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Making the map bigger


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the guys at bethesda had a floating point algorithem only out to 64 or 32 cells in any direction (cant remember which) after that you get the shakes as the acuracy of the floats on object placement co-ords gets less and less (including the player model) bethesda could fix this with an optional patch that would take them only half a day to code extending the floating point out to 128 256 or 512 (even further if they wished) at the coast of a litle performance... why dont they? they no longer suport morrowind :)
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We haven't gotten near the point where it's a problem, although we'll need to use book-maps for parts of MW.


From what I gather, Skyrim and Black Marsh aren't far enough to have jitter, but further out it is noticeable. Of course, we may end up using Oblivion for the far provinces, it's not certain yet.

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if you end up using oblivion for 3 quarters of tamriel, why not just do the other provinces with it, (excluding morrowind of course)


and what about there models and textures, are they all only for the use of Tr or can people just use them for there own, private uses?

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