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Downloads won't start, even manual.


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Country: Canada

ISP: Primus

491 Mbps Down <- Toronto (29 Up average, 8ms latency)

When I click free download it sits there with a "waiting for api.permutive.com" in the bottom left (chrome browser, adblock removed, firewall open, antivirus on pause, privacy checked, etc)

I then get to a page that sais " This site can't be reached. supporter-files.nexus-cdn.com took too long to respond"

I've tried with Edge, Opera, and even reinstalled Chrome entirely

I'm on Windows 10 most recent update as of yesterday.


If you need further information, I'm not sure I can provide it without the download at least starting. And I can't try the download with Vortex option or it's diagnostic tools until I can actually download Vortex which is what I'm having trouble doing at the moment.


I'll try to answer anything else I can. I appreciate any halp you can provide.

Thanks kindly.


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To me, this sounds like either your ISP is blocking your connection to our download server or there is something funky going on with your router config which is blacklisting the site.


Do you have a phone? Can you by any chance try downloading a mod through your browser on your phone?


Try with your phone on your home wifi and if that doesn't work, try using your phone network (i.e. turn wifi off and use your phone data - obviously pick a small file for this unless you have unlimited data on your phone!). Does it work on both the wifi and the phone data? On one? On neither? Please share the results.


If it works on your phone data but not on your wifi, this would suggest something is going on with your ISP or your home network setup. You can test this even further by (if possible) tethering your phone data to your computer and then trying to download a file from your computer. Does it now work? If so - it's definitely your home network or ISP!

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I've had this same service for over a year now, same router/modem combo I had last when downloads worked and the settings haven't changed. My pc has been through a couple soft restors since I last downloaded, due to an issue with xbox and MS store not functioning properly (which has been resolved).


(update): sigh, phone was able to download over cellular network, but not Wifi..


Has something significant changed on your hosts end since Aug 3rd 2022 that might give my ISP reason to block them?

Edited by ACmonk
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Not directly, no. Though our CDN servers regularly move around/change transit lines/use different networks and ISPs, some within our control and some completely out.


All I can tell you is that we have not seen any dip in download traffic so any issues you are having are likely localised to either yourself, or a very small minority that we cannot quantify.


I'd highly suggest you try my phone idea to help you diagnose further as to whether it is your ISP/computer setup or not. The alternative is to try a VPN.

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I did, and as I said, I can download via Cellular data, but not my home network or its' ISP. I've checked everything I have control over. This is between the ISP and whomever you're serving through.


It worked last year just fine, I don't understand why it's changed since.

Can you assure me your host hasn't changed in that time so I can converse with Primus about the issue?


Thanks kindly

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Same problem and it's on a lot of mods.


Example: Can download (AI Overhaul 1.8.3-21654-1-8-3-1677693413)

but not (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch-266-4-2-9a-1685216241.7z)


For ease, do you mean the main files on this page and this page?


If so, please can you check your download history and see which server it is trying to download both from? Copy the link address of the download in your download history and paste it in here.


Is it the same for you, ACMonk, or is this a different issue to yours?



It worked last year just fine, I don't understand why it's changed since.

Can you assure me your host hasn't changed in that time so I can converse with Primus about the issue?


Your ISP and our ISPs will be changing their routing constantly to improve efficiency/allow for new transit lines being installed and all sorts of other technical reasons. Thus your ISP and ours will have changed a multitude of things in the past year.

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It certainly sounds like there is something going on between your ISP and our file server.


I have no idea what "waiting for api.permutive.com" is - that is nothing to do with us.


Can you please provide the result of running "tracert files.nexusmods.com" in your terminal / command prompt ?

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Tracing route to files.nexus-cdn.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 13 ms 13 ms 16 ms 216-246-239-65.cpe.distributel.net []

3 15 ms 12 ms 13 ms

4 13 ms 14 ms 12 ms 216-58-37-169.cpe.distributel.net []

5 14 ms 12 ms 9 ms

6 12 ms 23 ms 12 ms

7 19 ms 19 ms 15 ms be6024.rcr21.ymq02.atlas.cogentco.com []

8 14 ms 12 ms 12 ms be2089.ccr21.ymq01.atlas.cogentco.com []

9 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms be3259.ccr31.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com []

10 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms be2993.ccr21.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com []

11 32 ms 33 ms 33 ms be2717.ccr41.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com []

12 32 ms 34 ms 41 ms be2124.rcr21.ord04.atlas.cogentco.com []

13 35 ms 37 ms 32 ms chi-cogent.cdn77.com []

14 44 ms 40 ms 37 ms vl204.chi-cs1-dist-2.cdn77.com []

15 * * * Request timed out.

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.

21 * * * Request timed out.

22 * * * Request timed out.

23 * * * Request timed out.

24 * * * Request timed out.

25 * * * Request timed out.

26 * * * Request timed out.

27 * * * Request timed out.

28 * * * Request timed out.

29 * * * Request timed out.

30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

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