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Please help...Custom made follower and NPC replacer wearing 2 hairs?


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Hi i made a custom follower and NPC replacer and everything seems to be fine except when i go to give the follower or NPC a wig to wear in game they equip it on top of the default hair i gave them...the default hair doesnt unequip.


any advice appreciated.

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If you give this follower an open-face helmet (i.e. leather) - does her hair disappear or stays visible and pokes through the helmet?

If it stays visible, then her hair head part was done incorrectly, and is not partition 31 (or 131). Fixing this would require locating her head mesh and editing it in NifScope.





If helmet makes her hair disappear, then the problem is with the wig. Need to...

Change the wig mesh partition in Nifscope to 31,

In the mod that wig comes from, both ArmorAddon and Armor forms for the wig need to be changed to use slot 31.

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Thanks for the reply..Ok i checked the wig mod im using it uses slot 31 ... i also checked and edited my nif in nifskope to 131 for some reason it was set to 141..I also checked in game and when i equip the helmet the hair is visible but only under the helmet (not sticking out) ..

however there exists 2 partition under my hair unlike the pic you shared one is called



body part SBP_131_hair


the other is



body part BP_TORSO



Does the second partion have something to do with this maybe?


even after i changed from SBP_141 to SBP_131 the problem still exits.


also should i change the hairline setting to 131 also?

Edited by shoringu
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Cheres, yeah, should have mentioned that Hairline also needs to be partition 131 (31)


Now, about that partition 141... Slot 141 (41) is for 'Long Hair' So technically one can make it so when character wears a helmet, their primary hair (slot 31) disappears, but the longer parts remain visible below the helmet. Of course, that causes a problem with wigs. One solution is to edit the Armor form of the wig to include both slots 31 and 41 - then the wig will replace both 'Hair' and 'Long Hair'

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Cheres, yeah, should have mentioned that Hairline also needs to be partition 131 (31)


Now, about that partition 141... Slot 141 (41) is for 'Long Hair' So technically one can make it so when character wears a helmet, their primary hair (slot 31) disappears, but the longer parts remain visible below the helmet. Of course, that causes a problem with wigs. One solution is to edit the Armor form of the wig to include both slots 31 and 41 - then the wig will replace both 'Hair' and 'Long Hair'

awesome..thanks agian

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