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Alternative Dawnguard Gifts Request


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Please make these Characters give me Gold from their Radiant Quests, instead of Jewelery Armors and Weapons. aka Junk in my Trunk. :down:





Now i cant speak for the Volkihar Side, since im Dawnguard Material.

Edited by daventry
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I've played both sides, and the vampire side was more rewarding.

I get it, evil blood suckers give you lots of stuff to sway you to their side, but you can't argue with the facts.

You'll get a whole castle, immortality, and you'll be practicly filthy rich by the end of the DLC.

What do you get from siding with the vampire hunters ?

A few better crossbows (which are useless compared to bows, even then) a little pocket money, and a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart that you did the right thing.

I'm sorry, but that's just ridicoulus.


So yeah, I understand your request.

I also second it.

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