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CK is not generating LIP file


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I don't know if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong.


I'm trying to generate the LIP file from a WAV file, but it's not showing up.


The WAV file is also Mono, 44100 Hz, 16 bit because I heard you have to have it at that.




EDIT: My bad, it's the Construction Set for Oblivion, not the Creation Kit for Skyrim.

Edited by Windwhistle
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When Bethesda updated the Construction Set to version 1.2 they broke the LIP generator. Here's links to a couple of resources for background info and solutions:


Dialogue Tutorial - The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki (look down at the My NPCs are mute! section)


LIP Template


If I'm not mistaken Contruction Set Extender is another solution.


- Edit - Ninjaed by Alenet

Edited by Striker879
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