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Flyable jets mod?


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Well I saw a Korean war era Shootingstar jet in game and immediatly rememberd how I could have a flying dragon mod and flying ship mod in Oblivion, so why not this?




I know about the driveable Motorcycle mod, but this sounds like just as good an idea if you ask me. Perfect for the huge world. ;) Like I said, the plane is in game, but it needs to be scripted basically.

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Honestly I wouldn't care if it was a helium lifted slow glider lol. The akatosh mount could glide and hover too. I dont care about compromising power or speed for the game engines' sake.


For the controlls, simply look up to rise up, and look down to decend., WASD for forward, backwards, left and right respectively.

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Blimp or "Hover" car made from the car models in game sounds better.The cars could hover and transport you across the level just fast enough without caussing lag spikes in the game.


Heck who dont lik,e hover cars after watching Back to the Future II? ;)

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