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The U.S. National debt. Ideas how to help bring it down...


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No, we are investing in OTHER countries, helping THEM grow. China, India, Malaysia, et al. And we are giving corporations tax breaks for doing so.


Eliminate the motivation to off-shore our jobs, encourage business to create jobs RIGHT HERE AT HOME, and rebuild the tax base we once had. There won't be any need to raise taxes.

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I can understand more taxes and cut "wasteful" spending but I don't think shrinking the government is the answer...


Here is the thing... Every 8 seconds a new citizen is born in the U.S. Every 12 seconds only "one" person dies. Every 40 seconds the nation has a migrant then at the same time you have to add a net gain of one person every 17 seconds.... The point is the nation as a whole isn't shrinking.


Even if you look at any business you don't see many business thrive that keep cutting their company.


A huge problem I see is our country isn't investing in anything to help it grow other than in it's military. Even stating this we seem to always find the government cutting benefits and pensions for our veterans and cutting programs that help those in need when their isn't any work available for them...


The state is not a business and nor should it try to be. Private employees make money, public ones on the whole cost money. When a public sector worker pays tax they're aren't actually contributing anything, they're just returning some of the cost. As for those in need, they cost more than those not in need and thus are going to suffer more from cuts, it's not fair but it's the reality.

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Never was saying the state should be a business but it is the "business" of the state to not let the country fall apart. Unemployment benefits actually just go right back right into the nations economy. When the government decides to just cut people off who are on unemployment those benefits are not going back into the nations economy and will actually cost more people to lose their jobs in the process... Right now roughly on average as a nation there is only one job opening for every 3 people who are on unemployment...


Roughly more than 1.3 million who are out of work have just lost their unemployment benefits and this has a domino effect on the economy. Not like the people who get unemployment benefits save it up and put it in off shore accounts, they instantly use it and put it back into the economy. Almost every economists project that the 1.3 million who are being cut off unemployment will shave about 0.4% from the 1st quarter of economic growth this year. This is hardly encouraging for private businesses to create more jobs in America....

Edited by colourwheel
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That's just the trouble. The folks in washington don't really care that the country is slowly (quickly?) sliding into the waste bin. THEY will be taken care of regardless of what happens. They have their fat nest eggs to fall back on, besideds, they are making money hand over fist at the moment, why would they want to stop?


Basically, if it doesn't DIRECTLY benefit them, they won't lift a finger.

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I don't find the argument that increasing government is the answer. It is true that to earn money, you must spend money. Every successful business does this, but government has no idea how to spend it wisely to earn money. (As for business and the economy, most are more concerned about what Obamacare is going to do with hidden taxes and such than unemployment benefits, and that is from talking to three of my friends who own businesses, not some website, or 'expert'.)

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Government cannot create jobs, nor can it create wealth. All they can do is create an environment CONDUCIVE to creating jobs in the private sector. Problem is, ours only seems to want to motivate businesses to create jobs in other countries.


What they don't seem to understand is, all those free trade agreements are NOT going to help the US economy. Sure, maybe we can get cheap products, (in more than one sense of the word....) But, no one will have a job, so they can actually afford to BUY those products. Espeically when most of those argeements are with third-world countries that have wages that are measure in dollars, or events cents.... per day.......


Lotta folks like to point at the unions, and blame high prices, and fleeing jobs on them. Well, what happened with NAFTA? Lots of auto production moved out of the country. Did auto prices get any cheaper? Nope, they went UP! It appears there is more to that particular puzzle than lower wages from 20 bucks an hour, to five bucks a day for the assembly line workers eh? Something I DID notice though, was the management bonus checks got bigger....

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So shirking the government is going to make all problems go away? I was never suggesting to increase government just for the sole purpose to make it bigger, just was simply stating the fact that the nation as a whole isn't shrinking in population. Would seem logical over time any government would need to get bigger just to keep up with population and growth of an economy... Unlike a business, McDonalds can decided to just close down a few restaurants if they aren't able to keep up with competition or other wise for other reasons. The government can't just decided to close down an entire state in the union if it isn't doing well economically....

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Never was saying the state should be a business but it is the "business" of the state to not let the country fall apart. Unemployment benefits actually just go right back right into the nations economy. When the government decides to just cut people off who are on unemployment those benefits are not going back into the nations economy and will actually cost more people to lose their jobs in the process... Right now roughly on average as a nation there is only one job opening for every 3 people who are on unemployment...


Roughly more than 1.3 million who are out of work have just lost their unemployment benefits and this has a domino effect on the economy. Not like the people who get unemployment benefits save it up and put it in off shore accounts, they instantly use it and put it back into the economy. Almost every economists project that the 1.3 million who are being cut off unemployment will shave about 0.4% from the 1st quarter of economic growth this year. This is hardly encouraging for private businesses to create more jobs in America....


Then you need to create the conditions where employers will take people on, tax breaks for investment, less regulation so a $10 an hour employee doesn't end up costing $20 an hour, shrink the state so the private sector doesn't have to compete with the public sector for workers, subsidise training, grants/loans for people wanting to set up business of their own, ect. Big state has been tried in the UK in the 70's and in the late 90's/00's and led to disaster, the French are doing it at the moment and are slipping back into recession while those E.U countries who took the medicine are picking up.


We in the west are going to have to get used to a far lower standard of living, we're all broke and will have to compete with the east if we don't want to go under.

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The United States of America is 3,537,441 square miles. The United Kingdom is 94,251 square miles. The state of Texas is bigger than the UK. Texas is 266,853 square miles. Texas is 2.8 times larger than the UK. The USA state that is roughly the same size of the UK is Michigan, but even Michigan is a little bigger. The United States of America is a 37.5 times bigger than the United Kingdom. The U.S.A. also has a population of 295,734,134 people over where as the U.K has only 60,441,457 people.

When Bush was in office between 2000 and 2008 deregulation and tax breaks as well as paying for two wars on a credit card caused America to almost fall on it's knees.... Maybe smaller government might work better for the UK but it certainly isn't the answer for the US. If at any time, it would seem right now the US needs more government to help the country back on it's feet because the private sector isn't at all that motivated to help no matter how much in tax breaks they get. If i had my own business, I don't think I would be motivated to expand and hire more knowing economic growth was going to shirk 0.4% the 1st quarter of the year and keep declining over time....

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We have an expanding deficit, and you want MORE government spending? Seriously? That is NOT going to help the economy, or our long-term financial outlook. Burying ourselves deeper in debt is NOT a good plan.


We need to get AMERICANS back to work. THAT is the solution. And NOT in government jobs.

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