses that are firm supporters of your commodity , whether you pay or not is of no concern nor should it play in as a factor for who hears about the trials of running such a site, but if you actively post your dirty laundry and then squash those that say hey WTF and start bringing to the table accurate and responsible questions then is it the ones who bring it to the table that are responsible or the ones that say hey, why should we pay for something your not willing to fix but wantus to pay for and when we do you only give excuses later on as to why something isn't being done about it, you are only looking at 2 sides of the coin when you look at members who Pay and those that don't

what about those that help to increase server traffic? take away the non-paying members and you have a dead website within months because the bills cannot be justified with the high values, and the low access points, which leads me to my next ? with all the work and the money invested are we working from just one server obviously not, but here is a better ? when you goto the server list index's and see all the cities that support the "QUOTE UNQUOTE" servers that are supporting that file one would ask , are those servers run of the mill cheap servers or are they Redundant server hosts not utilizing one Blade server to manage all the uploads and downloads or are they multiple servers handling the work load, now moving onto an even bigger question I live in the USA, its not a new thing to consider but why are all the servers for the most part based in the USA? think about it, the USA has some of the worst internet ISP Providers and costs associated with them, most countries abroad have more throughput and better internet speeds both up and down for less money then here in the states, to me standing on a business platform that in itself is a bad marketing and service provider expenditure ...you are evidently UK based and that based on your £150,000 ($250,000) USD taken last denoted as a secondary summary wouldn't one of your higher end service providers not be better suited for your isp and service standard then our low grade isp providers and servers that are comparatively of lower standards then that of the UK standards?
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