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equpping body armor "transparencizes" gloves


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I'm using Luxury collection for CBBE (looks like Author removed it at some point)

item: sweet dreams dress

slots 32, 52


I'm also using Furset by Keung

Item: open finger gloves

slot 34


when I equip the dress, the gloves become transparent. They're not unequipped (are player enchanted and enchantment is still active), just transparent.


When I then unequip the dress, the gloves become visible once more


Automatically, (when they disappear), I'd figure "oh, they're using common slots, no wonder". but nope, (32,52) and (34)


Does that general symptom (unrelated item invisibility upon equipping another slotted item) light any bulbs among anyone as one of those "oh, yeah just do this" things? And of course, if so, the "do this thing" would be real helpful :wink:


thanks and sorry if I'm overlooking something obvious

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Transparent as in 'invisible' or they are still visible but translucent? If they are not unequipped, it means there is no slot overlap with Armor forms. But there is a partition overlap somewhere -either in the ArmorAddons or in the .nif models themselves.

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Transparent as in 'invisible' or they are still visible but translucent? If they are not unequipped, it means there is no slot overlap with Armor forms. But there is a partition overlap somewhere -either in the ArmorAddons or in the .nif models themselves.

open fingered gloves appear invisible while the dress is worn. No outline, no ghost. for all intents and purposes, they appear visually to be absent, although they're not.


If they are not unequipped, it means there is no slot overlap with Armor forms. But there is a partition overlap somewhere -either in the ArmorAddons or in the .nif models themselves.


Hmmm maybe that's why the luxurious collection for CBBE author pulled the mod. Oh well, thought maybe just something dumb. I can live with it, just not ideal.
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Use the Creation Kit or xEdit, either one will work. Locate the Armor and Armor Addon records of the two offending items. Make a note of the body slots assigned to each one. Load up the associated NIF files in NikSkope and see what body slot(s) are assigned to each one there.


There is a primary body slot that needs to be in all three locations or the item will fail to appear.

Secondary body slots are used to hide other parts of the body when the item is equipped.

On the Armor Addon record there is a priority value for both the male and female biped model. The lower the priority value, the more likely it will be overridden by another equipped item.


Two things to adjust and test until it behaves as desired:

  • Set the priority value of the gloves to a higher value than the dress
  • Make sure that the gloves' primary slot is not a secondary slot on the dress


One or both may be needed to ensure proper appearance of both items when worn together.


The following should help guide you: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number

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Yikes, I see a deep rabbit hole in font of me if I take this to its obsessive ends :wink:


Anyway, according to SSEEDit, it looks like both items are running with a priority of 5. I'm going to try boosting the priority to 6 for the gloves. (well for all of dozen 14 gloves the Keung's furset mod provides, since I'm already in there)


As for the dress mesh, it's cloaked by some mod-wrapper archive file (not readily identifiable to me), so hopefully the change above will do.


we shall see....


PS> the priority thing makes sense when I think about it. Sometimes the gloves appear, sometimes they don't. the dress never vanishes, but the gloves are hit and miss. (with priority 5 for each...seems a coin toss)


EDIT: Success! (well long term not sure but I can't seem to cause it to happen now, so I'm calling it success)


thanks again for your advise and the lesson in item priorities. definite eye opener. And not nearly as "painful"
as I thought it might be...


(BTW, a sidenote re: the link you provided, but I had no idea any slot numbers above ~61 were used for anything and often wonder about background things the player usually never sees.)

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