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The Triple Invasions


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Installment Ten


Mahargrah and Mahagastle were busy decorating the large greeting hall in the Southern Keep.


Mahargrah Two was travelling with Queen Shejoy II and her force to Fort Highfight.


To the group led by the UI-Tuli Clone-Sisterhood came a tall robed figure, an elegant elf man with pale grey skin, eyes and long silken hair. Beneath his robe was dark grey scale-armour and boots. He carried a wizard-staff in his right hand. Examing the group with a half smile at the entrance to the chamber, he then spoke in the common language of Tamriel. "I am Veshi'Ari of the Mahamer who descended from the Aldmer themselves, coming to exist in Castle Maharg to live and serve here, to serve Mahargastle and Mahargrah but not blindly so but in a semiautonomous fashion."


Then he came deeper into the chamber and smiled now more fully. "When Mahargrah was attacked treacherously by many whom he trusted, when Mahargastle was laid siege to by powerful once friendly forces, they and their true followers, friends and allies won the day but at high cost. Mahargrah and Mahargastle both had to sleep deeply for restoration, regeneration and rejuvenation. Many sought and found refuge here but also came here seeds of treachery that were expected and planned for."


UI'Tuli-13 stepped forward to greet this stranger. "Mahargrah One and Mahargastle are under the influence of secret treacherous evil."


The figure turned to her. "Yes and no! The influence comes from traitors dwelling deep here inside the magical depths of Mahargastle. One of the ancient dwellers here, one of the Lords of Deep Power, has forgotten himself, has forgotten his true purpose, has sought to abuse his power under the subtle influence of an outside evil. There are Nine Lords and Nine Ladies of Deep Power here in the Castle Maharg Core."


A soft shiver ran through the chamber.


The Mahamer looked around as the snake slithered up to him, smiled and crouched so she could more easily coil around him and snuggle up to him. Then he stood up and spoke while gently stroking her large head. "Are you all well rested and otherwise ready to go? It would be best if we headed out soon for danger approaches."


All but a few items were already packed in the handcarts. The animals, ever-babies and clone-sisters had everything quickly ready to move and things were organised as before. They set out soon and descended down a series of rampway tunnels, through some great power-doors that hummed slowly open and then closed behind them, into areas still large and open but gloomier and mustier.


They passed rows of massive statues of seated figures set into great alcoves. On their left were women with one bare breast each and their right with bare chests though both wore robes. Each held a great staff topped with a great glowing crystal. There were nine of each figure. They represented the Nine Lords and Ladies of Deep Power who served the Purpose of Mahargrah and Mahargastle.


Then he led them to another great chamber where on either side were four great stone figures and before them just one. They were the Nine Divines but the statues had cracks running up and over them, seemed to be crumbling away.


The figure turned to them and he grinned, he shimmered and changed shape growing taller and broader. His robes turned black streaked with blood red. His teeth expanded into long white fangs and his eyes became bloodshot red. Then he spoke with silky sharp hardness, gently evil of tone. "Firstly I will kill this stupid snake creature that is so gullible as to want to hug a Lich-Lord in Followership to Deep Lord Drakulas. Others like me are alla round us. We will destroy you and we will stop doing what ever it was that you were going to do in order to assist Mahargrah and Mahargastle."


But then the Lich-Lord screamed in agony as the amazing snake creature began to glow with flamelight energies and squeezed him. His body burned away as if by amazingly fast spontaneous combustion. Then only his robes and other items hit the ground. The snake slithered over to a clone and was welcomed to wrap herself around UI'Tuli-04.


The sounds of fighting came to them, the sounds of magic and magical weapons clashing, the curses and shouts of fighters, the shouted incantations of mages and then the scream of another dying Lich-Lord. Then maha-amazons were rushing into the chamber with white-gold trident-swords and disk shaped magical jet-shields. The jet-shields could fire short ranged jets of destructive magical energies at a foe being flamelight energies. The five tall fighting women, beautiful and graceful, moved to protective positions with the group.


One turned to UI'Tuli-13 and spoke. "This is a place of lies and the Lich-Lord lied to you. None of the Lords and Ladies of the Deep Power turned against Mahargrah and Mahargastle though in some ways they had the best reasons for doing so. These false statues of the Nine Divines are statements of the anger that the Lords and Ladies of the Deep Power feel for the Nine Divines thanks to an amazingly ancient dispute between them. Five Lich-Lords came from the Abandonded Zone even deeper below us in the distorted magical depths of the magical living castle. They brought an army of skels and zombies with them but as they passed through various security-safety zones the zombies and skels were destroyed leaving only the Lich-Lords themselves. Further one a Lich-Lord was destroyed by a swarm of flamelight-elementals. The Lich-Lords would not have gotten so far but they the castle's various internal defence-security barriers and other modes have been weakened."


A tall gray cloaked figure, elegantly beautiful and emanating a calm strength, came into the chamber. He held a tall grey wooden staff topped with a glowing flamelight crystal and he looked around with concern. Then he spoke. "I am the real Veshi'Ari of the Mahamer and when the Lich-Lord foolishly tried to pretend to be me he at once alerted me to his being here and to his intentions. At once I came here with other Mahamer and on the way we met up with a force of maha-amazons and maha-gargoyles seeking to find you and to better protect you."


The fighting was going on. A maha-gargoyle roared a battle cry of rage. A Lich-Lord died. Then it became much quieter.


UI'Tuli-13 bowed briefly. "I have the odd impression that the rift between the Twelve of Deep Power and the Nine Divines needs to be fixed for the other problems to be more easily resolved."


Veshi'Ari looked around at the crumbling statues. "When the realm of reality and life was created, the mortal plain, the Lords and Ladies of Deep Power were entities of immortality, of partial creation, of the flotsom and jetsom of the mystical, the mythical, the supernatural, the metaphysical. The creation the mortal plain and life on that new plain of existence dragged the Twelve of Deep Power into a new form of existence halfway between the old and the new. Seeking sanctury they created the Sanctuary Zone in its earliest and most basic form which was Mahargastle though she did not have that name them. In the depths here they truly became the Lords and Ladies of Deep Power but they had lost their old freedom, their old nomadic joy of sweeping across a vast eternity of possibilities, fantasies and other forms of existence unable to be described in words. Though the Nine Divines never intended for this to happen, the anger has never been resolved."


UI'Tuli-13 nodded thoughtfully. "Who created the Daedra and why does that question now come to me?"


The tall elegant elf turned to her and spoke. "The Daedra formed out of the very process of creation of the Mortal Realms but though that is an explation of sorts it does leave many questions; none have truly formed a better explanation, not even the Daedra themselves. Both the Nine Divines and the Daedra have powerful subtle links with Mahargrah and with Mahargastle but so do the others but this is not the time or place to speak of them. We must depart for more danger approaches though this time it is not of the undead sort. Our next destination is not too far away and it will surprise you or at least it did me when I first encountered it; back then I had arrogantly assumed that this amazing place could no longer do so."


To be continued!






:drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag:

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:banana: :banana: :banana: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:


Installment Eleven


The young Empress Evenia Septim stood on the top of the Imperial Exile Castle, grand and imposing, that dominated the tip of the point of land known now as Empress Point. Down on the rocks far below seals were gathered with their young. There were seagulls and other sea birds. Large red crabs could be seen scuttling over rocks. It was all protected by the Empress.


The castle was built to defend against sea, land, underland and air attacks along with magical bombardments, but it was surprisingly ornate for all of that. Grand statues of the Nine Divines, of famous figures from Tamriellan history, of mythology, of other oftnen surprising subjects, were to be seen projecting back of and above the battlements proper. There were plenty of gargoyles that had a not so secret secondary purpose as now and then one would scratch behind an ear or yawn or stretch. Indeed a smaller younger gargoyle crouched next to her grinning as she scratched it behind one big ear.


They were on the Cyrodilin Island of Cyrodiillia. The island was of the Inner Circle of Islands of the Sanctuary Archipelago. Next to them was Kamelot where the magical medieval culture believed in just one god but had a whole host of demigods, angels and actual living gods and goddesses. The god was the Trinity of God, the Goddess and the Holy Spirit. Of this God was father and son. Of this Goddess was mother and daughter. Holy Spirit was the essense of faith and the holy magic of the faith.


This was all fine when the Kamelotins had kept to their own lands, being poorly tolerant of anybody else's faiths or any of their own questioning the orthodox doctrines of the Zatholic Templedom. The Zatholics had allowed for enclaves where non-orthodox and other non-Zatholics could exist in peace and had not wanted to go beyond their territorial seas to push their views. But then had come the Purificators followed by the Purges and then the Inquisition. Finally the Holy Crusades had been launched firstly against Cyrodiillia.


In the distance were great magical war-galleys of the Kamelotin Royal Navy and many more smaller non-magical galleys of the Holy Crusaders, an army made up mostly of lower ranking knights, peasant soldiers, second rate mages, poor fanatical priests and hangers-on.


The Empress was beautiful, sexy and powerful in her light golden silver armour and she carried a great lance glimmering with power. She was almost identical to the appearance of Queen Shejoy II but younger.


She was not alone. Apart from the gagoyle there was a tall elegant wizard stood next to her being Merlin himself who had fled from Kamelot when King Arthur XI had ordered his arrest and execution on clearly trumped up charges. He was very calm and quite handsome for an ancient old man who was part mortal human, part immortal human, part living god, part dragon and part redemptive devil.


Merlin spoke. "The trap is for you, Empress. The Crusaders will come towards the castle first and be slaughtered by castle magic but that is what the Purificators want. They need holy matyrs because most Kamalotins have no desire to join the Crusades. The death of so many foolish people, including many women and men, will make fine matyrs for the Holy Cause of the Great Purification, the Grand Conversion of Faith, the Holy Crusades and God's Gathering of Gifts. The last will be no less than the Zatholic sanctioned mass enslaving of invaded peoples and wholesale looting of invaded territories, the wealth to mainly going to the Zatholic Templedom itself. As for poor old mad King Arthur XI he is senile and should now long be replaced by his son King Aurthur XII. But false charges of unholiness and dabbling in black magic had caused Prince Arthur to flee with his followers and others to the Citystate of Bongocongo on the coast of the Southern Continent. Odd but friendly place is Bongocongo. I went there myself once. Very exciting, if not too exciting, and very friendly as long as one follows the strict laws of mutual and open tolerance." :whistling:


The Empress nodded and smiled at Merlin. "We know this but thank you Merlin for coming to warn us. What would you suggest we do?"


Merlin smiled warmly and charmingly. "Why allow them to land and make a fortified beach-head. Force them to remain there and slowly destroy them."


Empress Evenia Septim frowned at him. "Surely such would make them seem at least partly victorious and become fine matyrs?"


Then he smiled condescendingly at her and patted her on one shapely buttock. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about that."


The young gargoyle winced and closed its eyes knowing what would come next. The young Empress whipped out a silvery knife and stabbed the fake Merlin right in the solar plexus. The false, overly handsome Merlin screamed in agony and burned away, his robes and other gear falling onto the ground, for he had been a demon, a doppleganger.


There was a sparkling shimmer and the real Merlin came out of nothingness to stand beside her. He was not handsome but he was striking and somehow charming. He stood tall with half of his facing of green and half dusky white. His eyes were of amazing emerald green. A long dragonish tail flicked out from the back of him. He could change his appearance and did often make his way as a tall handsome man when in Kamelot.


She scowled. "No man or demon touches the Imperial bum unless first given permission to and rarely will that be given. As for the words, what an amazing fool the demon was to utter them. No woman should have to deal with such. We will folow your plan of using magic to gently but firmly hold off the Crusaders until they return, humiliated and in a physical mess, to home. If they try to invade another land, then we will intervene otherwise. The rest is up to you, Merlin, for these are your people and for now they are yet to enter the actual home territories of Cyrodillia."


He sighed and then he grinned. "Demons are often asexual, know nothing of sexual relations, and that one probably got his information from a fool man of some kind of dark sorcerer or necromancer or such like. The demon itself would not care much for your bum, at least not in any sexual manner, or assume you were less intelligent because you were female. Which gives us, perhaps, a clue to the nature of the one who sent him here to mislead and then assassinate you. As for these poor fools of Crusaders, these exploited ones, I have already sent spells at them of enhanced claustrophobia, enhanced sea sickness, healthy but rotten tasting food, horrible sinking feelings, horrible dreams of sinking, enhanced body odour, enhanced irritability, enhanced inapproriate activity and enhanced snoring."


She smiled. "Can you add a spell of enhanced home sickness?"


"Excellent!" He nodded. "I can and I will do so at once." He focused and clapped his hands together. There was a brief flash of purple blue red light around his hands.


She sighed. "I wish all victories could be bloodless."


At that he nodded. "I heartily agree, Empress, I heartily agree."


To be continued!


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Installment Twelve


K'Martina had brought out a table, brushed it clean and lain out various maps and sheets of information on it. Stacks of books, scroll-books, thin metal tablets and scrolls that were often in scroll-holders, were heaped in corners of the table.


But she was looking at the boat that now lay in a newly made boat cradle of fine wood. The boat was now a white-golden metallic vessel, a small magical transport that could act as a boat of fly or go underwater for it had a glassy transparent tear drop shaped bubble over its true tear shaped hull and deck. It could do far more but doing so drained a large amount of energy.


She spoke to the two ghosts who were slowly dancing around the place. "Mahagrah, one of my fathers, gave this to me along with the armour and many other items in the chamber because he knew that one day I would need them not only to carry out my true purpose but to, more importantly, to stay alive, to live as good as life as possible."


She turned around and strode over to stop before the map table. "The Secret Order of the Kurikondi has become corrupted, dark led and murderous as has the Secret Eye and the Secret Academy. The Emperor is even losing support inside the Imperial Court. Yet he only rants and raves on the telereflectors while staying firmly locked away and isolated inside his private bunker." She paused in thought before speaking again. "As of Kurikonddor itself, well just over two thirds of it are now controlled by the rebels who have instigated their own provisional government. Fighting is going on in about half of the last third and the the rest of that third is the Imperial Court and its surround fortified areas that are constantly under attack by rebel raiders and infiltrators as well as local sympathisers. The Imperial Court is slowly but steadily being defeated."


She shook her head in frustration. "A secret trade between the Imperial Court of Kurikonddor and the Cyrodilin Imperial Leadership Council. The corrupting darkness of the Kurikondi Emperor and the Cyrodilin Imperial Steward, both whom seemed to have started out fine and become darker."


"Perhaps you need assistance? Perhaps there are those who can help you as individuals or groups?" Old Juve spoke as the couple kept dancing some old style ballroom dance to music only they could hear. "Since your mother seemingly betrayed you as a child you have not fully trusted anybody. You even doubted us until you sensed the true nature of the wraiths pretending to be us and cleverly tested them with your words to see if they knew what they should know, just to confirm it was not us. You did not need such confirmation. Your suspicion of everybody was why you were a succesful assassin of the Secret Fist for a short while. You were Prince Angeliz Jugojazo's plaything for some days until you gained access to the main base of the Secret Fist. You tortured and killed him and opened a secret escape tunnel so that hundreds of rebel infiltrators flooded into the base. We know this because one of the infiltrators managed to identify you despite your use of disguising magic, a hooded robe, shadow and an eye-mask. The projecting of datacrystals further proved that you served as a Secret Fist assassin and that you killed five rivals of power to Prince Angeliz Jugojazo. One of those was actually a rebel leader, a man of fine standing."


At that K'Martina glared at the pair. "Do you speak of K'Darl Selecudus. He was a double-agent in pay not of the Secret Fist but of the much peverted Princess K'Sabro Jugojazo, the older sister to Prince Angeliz Jugojazo, a woman who hated him because of the dark acts of violation he did to her when she was barely into her twenties. To make somebody like her be revolted and turn to hatred they must have been vile acts indeed."


The two ghosts ceased dancing and solemly studied her. She spoke this time. "The Imperial Court of the Kurikondi has truly become warped but what he did to her was to murder her extra special pleasurable comapanion dogs, as she called them, and truly I do not want to speak of what she meant by that. Perhaps in her own way she did love them but to anybody but her they were brutal killers and she once amused herself by having them attack and murder one of Prince Angeliz Jugojazo's many mistresses. She now runs the Secret Fist and has made it smarter, more cunning, more subtle and more lethal than her older brother ever could have. There are rebel leaders who accuse you of doing her bidding to kill her older brother in exchange for a chance to come to Tamriel. That is a terrible accusation."


K'Martina shrugged. "It is true! I did the bidding of Princess K'Sabro Jugojazo and I killed K'Darl Selecudus to convince Prince Angeliz Jugojazo that he could trust me for had I not killed a double agent secretly serving Princess K'Sabro Jugojazo? That is how I finally escaped from the Imperial Court to where I was taken against my will as a child. I grew up hard and harsh. Do not try to judge me! I have lost much. Now I learn those wonderfully happy and vivid dreams of escape, yes I now remember them, were magical realism, were supposed to be some kind of compensations for my damned real life. Now I know this I no longer wish to sleep, to dream."


Old Juve nodded. "We know enough of the New Imperial Court that was shifted to become a city in its own right, to know that it is a horror though we only visited it years before I was assassinated by Secret Fist Assassins and my dear brother got blindly drunk out of grief, he was not used to drinking so much hard liquer, and fell to his death."


At that the Kurikondi woman frowned. "To find this chamber I had to go behind a wall tapestry that concealed the entrance to it. There was dust on the stairs down to here and on the floor here as if nobody had come down here for a long time and the door to the stairs was locked. Yet when I asked the Sisterhood Compassionate about the room they indicated it was fairly well used and that they used it as a storage room for maybe one day useful items. To think on it, none of the Sisterhood Compassionate ever mentioned you."


Old Juve sighed. "Wrong room. You chose to come down stairs in the dimly lit alcove behind the tapestry but if you had walked straight with more light you would have come to a surprisingly wide door to another chamber, one even bigger than this with many supporting pillars, that is actually full of junk and semijunk plus some actually useful things. It really is quite fascinating and I go up there some times myself to peek around the place. That is the actual chamber the sisters were speaking of."


He went on. "Sometimes I manage to ghostly magic small useful items down through the floor to this chamber since it is above this chamber. That chamber is typically Cyrodilin though and much more modern than this one though still very old. Down here the Sisterhood Compassionate has not come since my death and the few who knew I was here have forgotten about me, have been killed or have retired to the Sisterhood Compassionate Convent. The majority who forgot about me did so because of magic, the magic of a Mother Compassionate when she learned who I truly was and decided that by doing so she would keep both me safe and the sisterhood safe from both the Secret Order and Secret Fist of the Kurikondi Imperial Court. Tragically she was killed by a runaway horse though some say it was a normally placid horse caused to go suddenly mad, for no evident good reason, with the use of dark magic."


K'Martina yawned and stretched. She frowned and shook herself, took up a flask of special awake keeping serum she had made herself, took a small gulp, sealed it and put the flask away carefully. Then a look of surprise came to her face and she closed her eyes, fell asleep and then fell backwards. Between them the two ghosts managed to catch her and slow her fall so she only hit the rock floor gently. She was damned heavier than she looked to be. Together they slipped a blanket over her and put a cushion under her head. Then they sat cross legged on the hard rock floor and watched her patiently and carefully.


Bravenheart strode into the chamber, looked at K'Martina and the ghosts briefly, then began to go around and carefully remove all the supposedly holy wards and other emblems that K'Martina had put there. The symbols had not been evil but simply wrong, each having a small but important fault that somehow K'Martina had overlooked despite her great training, skills and experience in such matters.


For K'Martina, like one of her fathers who was Mahargrah, was taken over by dark magical psychic forces. She had been so when she had been inside the main base of the Secret Fist and had walked into a very evil magical chamber, a chamber that had ceased to exist as soon as she had become possessed for that was its only reason for existence. Yet it had been very old and very well hidden from the Kurikondi of the Secret Fist who had taken over the ancient deep underground complex. The underground complex was blandly and basically but efficiently made as if those who had designed and built it wished to leave no hint at all to who or what had done so. It was as if it was built for the Secret Fist to much later discover, move into and somehow bring K'Martina there.


Almost as if those ancient long ago designer builders had known what would happen.


Bravenheart carefully drew then holy emblems, magical emblems and universal markings. Only after that did he sit down with the others and carefully place K'Martina's head in his lap for he was one of her nine fathers.


To be continued!


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:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:






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Installment Fifteen


Whirling his horse around, Mahagronan rraised his trident-greatsword and unleashed from its prong-blades twin pulses of blazing flamelight. The pulses zeroed in onto the same distant point but struck before that a vampire-knight. It was fair into daylight but the undead were shrouded in protective magical mist against the sunshine and bore magical antisolar amulets around their necks. This did not protect this undead knight from true death as he screamed in agony and his body burned away with amazing speed. The knight's steed, not a natural horse but a zombie in its own right, snarled with fanged teeth but was then burned away.


Queen Shejoy II raised her exotic magical sword and summoned forth another sword-elemental. This was another shimmering vaguely humanoid shape of softly glowing flamelight mist using a double handed greatsword. Now five sword-elementals were slashing and stabbing, parrying and deflecting. She smiled but had to keep her focus through the sword to keep all the sword-elementals effective.


They had been forced to seek out the hamlet of Bridgeway that made much of its monies gaining tolls for a large old stone bridge but which proudly kept maintained that bridge. The bridge was a quicker way to get to Fort Highfight otherwise they would need to go a route that would extend the journey many days.


On the way to Bridgeway they had picked up three fair sized groups of local warriors with fair experience, training and equipment between them. They had also ambushed a scouting party of the Northern Duke's mercenaries. The mercs were tough, experienced and skilled but they were strangers in the area. The horses were captured as were spare saddle-horses and pack-horses.


Now, though, they were fighting a large force of the undead, perhaps the very one that had been attacking rebels there in the Northern High part of the Valleyland. No mercenaries were with this group or anything else that was not undead. The fighting swirled around a half collapsed watch-tower of some long forgotten petty kingdom. Perhaps there had been a settlement there but it had long ago vanished into the forests. Vampire, zombor, semivampiric knights and foot-knights led foot-soldiers of the same kinds along with controlled hosts of zombies and skels.

On the other side were humans, dwarns, centaurs and Vashari who had become fightig magical dog creatures along with dogmans of various kinds. The fighting was savage and the Queen's forces were outnumbered but the enemy forces were mostly basic skels and zombies.

From the forest shot darts, arrows, bolts and magical projectiles from small fast agile moving brownies who normally did not get involved in the affairs of 'big-ones' but who hated the undead.


Queen Shejoy II called forth the special weapons of fifteen flamelighters, fifteen magic-minicannons and an odd mixture of magical weapon mechanisms. Her people had gathered them up from the more exotic arsenals of her castle that lay at the centre of the royal capital city. Magical clockwork-catipulters hurled glistening crystal sphere that exploded into flames and flaming shrapnel. Flameligher pulses of flamelight exploded through the ranks of lesser undead. Set up on tripods, the magic-minicannons thundered and hurled minicanon balls that smashed through zombie steeds and their riding, mowing down skels and zombies.


It seemed that the tide had turned.


When out of the forests came tall dark green robed figures holding not druidic but evil zruidic staffs of permanently rotting but stable wood, the dark side of nature twisted into true evil and even a form of undeath. Kurikanzi had once been druidic people, had once been Kurikodi, but they had become rejected and sundered by the far more numerous majority of the Kurikondi. With the zruids came other Kurikanzi being zruidic warriors, dark mages, warriors and whip-masters. The whip-masters used cruel magical whips to control undead scarescrow like skarekri of ever rotting vegetation based around skeletons of ever rotting wood. This second army swarmed out of the woods and the brownies in that area shot them with magical projectiles, darts and arrows.


Some Kurikanzi shapeshifted and became distorted blood red and black monsters like squat faced vaguely wolf like gargoyles complete with wings. As they raced roaring and snarling at the defenders magical projectiles of blood-fire that left behind thin trails of black toxic smoke. These projectile exploded horribly and blasted down the queen's people.


Queen Shejay II turned to the second Marhagrah and frowned. "You said come to this place and we would surely win against the undead. Now the Kurikanzi swarm at us from nowhere and all we have at our centre is a crumbling mess of a tower."


He smiled at her, turned and raised a hand towards the big old crumbling tower. "Let truth be revealed, cloak be removed and guardianship regained."


With a sparkling shimmer the old tower transformed, growing taller and broader, growing metallic white-gold and twisting into exotic crown like a top like some kind of small castle tower, the Guardian-Tower formed. Even as it formed out of its old solid illusionary shape, the white-gold spikes began spitting hundreds of pules of flamelight at the two enemy armies and dozens of silverlight magical arrows of energy that were guided roughly towards their targets.


The undead forces screamed, cried out in shock and pain, tried to flee or just kept on blindly attacking. Row after row, cluster after cluster, burned away. It was enough to turn the victory to Queen Shejoy II. Kurikanzi or other undead forces, they began to turn except the basic undead creatures, to rush away from certain death and damnation. But at the base of the Guardian-Tower opened eight neatly spaced doubl-doors and through each rushed flamelight-elementals and silverlight-elementors. The flamelight vague humanoid shapes and silverlight shimmering spheres chased the running zruidic fools and the other undead.


Queen Shejoy II smiled. "Nicely done. We could use plenty of these."


Mahagronan nodded. "Then it is a good thing that three thousand three hundred and thirty-three Guardian-Towers have become active through out the Sanctuary Archipelago plus one, the disguised Controlling Guardian-Tower. They will often move semirandomly from place to place, they will destroy the undead and the demonic, they will protect against other dark acts. They will serve other positive needs of people. Yet they are limited in their power and they can only do so much against the threat that lies behind many threats across the Sanctuary Zone and Tamriel."


The monarch watched as her own forces helped to slaughter the last of the undead. "The Guardian-Towers give us more hope for victory. As for threats, what can we do but deal now with the more immediate ones that threaten us?"


Mahagronan sighed. "We must deal with both for the secret dread threat causing all the lesser threats to emerge, to strike out against the Known World, will continue to do so unless we manage to truly identify it, to know it and to nullify it one way or the other. As for now, if I utilise the Guardian-Tower here in the proper manner we can use it to travel instantly to the Guardian-Tower that is just five and a fourth kilometres from Fort Highfight."


To be continued!










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Installment Seventeen


Mahargrah One sighed heavily and then so did Mahargastle. Then they both sighed together.


They had stripped clean the Grand Greeting Hall of the Southern Keep of Castle Maharg but all the stuff, even the paint, was magically transferred to the now existing Secondary Greeting Hall where fake wooden palm-trees, fake fur rugs and other obviously fake props competed with amazing arrays of colours, furniture and fittings. Black and white polka dotted areas of floor lay next to magical book-trees growing the heavily translated poetry of Edgar Edgari Edgariseum, the thoughtful ramblings of Professor Kneekissing Opulis, the witty saying of Dullas Dullwas and other such great works. Some goblins had snuck into the chamber, which was wide open to anybody except with magic screens to keep out cold air and nasty biting bugs, had foolishly started to read the books and very quickly fallen into deep slumbers full of strangely confusing dreams. They had warned others not to do the same thing.


The gobgoblins were happily gone, having been sent off to do normal soldier duties at Fort Highfight. Why there Mahargrah had no real idea but he did not care. Sending the fifty gobgoblins there was just an impulse and he wanted to focus on the grey walls, grey pillars, grey ceiling and grey floor.


He spoke carefully. "Do you think that it could use a tad more grey to blend nicely in with all that other grey, unless it clashes of course and we can't have that, can we?"


Mahargastle sighed. "You know I think some big grey statues of gloriously brave Paladins would lighten up the place, especially if they were holding great big lamps."


Mahargrah did a little jig, twirled around on his left booted foot and then bowed to the air. He then did a backwards flip, landed on his booted feet and nodded solemly. "Good idea but why not make the lamps in the shape of great sword blades of greatswords held by each female or male knight. I mean very bright light, the sort of light that burns away the undead and exposes demons for what they are and even shows up those who are possessed, willing or unwillingly so?"


Mahargastle laughed crazily, giggled and blew a great disgusting noise that naturally she could not make. "Yes, don't want no horrible demons or undead getting into our lovely Great Greeting Hall. Why they would muck up the carpets, if there were any."


The tall figure in his coveralls and boots looked around. "Something is wrong, I can feel it, something is very terribly wrong, I can really feel it. Do you also have an itch you can not scratch?"


Mahargastle. "Yes but only because I have no hands."


He nodded solemly. "Yes, you speak wisdom my beloved loveliness of lovable loving."


Mahargastle giggled. "Oh you, you only say that because its true!"


He grinned and said. "Okey, put the statues into place right now."


She did so with a great sparkling shimmer the statues appeared in a row on each wall with enough space for four great closed double doors, one set on each wall. The great blades glowed with amazing sharpness and brightness. The great chamber was flooded with light of many frequencies.


Mahargrah screamed, he burned away into ash that piled up neatly on the floor.


Mahargastle. "Well now, do I feel just a tad foolish. Sorry about that my beloved Mahargrah! Now who is going to help me do all of this decorating?"


To be continued!

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