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Seperate foods from Aid and a button thats EAT!


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In the AID menu-list it mixes up so many things from alcohol to first aid bandages to apples to lunches to Injector aids.


I find food a lot when looting and its even needed for some crafting but mostly i find it a good alternative from first aid supplements when on the go and in the heat of battle just to top up my health. I wish i could have all food seperated from other AID for quick find and also be able to see an option in the UI hud when hovering over a food that says EAT. i dont alway want to pick the food up into my Inventory, just eat it right there. :)



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Didn't one of the Fallout games (Fallout 4 or 76) separate Aid items from Food already? Lol, you'd think Bethesda would remember this during development. I was really hoping there was a mod that did this. But we'll probably have to wait for either Creation Kit or Bethesda to do it.

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Going from memory, aid items in other games were actually semi useful. Really useful if the game had survival on. IMO they created food when they were still thinking of implementing a survival system and never rebalanced it to make food worthwhile.

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