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Skyrim SE Address Library not working


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Here's a strange question seems my game will not start. I get to the start screen click continue (or new) and the game will start to load up and then kick me out. It kept doing it no matter what I tried. So I decided to disable three groups of mods at a time to try to fine the culprit. It turned out to be the address library, enabled everything but the address library and I was back in the game playing again, of course it had some issues. Reinstalled a new address library and the game started kicking me out again, disabled it and I was back in. I tried this doing the same thing with doing a nuke and using a totally different sent of mods and the same thing happened. Is this happening to anyone else? Or does anyone know of a fix?

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Have you looked at the SKSE logs? One set is in your .../Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE folder.


The second can be found in your game's Data folder, in its SKSE folder. Look at both, see what, if anything, is not loading properly. It may not be Address Library, but one or more old/bad/corrupted SKSE mods failing.


Just saw your other post, saw the comment about the 'missing .dll'. What is the exact message? You may have to go and d/l and install the latest C++ redistributable, AND reinstall Engine Fixes part 2 (is nothing but .dll inside). Also, you do have the 6.1.1 version of Engine Fixes?


One last guess - when you reinstalled Part 1, did you go to the Engine Fixes folder in the Data/SKSE/Plugins folder, and make sure that the proper settings were in the Engine Fixes.toml, especially the MaxStdio setting (might consider setting it to the maximum, 8192)? That might do it, as well.


Also, I noticed that the 'UseTBBMalloc =' line is no longer in the .toml under the [Experimental] section, and I was having some crashing until I added it, and set it to = true.

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Judging from the modder's page, the modder for Address Library has checked out. There are dozens and dozens of requests for an update going back quite some time to no avail. Who knows? Maybe there are real life issues for him or her. If so, let's hope it's not serious. In any case, don't think we are getting an update anytime soon. I am not a modder. I know nothing. I am grateful for the work that modders do. I have to ask, is this mod actually necessary to get others to work? That is, is there no work around for this?

Edited by NewUsernamePolicySucks
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