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Creating a new region - Breaking Precombines?


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I've done that in the past but I am still unsure.


If I create a new region in Far Harbor (Or elsewhere) and it overlaps with another region... then suddenly in the CK and FO4Edit all the cells suddenly are marked as "Active / Changed"

Does this break precombines or previs?

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There are a number of parts to this. Firstly the CK will create overrides to those cells with the new region added, with updated VCI1. This does not matter to previsbines, only the cell's PCMB (and VCI1 on References) matters - and these won't change. However, the CK has a habit of making bad overrides of Cells when the masters list of the override is not the same as the masters list on the mod it uses to base the copy on. This most notably happens in the XPRI data, but can also be in the XCRI. This can break precombines.
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Hi Zorkaz - I was hoping you could add to my comments as I know you are an accomplished modder and have more experience with the CK. My problems with the CK cell overrides is my current best theory - but I am not 100% with it.
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Honestly this confused me even more :) The issue is that I'm trying to add new sounds to the Far Harbor forest regions but I don't want them to be on the coast.


However there is only one big Far Harbor region so I tried creating a custom one which seemed to add new region data to the existing cells. I'll see how and what it does.

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