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Having weird problems with the Outcasts and Remnants mod


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To summarize the issue been able to play with minimal problems and CTDs but after talking to the Outcasts at their bunker I've been unable to go near Cambridge without crashing to desktop tried disabling but still received the same error any help would be much appreciated


(pretty big modlist so just a heads-up)

[[bakaScrapHeap.dll v1.3

BLD_Helper.dll v1
BodyPartsUI.dll v1
Buffout4.dll v1.26.2
CCExtenderF4.dll v1.2
ConsoleUtilF4.dll v1.0.1
enbhelperf4.dll v1
RobCo_Patcher.dll v1
UneducatedShooter.dll v1
[00] Fallout4.esm
[01] DLCRobot.esm
[02] DLCworkshop01.esm
[03] DLCCoast.esm
[04] DLCworkshop02.esm
[05] DLCworkshop03.esm
[06] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[07] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
[08] HUDFramework.esm
[09] XDI.esm
[0A] WorkshopFramework.esm
[0B] Z_Architect.esm
[0C] AutoUnequipPipboy.esm
[0D] Snap'n Build.esm
[0E] Homemaker.esm
[0F] SettlementKeywords.esm
[10] DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
[11] BaseIDforUniques.esm
[12] SimSettlements.esm
[13] TacticalReload.esm
[14] Scopes.esp
[15] SettleObjExpandPack.esp
[16] Thematic and Practical.esp
[17] Factor.esp
[18] RED.esp
[19] Desperados Overhaul.esp
[1A] Z_Architect_WorldManager.esp
[1B] Phase4.esp
[1C] Z_Architect_WorldManager_DLC.esp
[1D] MNO-NCRpack.esp
[1E] ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp
[1F] PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp
[20] Z_Architect_Empire.esp
[21] Better Locational Damage.esp
[22] UrbanFoodExpanded.esp
[23] GoodneighborExpanded.esp
[24] OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
[25] MojaveImports.esp
[26] VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp
[27] TheCastle_CityOnTheLake.esp
[28] Depravity.esp
[29] NamedNPCProtect+UFOpatch.esp
[2A] FaceMaxson.esp
[2B] Vault4.esp
[2C] America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp
[2D] Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
[2E] NAC.esp
[2F] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[30] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Quest.esp
[31] W.A.T.Minutemen.esp
[32] WZWildWasteland.esp
[33] BetterOpenSeason.esp
[34] Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
[35] TU3SD4Y'S Commonwealth Responders.esp
[36] Campsite.esp
[37] FortHagenParkingSettlement.esp
[38] DarkerNights.esp
[39] Gas Masks of the Wasteland.esp
[3A] InstituteStory.esp
[3B] Snappy_HouseK.esp
[3C] PrivateContract.esp
[3D] Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
[3E] Vivid Waters.esp
[3F] Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp
[40] Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
[41] DT_GunnerOutfitPack.esp
[42] MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
[43] Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_OAR_Depravity_Patch.esp
[44] 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
[45] Minutemen Supply Caches.esp
[46] officersRevolver.esp
[47] CSEPBountyMod.esp
[48] ProjectValkyrie.esp
[49] 1918bar.esp
[4A] LimaOutpost.esp
[4B] 119_settlement.esp
[4C] MREs.esp
[4D] MK_CanteensofCommonwealth.esp
[4E] Z_Architect_WorldFixes.esp
[4F] F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp
[50] 3dscopes-replacer.esp
[51] MilitarisedMinutemen_PatchesAddon.esp
[52] SD_ServiceRifle_Deadpool_Minutemen.esp
[53] ToggleFanning.esp
[54] AER15.esp
[55] DOOM1911.esp
[56] Combatrifle_Extend.esp
[57] WmkActiveEffects.esp
[58] Immersive HUD.esp
[59] Weapons of Fate.esp
[5A] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[5B] TrueGrass.esp
[5C] CompanionStatus.esp
[5D] QuickTrade.esp
[5E] Casio_W59.esp
[5F] SettlementMenuManager.esp
[60] SettleObjExpandPack-AllLightShadowEnabler.esp
[61] SWG.esp
[62] InstituteReformation.esp
[63] CourserCrusher.esp
[64] HeavyGunnerArmor.esp
[65] Quick Save.esp
[66] Smoke-able Cigars.esp
[67] Stop Eating Scrap!.esp
[68] VAFS Redux.esp
[69] BetterCompanions.esp
[6A] CriticalHitsOutsideofVATS.esp
[6B] Snappable Covenant Walls.esp
[6C] OCDecorator.esp
[6D] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[6E] P220.esp
[6F] WestTek.esp
[70] KSHairdos.esp
[71] ellen.esp
[72] M60-M60E3.esp
[73] WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
[74] llamaCompanionHeatherv2.esp
[75] StealthSuitDrk.esp
[76] AK74M.esp
[77] RCSO_RoboChefSettlementObjects.esp
[78] AmericaRising-GearOfTheEnclave.esp
[79] SSEX.esp
[7A] HuntingShotgun.esp
[7B] TFRangerGear.esp
[7C] Marine Armor Expanded.esp
[7D] FCOM.esp
[7E] Zbrn_SimSettlements_HorizonJobPlots.esp
[7F] RED-CAP.esp
[80] Alex's Bounties.esp
[81] DT_MercOutfitPack.esp
[82] Primez Military Fatigues.esp
[83] HK_MP5.esp
[84] GIAT_FAMAS.esp
[85] G36Complex.esp
[86] M1A.esp
[87] SettlementFixerBot.esp
[88] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[89] Better LOD.esp
[8A] FO4Hotkeys.esp
[8C] Ambient Wasteland.esp
[8D] NAC-2287.esp
[8E] DarkerNightsDetection.esp
[8F] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[90] Elzee Human Grab Attacks.esp
[91] Bashing killmoves enabled.esp
[92] MWHitFx.esp
[93] LureEnemies.esp
[94] MGSAiming.esp
[95] MK_Agony_non Survival.esp
[96] Savant.esp
[97] Auto Loot.esp
[98] Non-Playable Flags Patch.esp
[99] AUTO LOOT - JunkierJunk - PATCH.esp
[9A] AutoLootMan.esp
[9B] capinvestment1000.esp
[9C] Ai Tweak.esp
[9D] QualityTacticalGear.esp
[9E] TAC.esp
[9F] KCI.esp
[A0] GunnerHitSquad.esp
[A1] R97RArmorSkins.esp
[A2] TGF_TrueGrassFix.esp
[A3] fog.esp
[A4] HoloTime.esp
[A5] MNO-ServiceRifle.esp
[A6] BLUE WATM-MilM Patch.esp
[A7] MNO-CaP.esp
[A8] terso_art_sup.esp
[A9] Z_Architect_CaravanRobots.esp
[AA] MojaveImports - Combat Addon.esp
[AB] Better Bash.esp
[AC] Famas_Addon.esp
[AE] FCOM-MM.esp
[AF] Z_Horizon.esp
[b0] MK18.esp
[b1] Glock19x.esp
[b2] MilitarizedMinutemen-Horizon_PatchBlue.esp
[b3] MP5.esp
[b4] Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp
[b5] Z_Architect_Extras.esp
[b6] Z_Horizon_DLC_All.esp
[b7] Z_Horizon_StrictCarryWeight.esp
[b8] HBT - Horizon.esp
[b9] Z_Horizon_Diff_Veteran.esp
[bA] Z_Architect_EnhancedSettlements.esp
[bB] Z_Architect_OptimizedLocations.esp
[bC] Z_Architect_EnhancedSettlements_DLC.esp
[bD] Bashed Patch, 0.esp
[FE:000] KillTips_by_tooun.esl
[FE:001] IllumBillboardsAIO.esl
[FE:002] iModAlternateCinematics.esl
[FE:003] CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
[FE:004] InteriorSettlementResources.esl
[FE:005] EffortlessMovementControl.esl
[FE:006] PPF.esm
[FE:007] SSTForestFungusDelit.esl
[FE:008] New Bobbleheads.esl
[FE:009] HoldUpFix.esl
[FE:00A] Zbrn_Horizon_AutoPatch_SimSettlements.esl
[FE:00B] NCRArmourPack.esl
[FE:00C] LuckyLoot.esl
[FE:00D] tooun_Animationpack.esl
[FE:00E] SavrenX HD Vanilla Clothes Optimized.esp
[FE:00F] Flicker Fixer.esp
[FE:010] GR123 West Tek Tactical Gloves.esp
[FE:011] AUR_Rebuild_Shared.esp
[FE:012] Desperados Overhaul Terrain LOD.esp
[FE:013] AUR_RebuildCastle.esp
[FE:014] WhoIsTheGeneral.esp
[FE:015] Vault4-eXoPatch.esp
[FE:016] CovenantUnowned.esp
[FE:017] RotPP.esp
[FE:018] F4llout76 - Mutations.esp
[FE:019] ForthHagenRedRocket&Pool.esp
[FE:01A] RedRocketGlowingSeaSettlement.esp
[FE:01B] ThatsGunnerLife.esp
[FE:01C] FortHagenWarehouses.esp
[FE:01D] GoodneighborExpandedPrevisPatch.esp
[FE:01E] FortHagenBloodClinicSettlement.esp
[FE:01F] Dank_ECO.esp
[FE:020] Wasteland Water Revival - Clearly Visible.esp
[FE:021] MAGS.esp
[FE:022] MGRemesh.esp
[FE:023] K9TacticalHarness.esp
[FE:024] s99_HzAttachmentManager.esp
[FE:025] XM2010_SniperRifle_by_tooun.esp
[FE:026] EveryonesBestFriend.esp
[FE:027] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Summer.esp
[FE:028] Gas Mask Climate.esp
[FE:029] WheelMenu.esp
[FE:02A] LooksMenu.esp
[FE:02B] WDS.esp
[FE:02C] VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp
[FE:02D] MyLOD.esp
[FE:02E] Vivid Fallout - LOD.esp
[FE:02F] FAR.esp
[FE:030] BADLANDS 2 Landscape.esp
[FE:031] Vault13Canteen.esp
[FE:032] Realistic Roads - Black Asphalt.esp
[FE:033] EvilInstituteHD4K.esp
[FE:034] FO4LaserBolts.esp
[FE:035] Improved - Animated Accessible Backpack.esp
[FE:036] Extra_Tracks_Freedom.esp
[FE:037] FOVSlider.esp
[FE:038] Modern - Oakley Gloves.esp
[FE:039] 2x Search time.esp
[FE:03A] MultipleMarkerBeds.esp
[FE:03B] BLD - AI Tweaks.esp
[FE:03C] CompanionStatus-Settings.esp
[FE:03D] GeneralAtomicsSniper.esp
[FE:03E] MRE_Horizon_Patcher.esp
[FE:03F] ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
[FE:040] IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
[FE:041] OMEGA - IAF MRE Patch.esp
[FE:042] OMEGA - IAF Urban Food Expanded Patch.esp
[FE:043] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[FE:044] NPC Spawner.esp
[FE:045] ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp
[FE:046] CovenantTurrets.esp
[FE:047] Covscript.esp
[FE:048] CBBE.esp
[FE:049] Penetration Framework.esp
[FE:04A] CROSS_eyepatch.esp
[FE:04B] TrueInvisibility.esp
[FE:04C] DCRE.esp
[FE:04D] Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp
[FE:04E] P220 Animation Overhaul.esp
[FE:04F] Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
[FE:050] Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
[FE:051] Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
[FE:052] Dank_ECO-WestTek.esp
[FE:053] Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
[FE:054] DCG_faces.esp
[FE:055] FG_ReloadSounds.esp
[FE:056] RED-DanseDilemma.esp
[FE:057] FN-FAL.esp
[FE:058] MK_CanteensofCommonwealth_TheRefillPatch.esp
[FE:059] GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp
[FE:05A] [ETH] ADS Sound Replacer - Packed.esp
[FE:05B] CCV-MarineCombatArmor.esp
[FE:05C] JamesHorizonAbernathyFarms.esp
[FE:05D] JamesHorizonCoastalCottage.esp
[FE:05E] JamesHorizonCountyCrossing.esp
[FE:05F] JamesHorizonCroupManor.esp
[FE:060] JamesHorizonEgretToursMarina.esp
[FE:061] JamesHorizonFinchFarm.esp
[FE:062] JamesHorizongraygarden.esp
[FE:063] JamesHorizonGreenTopNursery.esp
[FE:064] JamesHorizonhangmanalley.esp
[FE:065] JamesHorizonJamaicaPlains.esp
[FE:066] JamesHorizonKingsportLighthouse.esp
[FE:067] JamesHorizonMurkwoodConstructionSite.esp
[FE:068] JamesHorizonNordhagenBeach.esp
[FE:069] JamesHorizonOberlandStation.esp
[FE:06A] JamesHorizonOutpostZimonja.esp
[FE:06B] JamesHorizonRedrocket.esp
[FE:06C] JamesHorizonSanctuary.esp
[FE:06D] JamesHorizonSomersvillePlace.esp
[FE:06E] JamesHorizonSpectacleIsland.esp
[FE:06F] JamesHorizonStarlight.esp
[FE:070] JamesHorizonSunshineTidings.esp
[FE:071] JamesHorizonTaffingtonBoathouse.esp
[FE:072] JamesHorizonTenpinesbluff.esp
[FE:073] JamesHorizonTheCastle.esp
[FE:074] JamesHorizonTheSlog.esp
[FE:075] JamesHorizonWarwickHomestead.esp
[FE:076] Service Rifle Irons Fix.esp
[FE:077] TacticalReloadDLC.esp
[FE:078] Modern Weapon Replacer - Sig Sauer P220 - Deliverer.esp
[FE:079] TacticalReloadVanilla.esp
[FE:07A] MysteriousMagnum.esp
[FE:07B] F4lloutNV - Killcam.esp
[FE:07C] Dank_ECO_TacticalReload.esp
[FE:07D] NVRH Enhanced.esp
[FE:07E] G36Complex_TacticalReloadPatch.esp
[FE:07F] HK_MP5_TacticalReloadPatch.esp
[FE:080] FlashbangGrenades.esp
[FE:081] Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
[FE:082] NAC-FH.esp
[FE:083] NAC-NW.esp
[FE:084] ConditionBoy.esp
[FE:085] god.esp
[FE:086] SimpleFinishersRE.esp
[FE:087] SimpleFinishersRC.esp
[FE:088] Bullet Impact Overhaul.esp
[FE:089] Physics Sound Overhaul.esp
[FE:08A] Elzee Recoil Shake.esp
[FE:08B] ECM.esp
[FE:08C] JunkierJunk.esp
[FE:08D] CMRQL.esp
[FE:08E] Keep Radiants in Commonwealth - UF4P Patch.esp
[FE:08F] ThatsGunnerLife - Original BotC.esp
[FE:090] QTG_Recipes_LightPlugin.esp
[FE:091] CHS-PC_Patch.esp
[FE:092] Insignificant Object Remover.esp
[FE:093] MNO-AssaultCarbine.esp
[FE:094] MNO-UnoctRangers.esp
[FE:095] DPSR_WTOptics_Patch.esp
[FE:096] SimpleAttackReactions.esp
[FE:097] SimpleCombatGrabs.esp
[FE:098] Elzee Human Grab Attacks - More melee styles.esp
[FE:099] StabAnim4All.esp
[FE:09A] Wana -Militarized Minutemen - IAA Backpack.esp
[FE:09B] AKM_AKMS_NWPatch.esp
[FE:09C] PRP.esp
[FE:09D] PRP-Compat-DesperadosOverhaul.esp
[FE:09E] Thuggysmurf_Optimization.esp
[FE:09F] Sinstitute_Teleport.esp
[FE:0A0] PRP-AmericaRising.esp
[FE:0A1] PRP-Crime&Punishment.esp
[FE:0A2] z_Horizon_patch_Vault4.esp
[FE:0A3] MM-Horizon-Patch.esp
[FE:0A4] WTTO-Horizon-Patch.esp
[FE:0A5] Factor Horizon Patch.esp
[FE:0A6] TF_Horizon_Patch_GasMasks.esp
[FE:0A7] Z_Horizon_Patch_Campsite.esp
[FE:0A8] Horizon_x_TAP.esp
[FE:0A9] Z_Extras.esp
[FE:0AA] MK18 Armory Project.esp
[FE:0AB] MK18 Armory Project 2.esp
[FE:0AC] MK18_Deluxe.esp
[FE:0AD] Horizon Smoke-able Cigars Patch.esp
[FE:0AE] z_Horizon_patch_AmericaRising.esp
[FE:0AF] Z_Horizon - FO76 Mutations Patch.esp
[FE:0B0] OMEGA - IAF Horizon 1.8 Patch.esp
[FE:0B1] z_Horizon_patch_ProjectValkyrie.esp
[FE:0B2] VAFS Redux Horizon Patch.esp
[FE:0B3] Horizon 3dscopes-replacer.esp
[FE:0B4] EAC-Horizon-Patch.esp
[FE:0B5] RAW INPUT.esp
[FE:0B6] MK_CanteensofCommonwealth_Horizon_Patch.esp
[FE:0B7] backpacks_horizon_westtek_comp.esp
[FE:0B8] Z_Horizon_Patch_SimSettlements.esp
[FE:0B9] Z_Horizon_Patch_CAP.esp
[FE:0BA] MojaveImportsHorizonPatch.esp
[FE:0BB] NVRH Enhanced-WestTek.esp
[FE:0BC] Glock19x_TacticalReloadPatch.esp



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry that mod list is just way to big.

Your most likely explanation is another mod altering the same cell O a R is.


On unrelated note:

Why do u have both NAC and Vivid weathers together. They are both weather mods are they not?

Also I noticed u use horizon.

Keep in my O a R was developed when Horizon was nowhere around yet so that could be a source of conflicts, it speculating but thats all most of us can do right now unless u find a guy who had the exact same issue.

(and you still might)

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Hello. The reason usually the game crash, is because

1 there are too many people at a area

2 New textures added even without a esp, to activate them. Textures conflict with the original vanilla textures. You using 2 mods for grass. i think you need to decide which mod you going to keep.

3 Some structure mods, made conflict each other even if we think they are not. The game is trying to load the textures for a area. if there 2 options and the extra vanilla option to make a building, then is going to be a problem.

4 Maybe a quest mod, make the crash for a reason.


The previous opinion is help you also. Before you use a mod, maybe is better to read the comments for each mod page and also the bugs. if a mod change how the vanilla game works, this i think is going to make conflicts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if you play pc try to use console and use "TCL" to enter the unstable area. if this work try to kill all or most npc in tcl mode in the ctd area, save and check/reload until ctd is gone. this should work if the problem is npc related and not raised by any other mod conflict.

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