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The problem with weightlessness


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...is that certain mods check for weight to generate needed drops. Hunterborn is a prime example, as weightless mods cause foraging or rendering a carcass to give no gains.


Fortunately, it doesn't have to be vanilla weight. This is very fortunate indeed as dragons in particular give a LOT of weighty meat and the heaviest bones and "hide" (the scales) in the game.


0.05 or 0.025 weight on everything but weapons and armor (flat weight of 5 pounds for two-hander weapons, 3 for large one-hander, 1 for dagger-size and similar outrageous-for-us-for-a-change weights for armor...


(I should add for completeness' save that I have used Wrye's "reweigh" options in the bash-file "tweak assorted" checkbox to great effect although that only provides options for Ammunition, Books, Ingestibles (minimum unfortunately... have fun with the triple-pounder Venison Chop!), Ingredients, Potions, and Staves. Crafting items, ingots, ore, Hearthfire materials, tools, miscellany, remains like everything Hunterborn provides or that heavy heavy dragon-bone... Yeah)

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> player.modav carryweight 20000 always works for me, but even I'll admit it's as bit .... erm... um... unrealistic.


There's also a magical medallion called the Expedition Necklace that adds a 9K carryweight necklace you can wear to maintain some semblance of immersion.


And of course Vidani's Bag of Holding, that cloaks any item's weight that's deposited into it.

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Oh, I have no problem with changing my Carryweight. I'm saying that the weights of things tend to be almost as stupid as the inconsistencies of scrap in Fallout 4 (and virtually nothing in existence is THAT stupid!)


No, I'm doing this topic so the authors of weightless mods can make extremely low-weight mods instead for the Hunterborn crowd.


Immersive Cheat Menu has in-MCM options to rig up more experienced/skilled characters (although I avoid those; most times they are setav which fail to further advance as you progress) and one of the variables to improve is, Glory Hallelujah, carry weight! So I'm set.

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