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20 year old graphics :(


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Wow! Just wow!


This game looks so awful. No modern GFX technology whatsoever.


Fallout 4 looks better.


The game is not even playable without modding it first, that I expected from Bethesda but not the severely antiquated graphics.


Thanks to all the modders working to make the game at least playable.

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Not the case at all. It looks great. If you are playing on anything less than ultra at less than 4k or with any kind of upscaling, then you can't judge it.



The game lacks many basic graphical features:


1. Insane pop-in/badly handled asset lod (is it 2014?)

2. Everything is gated behind loading screens, even entering or exiting your ship

3. No screen space reflections, still relying on cube maps (is it 2014?)

4. No screen space shadows

5. No ray traced anything

6. Low quality hair meshes and textures

7. Low quality character meshes and animations

8. Foliage that doesn't react when walked through

9. No underwater swimming (only surface)

10. No NPC reaction to you dragging dead bodies infront of them

11. Space being almost entirely fast-travel

12. No FOV slider

13. No splash VFX in water

14. Outdated water physics

15. Terrible performance despite small world cell sizes

16. No HDR


OP is correct. The game is severely outdated and limited by the engine, which Bethesda clearly didn't invest enough into renovating.

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I must admit that the graphics are discontinuous ...


For example the terrain and land features like rocks, terrain , parallaxed surfaces look aboslutely great, may be because are coming from scanned sources?


But the Trees, the grass, the custom made stuff for landscape looks subpar compared even to older games ... Sorry to say that but the vegetation is in most cases really poor and bland , with a color paled of a cartoon that is really not fitting the more photorealistic terrains.

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judging from 4k images and trailers - the game looks good mostly in cherry picked exterior. compared to the last two open world games i played recently hzd (2017) released on pc and ac odyssey (2018). these games look graphic wise (exterior) much better and detailed compared to starfield...

if you look closer it is obvious that starfield engine is nicely pimped compared to vanilla fo4 and skyrim but it looks in the meantime aged comparing details and game engine features. no hype changes that creation engine is outdated in some departments.

fo4, skyrim (modded) and starfield look about equally nice but compared to some other modern game engines it is obvious that the creation engine can not compete visually and performancewise.

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