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Fantasy books


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The Greates Fantasy of all tme is



The Belgariad series.


The author (David Eddings) spent a lot of time building this world "that never was." It is a very awesome book that always gets your attention. you can't put it down!!!


I must agree with you... The Belgariad series and the Mallorean series are both excellent books... David Eddings is now my favourite author... I just reread the books again, and they still facinate me. I have never been a fan of Lord of the Rings,... never interested me :s

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I tend toward Sci-fi more than fantasy, mostly because I detest fantasy author's habit of creating a world and then milking it for a gazillion sequels, most of which cannot be found again, or you sit with the second and fourth book and have to guess what happened in between. :P

Its okay if each book of a series can stand alone on its own two... uhm... covers?Or if I can buy the whole lot together.


Favourite of all time and forevermore is Dune -Frank Herbert.

Not the movie, not the miniseries, the book(s!).It was the last series I bothered to track down and buy each book, though I saw that his son is writing more prequels ala George Lucas.

L Ron Hubbard I also enjoy (though I think he was a egomaniac)

Of course Terry Pratchet is my first stop in any bookstore. And he's not dead! :D


I've been a fan of Anne McCaffrey since I read Dragonflight when was 12 and read everything with dragon in the title, and she definitely rates as one of my all time favourite's, though it seems she's handed Pern over to her son.


Read the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams before I read Lord of the Rings(LoR gave me a headache the first time tried to read it, I finished it a decade later :embarassed: ), remember reading something of David Eddings somewhen, maby I should look it up again...

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