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Vortex mod installation confusion


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So I went old school, disable every mod and then re-enable them one by one. I found having StarfieldUpscaler-ReShade.ver caused my game to not launch from Vortex.


I suggest you guys try this with yours as well. Yeah it's a pain, but at the end of the day, if it gets the game running with mods, which it does, I checked, then it's worth it.

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I don't know what is going on.

I've had mods running just fine since this came out. I am on game pass.

Yes, my documents folder is different than my installation folder


But now its telling me hard symlink doesn't work and is impossible.

What is going on? Why does it suddenly not work and require this?

Also, randomly, my mods folder is entirely missing from the game folder where my game is...wtf....

EDIT: So what some people are saying are right. Set all my directories to be on the same drive. And then it was able to work....weird how this was not a requirement at the beginning , but now is. Has something changed?

Edited by Yeshua999
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm new to using mods myself with nexus/vortex. Watched countless videos about vortex and starfield but just yesterday I tried downloading and installing mods with vortex. Nothing. I then proceeded to install the mods manually. Works like a charm. My game drive is separate from my documents/my games drive as well. I specifically have vortex installed on the same game drive as starfield, not the c drive. I too am so confused by trying to use vortex.

to the point that I have installed every mod manually which you would think is more difficult, but for me seems simpler. The only problem is with more mods being installed I am starting to lose track of what is installed where. But I have vortex installed on on E drive. Starfield/steam is on E drive. I set vortex to starfield via E drive. But for some reason the mods are not being deployed even after vortex says its installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting to try and identify the issue, which is great! It may be worth trying to use Vortex in offline mode or temporarily disabling your anti-virus software if you haven't already. You could also try uninstalling and reinstalling Vortex, as this can sometimes resolve issues, it help me on 21bit https://21bitcasinos.com/ Australia website. Additionally, it may be useful to check out any Vortex related forums or resources for help identifying the issue.

Edited by RichieJohn
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Same issue, some mods are working, but others are not. When I try to deploy mods, nothing happens. I'm also not seeing any way to launch Starfield from Vortex. I have directed Vortex to the location of my Starfield files (which is not the same drive as the My Documents folder).

i couldnt load starfield from vortex either UNTIL i set my mod stage folder to be on the same drive as the game install... after that it now loads from vortex (trivially) .... but no mods


I do have it set as the same drive as my game folder (G Drive), but it's not the same drive as the Documents/My Games (C Drive).


One mod installed through Vortex is definitely working (even though I'm not launching the game through Vortex), but none of the others work.


I miss Nexus mod Manager, it was so much simpler.


Just want to say that this is what finally fixed it for me as well on PC from Steam install.


There was ONE file in the Data folder, and it was just the box art image for the MOTD. Disabling the MOTD and deleting the folder seems to have gotten rid of some conflict, and running from vortex now works (at least for some mods, haven't checked all of them).

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I had an issue where Vortex would install everythink in the Data folder located in the game forder. Mine is D:\Apps\StarField, where the Starfield.exe is.


I guess it got confused because I have my game installed on my D: disk and my user profile is on my E: disk, you know like old school people who don't like to mix OS, Apps and Data.


I said to myself if I cant get Vortex to put the texture mods in the My Games folder I might be able to trick Windows into finding them on my game dfisk.


So I let Vortex put everything in my D:\Apps\StarField\Data folder but I renamed the Data folder in E:\Documents\My Games\Starfield as Data.old for safe keeping and I created a symbolic link called Data to my game disk Data folder.


I used a command like this :


cd /d D:\Apps\StarField\

mklink /d "Data" "D:\Apps\StarField\Data"


After that, like magic, textures were loading, the other mod were working and I can keep using Vortex to enable and disable mods.


Hope it helps you guys and have fun exploring the galaxy.

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I wonder who is responsible for the development of Vortex and why it is so highlighted here on Nexus. From my brief tests, the software was so unclear on what and how it actually does things. Hardlink, softlink, whateverlink (lol!) wtf are you talking about? I'm far from being a PC novice, but stop talking to me like if I was an engineer or a soft developer.

After a huge growing headache I started using Mod Organizer 2, and it was day and light with the previous one. When you launch the soft for the first time, you are greeted with a short tutorial. It is what it is, but it exists, and it tells me a lot on how they want their manager to be user friendly. Beyond this, everything afterward is transparent and easy to use.

You also have many folders with mod organiser (consequence of its folders virtualisation I think)... Beth f*#@ed it up from the start, so managers had to deal with it... but it's clear and it actually works...

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