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A question about Better Males mod


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I put this question here but also in the posts for the mod. Hoping for a quick answer from either place.


The instructions tell me to uncheck HighResTexturePack01.bsa and HighResTexturePack02.bsa in data files...BUT....do I also uncheck them in nexus mod manager under plugins?



Note that I have done the changes to the two ini files, it is just the unchecking of the two files I am not sure about...if I need to do it in data files from the actual game loader as well as from the plugins in NMM....I launch from NMM because of one mod requiring it, although I can't remember which mod does, I think SKYUI

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Thanks very much Jeir, I appreciate the info. I will go back and check them all again. You are very active and helpful in the forums I see. You also helped me out on my question about BOSS and eventually I figured out how to upload the html file. It's so nice to have an active forum and also a helpful and knowledgeable membership. Too many times forums just degenerate into trolling sessions and mess with the noob.


Again, thanks.

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