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End of year network review


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I found this site/community when I decided not to buy the new Xbox One, opting instead to upgrade my video card and get back into computer gaming after years with the 360.


Very late to the party, I know, but I just can't believe the community you have here, and the amazing Nexus Mod Manager. You have made things so easy for us.


Playing Fallout3 Wanderer's Edition with Project Reality and Mart's Mutant Mod, along with a bunch of other enhancements has been just incredible.


For the past few days I haven't been able to log in from NMM, so I stopped here to see what was going on.


All your work is very much appreciated!!! I just had to stop and say thanks! I'm sure it's a thankless task a lot of the time. Happy New Year! Hope 2014 is much smoother for you. Sounds like you've set the foundation for it once the Steam sales are over. I heard Steam had troubles of their own over the holidays, so if a several-billion dollar company is having trouble, I guess you're in good company!

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As a long-time Premium Member I would like to say Thank You! Yes there have been frustrating delays at times but most of us silently appreciate all your efforts and your frequent updates on the progress.
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just wanted to say thanks to the hard working , talented and dedicated folks that keep nexus going .

there may be times when you feel pretty unappreciated but nothing could be further from the truth .

I have been using mods for about a year and I am slowly working up the confidence to have a go at my first proper mod myself . the awesome service you provide for people adds a dimension to gaming that I could no longer do without .

one of my first concerns when looking to buy a new game now is what modding possibilities it has !

I guess the point I'm trying to get to is that you are all very much appreciated and I for one am very grateful for the work you do .

so thanx loadz guys you totally rock !

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It's not the fact that it's in open beta, it's the fact that you hold a monopoly on the Skyrim modding community, and we are basically forced to download from this site, and use this MOD manager.


If you are going to hold this monopoly, and force people to use your website and software, by now after 2 years you should of gotten NMM to work correctly.


You should also consider letting people use the MOD manager and download without signing up or separate your FORUM bans from the website bans, so people can still get MODs.


There is no reason to ban someone from at least downloading MODs. This creates a big problem, when you ban people from this website for whatever infraction.


You are cutting them off from the majority of MODs for the community, which is morally wrong in my eyes.


The people who speak out as well, whether they are premium or not, you ban them. If you want better support and not having to write novel like explanations, change your policies and consider not banning people for minor infractions.

Edited by badpeoplesuck
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In response to post #11048663.

You posted this in the wrong news topic...

It's not the fact that it's in open beta, it's the fact that you hold a monopoly on the Skyrim modding community, and we are basically forced to download from this site, and use this MOD manager.

Any such monopoly hasn't come from anything I've explicitly done. I don't tell people to exclusively use the Nexus. I'm not making people sign exclusivity contracts. In fact, my posting history both here and on the Elder Scrolls forums is full of examples where I've told mod authors not to do this, and to use as many sites as they're willing to use. I wipe my hands clean of that one.

If you are going to hold this monopoly, and force people to use your website and software, by now after 2 years you should of gotten NMM to work correctly.

"You hold a monopoly ergo NMM should work correctly after 2 years" makes absolutely no sense.

The biggest problem is, when you ban people from this website for whatever infraction, you are cutting them off from the majority of MODs for the community, which is morally wrong in my eyes.

I think the biggest problem is the fact the sites have been unstable. I couldn't give a flying crap about the people who've broken our rules and weren't able to file an unban request that was acceptable.

The people who speak out as well, whether they are premium or not, you ban them.

Depends how they speak out. Speaking out on these sites seems to go hand-in-hand with breaking our rules, in that people who speak out invariably end up swearing, insulting staff, insulting other users and generally proving why they don't deserve to be in this community. It's not the act of speaking out that gets people banned, it's how they do it and what they say. There's plenty of examples of people who have spoken out but have done so in a way that was respectable. They're still here, even if they're just downloading/lurking rather than talking out of their own choice. There's plenty more examples of people who have spoken out and completely broken our rules in the process. They get banned. Rules are rules whether you think you're protesting or not.

If you want better support and not having to write novel like explanations, change your policies and consider not banning people for minor infractions.

Makes no sense. I write novel like explanations because I like keeping people informed about what I'm talking about. This news was nothing to do with banned users and wasn't sparked by the way we ban people in any way. You sure do seem to have a mighty big chip on your shoulder to want to talk so much about banned users in a 2,500 news article that made no mention of them.

Edited by Dark0ne
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I'm a bit late, but happy new year! And I don't mind the downtimes, I'm just happy that we got this great modding community going on here. That said. As a university student, I spent a good chunk of my last years tax returns (read: non-noodle money) to get my self a lifetime premium. Thank you for the hard work and I hope this site will be here for many years to come! Now... to plan for my next modding project.
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