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Hey, I totally know what you're talking about because Data General was in The Soul of a New Machine, Tracy Kidder's book about engineers building Data General's new computer (which sucked -- the computer, not the book). I even met someone who worked for one of the engineers featured in the book who went into business for himself after Data General died.


And to bring the thread around to on-topic that book I read was totally not mine ... but wait, before you get ideas about piracy ... the reason it wasn't mine is because I checked it out from a public library. That's right, boys and girls, long before libraries became repositories for homeless dudes browsing internet porn they had stacks of books, made of paper, that people could borrow for a couple of weeks for free. It sounds shady, but it was totally legit I swear!


Did I mention these books were printed on paper? Actual cellulose shredded from trees ... the crinkly stuff people use for money when the card machines go down. Wait, you've probably never seen paper money either. :wink:


"So why don't you still have a library card?"

"I could get the same thing on Chatroulette and it wouldn't smell nearly as bad."

Alas, the public library, my generation's "back in my day things were better" thing ...


Edit: I see that in a bit of cross-posting daring-do that in an older me would be called a "senior moment" I've referenced the "How Old Are You" thread Data General post. Must be gettin' old ...

Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch
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I've cited this forum as an example of how moderating should be done, on another forum where the moderating seems non-existent. I come here to learn about Skyrim and mods, not to endure vulgar flame wars and graphic insults. Keep up the good work!

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@Ratcatcher: libraries do buy their books. And some even loan out computer games that they also purchased. We don't make the rules on copyright, and may not even approve of or like some of them. :rolleyes: We do enforce them when they threaten the Nexus though. While an individual stealing games is a small target for the game industry lawyers, a high profile site such as The Nexus is a big easy to attack target. ONE lawsuit by some overeager game company lawyer would sink the Nexus. By allowing the Nexus to become a haven for pirates we could easily become the next Megaupload type scandal - with Robin ( and maybe old Bben) sharing notoriety, and possibly a jail cell with Kim Dotcom. :pinch: Personally, I don't want that to happen.


I read that book :thumbsup: - and I learned programming on a DG Eclipse and later programmed on DG Nova II through IV series. (among others) At that time they were actually fairly good machines. My first Nova had a wire wrapped core memory board. :cool:

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Wow, you've actually coded for an Eclipse?

I bow to you, good sir. I've only met one other person who's even seen an Eclipse, or at least the kind safe to look at without a pinhole camera.


The library comments were an attempt at two kinds of humor that don't mix, a huge mistake.


The last time libraries ran seriously afoul of the powers-that-be was the third burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. That was quite some time ago. In the centuries since no one has questioned what libraries do, even if almost nobody today actually uses them for that purpose anymore. But with today's crazy custody battles and food fights over copyright if someone proposed the idea of a "library" today it would probably provoke a fury of lawsuits, so burlesque humor seemed a perfect fit.


On the other hand the Internet really has turned public libraries into porn dungeons, so that part of the joke was ironic, based on a sad and/or awkward reality.


Unwittingly mixing the two caused confusion and made me sound ... far more excitable on copyright issues than is the case. Alas, I still have much to learn. :tongue:

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