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Weird flat exterior textures


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No. It happened to me even in clear weather. Apparently, it is a problem with LOD textures remaining when they should not. Happened in other places. Some buildings looked strange. The trader building in Riverwood, when it happened the door didn't show as it was hidden under wall texture but it could still be activated. Other places were odd also but always exteriors never inside. Anyway if you have that problem try the two fixes mentioned.

Change Distant Object Detail on the View Distance tab of the Advanced options of the games launcher from Ultra to High. 
Alternatively try just slightly changing the value fBlockLevel0Distance=60000 in SkyrimPrefs.ini to 57000 or try this mod.
LOD Unloading Bug Fix at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community


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Oh...so you're forcing a situation where things get ugly. I see.

Nah. I use community shaders. real storms, real clouds, etc.,  and the only time I ever see any 'graying' is during inclement weather, kinda like real life in the fall and early spring

idk maybe there's something wrong with your game, but I'm not seeing it from your snapshot

in any case, good luck. I'm afraid I can't help with what *you* are experiencing, based on a snapshot taken during a rain storm with only a text description to back it up.

Post your load order and/or mod-list in a spoiler tag. Maybe I or some other reader will spot something

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