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Animating Wepaons, Armor


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You can probably make it enchanted to get the shimmering that enchanted items get, but its only over the surface, not the center. I know what you are asking, but I couldnt think of any way to do it besides enchanting it. If you do decide to enchant it, make the spell (if you dont want it to actually be magical) give you 0 health for 0 seconds, that should work if you just want the shimmer.
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Yeah, thats not what Im looking for, I hate that ugly plastic effect :tongue:


I have a weapon mod that I have made that have this effect, have not done the Models and Textures myself, they were some kind of "modders resource"


here's a screen of it, look at the blade, it reflects lights, and shines differently depending on the view-angle, this weapon is not enchanted and dont really have a texture, just some kind of....relfective/bump/gloss or what so ever...

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I don't think you can add additional animation to the object, unless you use a program that might have that already on the mesh or object. But you can't plug the object in TESC and make another animation happen. Unless you can tap into the code of TESC then it might, but thats not posible, so I really don't know, keep reserching it and maybe email the people who made morrowind. ;)
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Ok, thanks :) but let's skip the animation and let's talk about Different kinds of other effects like, Reflective, Bump, Gloss, Chrome and so on, theese one's can be done, look at the pic's above, isn't the sword beautiful? ;)
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That does look pretty... would be really easy to do purely in 3dsmax, but I have no idea how you'd get it to export properly to Morrowind. Does this mod you have include the author's contact information?
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use the freedom force nif exporter as it is compatible with morrowind AND alows many more options on export (including saving the texture IN the nif, alowing the use of an avi for a texture that loops and a number of diferent things {i think including cube maping}) have fun
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Thanks for the help guys! Is the freedom force exporter compitable with 3D Max 5.0? And yes indeed, The weapon above is rellay nice! so Wookie, Do you think I can add the same kind of effect on my shield as the effect on the weapon with the Freedom Force nif exporter?
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