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...about the Anniversary TES 6 Non-Release Dodge? It's the sheer refusal by the Bathysphere to so much as clean their DLC and Cash Cow pieces or trim down the BSA file bloat!


77 BSA files, bad scripting to trip you up from the beginning (and direct you to frigging Soltsheim at Level Whatever if you dare pick up Nordic), and half to two thirds of 'em have ITMs, deleted references and deleted navmeshes! Oh, and they STILL haven't fixed any of those for the official DLC!


It's like they are doing their level best to make DynDOLOD crash, really. Now I'm stuck, once again, debating on the cleaning of all those stupid things. It's almost enough to make a man roll back, my word to God and all the Things That Go Ping you know really turn the Wheels of Lull.

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What is the issue with cleaning? I used quick auto clean (there is a plugin for MO2 where you can select many at once to automate it) on all CCs and main game files. So far I have found superstition for the argument not to clean, and a couple of manuals written by experienced people have argued it is fine to do (one is the DynDOLOD manual).

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There were one or two instances where cleaning could/would make some ctd/freezes more common, and there was an infamous bug caused by cleaning the Dragonborn file that caused the next to last level of Apocrypha to disappear completely - no platform, no dragon to dominate/ride, no way to get to the final boss confrontation. I think I was running 1.5.353 at the time.


While I know about Skyrim/Skyrim SE and the .esp limit, I don't know what BlazeStryker is referring to with his comments on BSA numbers. The only thing I have seen mentioned is something with a limit in Fallout, or one of its related games.

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