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A few texture/mesh issues, trying to figure out the problem


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First of all, I'm new to the forum and relatively new to modding but been going fine so far but I've suddenly got a couple texture or mesh issues which I can't work out why.


I downloaded FWE, EVE, WMK, Fellout & The Maximum Hi-Res patch and now from what I can see, all my weapons are bugged in someway.


Harkness' Plasma rifle is invisible, The Scope is glitchy on all the snipers and I get the nice big warning question mark when I fire shots and at the end of the barrell.


Any ideas or suggested patches to fix the issues?







Edited by TehWazzock
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The <!> tends to indicate a missing texture.


Have you manually copied it to your data folder when installing the mods? If so, did you make sure to first merge the folders and only then overwriting files you were prompted to, rather than simply overwriting the entire folder at once? Did you check to see if there isn't a second "Data" folder inside your Data folder?


Did you apply Archive Invalidation Invalidated either through the program (which can be found in the nexus) or through a load order sorter like NMM or FOMM? If you already did it, you should try deactivating Archive Invalidation Invalidated and then reactivating it.


Did you activate the appropriate esps and esms (if any) of the mods you installed through a load order sorter program or the Data Files option in the fallout 3 game launcher?

Edited by ThatBrazilianGuy
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The <!> tends to indicate a missing texture.


That's a missing mesh, not a missing texture.


When the texture is missing, the model can be displayed, but not it's texture. You get the effect like seen on the rifle in the second image.


When the mesh is missing, neither the model or texture can be displayed. The result is the infamous giant exclamation mark.

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My bad. Mistook textures for meshes here.


I believe the principle of what I said is still valid, though. When manually installing, you may have mistakenly installed the content into a Data folder that ended up inside the actual Data folder. Or, you may have replaced the textures (or meshes) folder with the one provided with the mod entirely, rather than merging and then overwriting files when prompted to, resulting in missing files that could lead to meshes and textures not showing up properly, getting respectively images 1 and 2, as pointed by BlackRampage.


You could always have ended up with a corrupted file. If none of what I said above happened, you may always try to download the file again and reinstall the mods to see if it works.


And don't forget to check if the mod has esms and/or esms you need to activate through Data Files (fallout 3 launcher) or a load order manager (FOMM, NMM).


Sorry for the confusion.

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I use BOSS with my load order. The issue is not hardware related, I am running a super ultra PC gaming rig that runs skyrim on all ultra settings with good fps.

Could you explain how your post relates to this topic?

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