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Dual Sheath Redux Weapon Placement Not Working


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I've installed the mod correctly (I think) and run the patcher and BOSS, but the weapon will not go on my characters back, and no second scabbard appears. The still single sword stays on my character's belt, but I do the animation to reach behind my back to retrieve it and it appears in my hand along with the second weapon. Staves do not appear either. The shield is stored on my back though so that works. Basically the only thing working about the mod is the animations and the shield storage. The mods I currently have intalled for it are...


Main Mods

  • Dual Sheath Redux
  • SkyUI (Works fine for other mods)
  • SKSE (Ditto)
  • XP32 Maximum Skeleton
  • Immersive Animations


Mesh Packs (I have the applicable weapon packs for each of these intalled as well)

  • Dual Sheath Redux - Ghosus Weapon Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Immersive Armors Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Immersive Weapons Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Insanity's Shield Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Isilmariel LOTR Weapons Collection Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Staves of Skyrim Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - The Chronicles of Steel Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - The Loners Sword Pack
  • Dual Sheath Redux - Unique Uniques Pack

I also have JaySuS Swords which I later heard messes up the mod so I installed Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches - JaySuS_Swords_V14 as per instructions in the Dual Sheath Redux FAQ and it didn't fix my issues.


Any help would be much appreciated, hope to hear from you guys soon.

Edited by TheOne1717
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey guys. I had that problem as you. This is how I fixed it, although I'm still trying to get the extra weapons and armor packs to work.


To fix the animations and weapons placements.


Step 1:


Download all of the following mods.


- XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - XPMS 1-93a NMM-BAIN INSTALLER - 1.93a

- Immersive Animations - IAN One-Handed Relaxed

- Dual Sheath Redux

-Immersive animations - IAN Dual Sword Wield from Back

-Immersive animations - IAN Normal Sprint


Step 2


Install the following 3 mods in this order.


1 - Immersive Animations - IAN One-Handed Relaxed


2 - XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - XPMS 1-93a NMM-BAIN INSTALLER (Only activate the the options that ask about the dagger and 1 hand weapons on back and the animation.)


3 - Activate Dual Sheath Redux.


Step 4.


Assuming you have followed these steps so far you should now have a SkyProc folder in your Skyrim Data Folder.


"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SkyProc Patchers"


Inside this folder is a JAVA Runtime Environment Application that you will need to run now.


At the top of the window just click on patch, it might ask to run Boss. Say yes.


Once you have finished those steps. Close and open Nexus Mod Manager. Click on the plugins tab and scroll down. You should now find a "Dual Sheath Redux PATCH.esp" in the load order.



Make sure it is Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp and not Dual Sheath Redux.esp


Step 5.


If you see it then continue reading. If not you have done something wrong or missed a step.


If you do see the new patch esp then install the last 2 mods in this order.


1 - Immersive Animations - IAN Normal Sprint


2 - Immersive Animations - IAN Dual Wield Swords from Back


And that is that.


I am still working on getting the Mesh packs for Immersive Armor, Immersive weapons and Deadly Dragons Armory to work.


As soon as I do I will post a guide for it.


I hope this helps guys. I know how frustrating it can be to try get mods to work.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey guys. I had that problem as you. This is how I fixed it, although I'm still trying to get the extra weapons and armor packs to work.


To fix the animations and weapons placements.


Step 1:


Download all of the following mods.


- XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - XPMS 1-93a NMM-BAIN INSTALLER - 1.93a

- Immersive Animations - IAN One-Handed Relaxed

- Dual Sheath Redux

-Immersive animations - IAN Dual Sword Wield from Back

-Immersive animations - IAN Normal Sprint


Step 2


Install the following 3 mods in this order.


1 - Immersive Animations - IAN One-Handed Relaxed


2 - XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - XPMS 1-93a NMM-BAIN INSTALLER (Only activate the the options that ask about the dagger and 1 hand weapons on back and the animation.)


3 - Activate Dual Sheath Redux.


Step 4.


Assuming you have followed these steps so far you should now have a SkyProc folder in your Skyrim Data Folder.


"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SkyProc Patchers"


Inside this folder is a JAVA Runtime Environment Application that you will need to run now.


At the top of the window just click on patch, it might ask to run Boss. Say yes.


Once you have finished those steps. Close and open Nexus Mod Manager. Click on the plugins tab and scroll down. You should now find a "Dual Sheath Redux PATCH.esp" in the load order.



Make sure it is Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp and not Dual Sheath Redux.esp


Step 5.


If you see it then continue reading. If not you have done something wrong or missed a step.


If you do see the new patch esp then install the last 2 mods in this order.


1 - Immersive Animations - IAN Normal Sprint


2 - Immersive Animations - IAN Dual Wield Swords from Back


And that is that.


I am still working on getting the Mesh packs for Immersive Armor, Immersive weapons and Deadly Dragons Armory to work.


As soon as I do I will post a guide for it.


I hope this helps guys. I know how frustrating it can be to try get mods to work.

Can you give us links to the mods that you said?

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