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Sentence by Sentence (extending a story)


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Create three sentences to continue story!


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With a roar the tall, thin man rushed across the bridge.


As he raced towards the monster the armour clad warrior swung his longsword at the troll.


The troll fell back with a monstrous roar of his own and deflected the sword with his great wooden club.

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Seeing that the troll managed to deflect his attack, the man rushed into a quick attack.


The troll managed to get up and grab his club from the ground.


The man tried to lure the troll with his sword and attacked with his dagger, thus stabbing the troll in the arm leaving him almost defenseless.



Cheers :thumbsup:



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But then the zombies were all killed by the man..


The necromancer and the man started a fierce battle...


The battle went on and on, but then ,something strange happened.

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Owk sorry but I had to respond....


Then the man runs to the store.. buys fallout3. imports a gun using nifskope and kills the rabbit.


But then a bigger troll came back hitting the necromancer to the far left and the N fell of the cliff.


The man grabbed the sword and dagger from the other troll and positioned his feet ready to battle..

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This time he did a Bruce Lee on the big troll.


With a wild scream of outrage he ran at the troll and leapt high in the air to deliver a mighty high kick to the monster.


But the bigger troll also knew about Bruce Lee trickery and dived below the man who went straight over the side of the bridge to splash into the river.

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Luckily the man knew the ancient Houdini trick of escaping from inside a slaughterfish (with dull rubber teeth) through air pores in its non acidic stomach


It only took him four and a half hours to do so


When he finally climbed out he found himself in a fish and chip shop in Bruma that specialised in deep fried slaughterfish (with dull rubber teeth).

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