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Ported on the iPad?


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I'm currently playing GTA San Andreas on the iPad, a great port, but I'd love something to really get my teeth into. Does anyone know if Bethesda have any plans to port Morrowind - or any of the others in the series - to the iPad? Seems to me that it's a missed opportunity. The iPad could certainly handle it.

Edited by KKrueger
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Or they could port it to a proper tablet, that would work too.


Anyway TES really isn't the kind of game to derp around with on the train. GTA works because you either play a mission or just crash cars for 15 minutes.


iPad isn't a proper tablet? I'm confused. What is it? A banana?


You have plenty of other RPGs available for the iPad; which would seem to set a precedent.

Edited by KKrueger
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