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Some possible new Forum Topics?


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Possible new Forum Topics


Just some suggestions for new possible directions in the use of the forums.


Specific Fanfic Sites


Clarification Topic: Can I do? Is it okay if I? What do you mean by? Such as can I write about a mix of Oblivion and Fallout 3?


FAQ Topic: Example, how do I make friends? How many Kudos can I grant somebody

I know these questions are given in another section but it is so full of information that it can be hard to absorb at times. Anyway some questions seem to be missed or the answers are very hard to find.

I found myself giving and then taking kudos points when I first started the forum while tired late at night.


Adult Topics: not meaning just sexual etc but also at a different level of discussion.


Realm Builder: Create your own game oriented or other realm, character, guild etc as prose


Poll Games: example, where each poll question is a different horse and forum users choose which horses win?


Poll driven stories: where every first posting is a input by the topic creator and every second one is a poll created for visitors to choose the next move of the story?


Friends and Vistors Request Topic: where people can openly request to have more visitors or friends etc.


I hope some of these ideas are useful.

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