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Good place for a new house/service near Whiterun?


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I've been working on a mod that adds a player service to Skyrim, a service that might get frequent visits from users, and I'm trying to figure out a good place for the service's house. I've already settled on placing it just outside Whiterun due to it's central location, and because inside Whiterun is already rather crowded, but I'm worried that it might conflict with some popular mods I'm not aware of.


The specific spot I'm looking at is down the road from the stables, a bit to the west just past all the Civil War markers. Would that be a good spot for avoiding mod conflicts, or should I try elsewhere?

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Honestly, the area in front of whiterun is one of the most heavely modded areas of the game. Everyone and their grandmother puts their s#*! there. So no matter where you put it you wi'll likely have a couple of mods conflicting with it.

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Let me guess the same area I use for my house? That others also use for their houses? I can't blame them, its not just a nice spot, but its the convenience of it being there. It's just a matter of conflicts with other great mods, and there ends up being a lot of those. But if you're mainly making this for yourself first then go for it.

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