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Seamless OCOv2 overriding HGEC body options


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In order for Blockhead to work for NPCs from any mod it is set up with that folder structure that uses the source mod's ESP (or in the case of NPCs added by the base game the folder is identified by Oblivion.esm) as an identifier.


For example if a mod has JoesCoolNPCs.esp as it's ESP name and one of the NPCs that is added by that mod has the FormID (aka baseID) of 00001234 then an upper body Blockhead replacer would be renamed to Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\JoesCoolNPCs.esp\00001234_UpperBody.nif (the 00001234_UpperBody.nif is the renamed femaleupperbody.nif file from a source like SetBody Reloaded ... the JoesCoolNPCs.esp is a folder name used by Blockhead to identify which mod the NPC with formID 00001234 comes from).


In my previously posted examples the bandit and the player are both from the base game and the folder name Oblivion.esm tells Blockhead that.


The reason your placing the desired files into Data\Meshes\Characters\_male worked is because that folder structure is what the vanilla game uses, and it would use that same body mesh for all female NPCs in the game.


Blockhead is how you assign different bodies to individual NPCs.

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Haha finally...all your patience has paid off. It's finally sunk in. So going back to your suggestion of bandit 0003db35 and how to give her a unique body mesh by creating new folder name, I was failing to create the folder 'Oblivion.esm', after folder 'PerNPC'. Have just successfully altered bandit 0003db35. Creating the folder name Oblivion.esm tells Blockhead where that NPC ID comes from. Thankyou for sticking in there and persevering with me, it's much appreciated.


I'll play about with this to reinforce how folder structures work and also explore Nifskope further.


Thankyou for all your help with this troubleshooting question, I can now post my next one lol.

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Not a problem. I knew you weren't grasping something fundamental in the process but couldn't seem to put my finger on it. Glad you're up to speed.


A word of warning regarding the Blockhead rabbit hole ... it's a deep one. I've been at it for years now (well over one thousand NPCs Blockheaded) and I still find new candidates. Recently I've been delving into vampire dungeons. The mod Variant Vagabonds adds a LOT of new vampires to the leveled list.


A Blockheading Striker is a happy Striker!!

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