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Interior lighting problem - Ingame lighting is different to Creation Kit


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Im stuck with an interior lighting problem, dilemma. I can't find out why the creation kit display lighting different to ingame. The lighting is off, very bright and far from what i see in the CK.


I have one file attached which should showcase my problem. the upper two pictures show the CK view and the lower the ingame view. The brighter picture on the upper left is because the sky lighting was enabled, the right has it disabled. The lower picture, next to the total bright lighting, has total different shadow etc.




The lights i used are default vanilla fungus green lights. The cell is the UFOCrashSite01 Cave.


  • Player around default vanilla imagespace and modifed - nothing
  • Enabled sky lighting and disabled - nothing
  • Used default and modified fog setting - nothing
  • Ambient lighting on/off - nothing
  • Directional lighting xyz - nothing

im out of ideas where to search.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edit history:

  1. The real crazy s#*! is that even the save images show the correct lighting (upper right).
  2. Comparing and adjusting the INI files (Creation Kit, Ingame FO4) didnt change anything.
  3. Alright, turns out this one here works like a charm (!) 
    shp 4.0,0.02,0.02,0.65,0.2,0.9,1.5,3.6,2.0

Edited by Qrsr
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