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What is that shiny smokey thing between my legs/feet?


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Hello all! First, I'm pretty new at this, but am enjoying Skyrim on the PC and PS3. I have a love/hate relationship with the mods, but know it's merely a learning curve to get under my belt. Now to the issue I'm having: I have this strange, silver/white THING hovering in my pants or between my knees. It gives off white wisps of smoke/vapour/ectoplasm, and the whole thing is distracting, especially when I'm sneaking up on a bandit with my bow drawn. I can't see my aiming reticle. What have I done to my hero?? Is it permanent, can I remove it, or do I have to start over and avoid something/somebody? I know! I'm begging for you smart folks to have pity on a retired old guy who can't leave gaming alone. Thanks in advance. Oh, and I'm on a relatively low-end laptop (VAIO vpcf121gx).

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My character/me . . . hmmm . . . interesting question MostlyMuggle :dry: Where does one begin and the other . . . No. I won't go there. Besides, with that bloody fog surrounding my Dovakin, how can I possible tell us apart? :geek: Seriously, the problem persists, and none of the "fixes" fix it. I'm wondering if I start over with a new character if the effect will persist (due to a mod), or if it is just the current character that is so cursed. :sick:

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I've checked SkyUI, and don't see anything unusual. I've tried to run the Actor Details mod, but it doesn't save the log file. I probably have permission issues with that. Anyway, none of my digging has been fruitful, so I'm seriously considering starting over since the effect is really eating resources and messing with the frame rate. Perhaps by starting over, I can find out what causes the effect.

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