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How to change existing area in original campaign?


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Hi all,

As topic title says I want a way to modify existing area from basic campaign. I know how to use script to insert something into existed area and although I am a programmer myself, find this "method" most abominable workaround in the programming history.

So, I am looking a way "to override the existing area with a new area of my own design that duplicates the original with the exception of my additions"(Link: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Useful_Scripts#Insert_content_into_an_existing_area). I know it can "interact poorly with other add-ons". I don't care about other add-ons - in any case, I am not going to use a monstrosity called PRCSCR.

So I've tried several different approaches to override existing area. No success. For example: I've choose some area from area list - arl100ar_redcliffe_village (which should represent Redcliff), right clicked and checked out, made some minor changes (for example, added several crates to some place), saved, checked in, exported without dependencies and copied resulting arealist and .are file in override folder. No changes. :(

Am I doing something wrong, or I am missing some necessary steps? I've searched google and there is not a single tutorial about editing original game areas.


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No. You need to make new placeables like chest or crate. Add whatever items to its inventory. If the items are new items that you have created export them without dependencies. Once you've exported your items put them in your custom chest or crate. Then export your crate or chest without dependencies. Add your custom chests into the level and export the level. I would advise when your're adding custom content that if you want to bypass the 2das and do it directly to the area that you open a local copy instead of checking it out. It wont save it once you exit the toolset but it wont make a permanent change to the original. Its a much safer approach.
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Thanks for detailed explanation, but problem is putting are file in override directory doesn't seems to work. If I understand pipeline correctly - if one edits some map, exports it and puts into override folder, it will replace the original area. I've tried different locations, different ways, but still can not add anything to existing location. It seems game just ignores .are files in override directory. Either I am doing something wrong, or areas are overridden in different way, than general assets.

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Putting correctly exported files in the override should work. This may seem like a silly question, but are you testing your files with a save that meets the condition of not having previously accessed Redcliffe from the world map? An area and its components are "baked" into a save the first time the area is entered, and changes cannot be made via the method you've chosen.

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