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End of year network review


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I don't care what others are saying, but as a software engineer, I gotta say you guys are doing great! :) Keep up the good work, and don't let comments from trolls or difficulties along the way dampen your spirits. The computer business can sometimes be a bit sobering, since hard-/software has a knack for showing us the errors of our ways. That's just business as usual, so don't let it get to you.


In regard to NMM, please take this as a suggestion/comment, not as harsh criticism:


Skyrim STEP no longer supports the use of NMM (see http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.7 step 1.E.3). I know NMM is still in its beta phase, but I've always found it useful to read criticism. It allows me to make a better product. But I'm sure you guys are doing what you can.


In regard to finances: Start a donation drive. I know I sometimes get so busy, I just don't think of these things, so it helps if you let us know. Also, you could ask premium users whether they would agree to annual/monthly membership fees, maybe on a voluntary basis. Or am I being an ass and you're already doing that? ;)


Anyway, once again, you're doing great, so keep up the good work!

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What we didn't take into account was just how hard it would be to switch gears


You need to install a clutch... :thumbsup:


On a serious note though, you guys are doing a damn fine job, and I for one am definitely grateful for what you do. The going will be tough, but at the end of it, it'll all be worth it. I wish you all a successful, stress free 2014.



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I'm probably both in a significant minority AND slightly off my rocker saying this, but I actually am encouraged every time I find the site down for maintenance. It tells me that you rockstars are fixing something else, probably something I didn't even know needed fixing, which means I'll probably never run into the problem. I guess the real joy for me is that if the site is down, well, damn, I guess instead of digging around for new mods, I guess I'll just PLAY THE GAME. Rats, and here I bought <fill in game name here> to mod, not play. Seriously, to Dark0ne, our fearless leader, and your awesome team, thank you for all the times the site gets fixed. Murphy's Law has a special place in it's dark heart for tech issues, and anyone who is still whining about the various problems needs to buy a douche, wash the sand out of their vag, and grow up. You all are champions, and the marginally intelligent and above of us all know that fixing these issues is like hydra slaying. Happy New Year, to you and your families, and I raise my scotch in your honour. Cheers.
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I have been using the Nexus for a long time now. First I used it for Oblivion some years ago and now since I finally am able to run Skyrim on my rig I fully realized how great this site really is. I am not exaggerating when I say that this website has made my life a lot better. Anybody who feels that gaming is more then just a simple hobby, or knows that video games are more then just "games" but especially those who have fallen in love with the incredible phenomenon that is called Elder Scrolls, at some point in their Live, will probably agree with me on that.


Basically just a big THX to you guys for all your effort and hard work you put in this project. Just remember that there are still a lot of us who don't take this for granted. Without you this community wouldn't be half as great. Mad props... or something like this.


...soon to be premium that is for sure...

Edited by Sven58
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