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Trying to change Vault Jumpsuit Numbers


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I'm trying to make a texture for a vault jumpsuit I want to add to Fallout New Vegas but I find it hard to change the number.


I'm editing the Vault 24 textures and I want to change the 4 to look like a 5 so the vault jumpsuit is Vault 25 Jumpsuit.



If anyone can help me out with this I will be glad to give you the texture files and or read any tutorials you give me.



Please help and thanks!

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Are you using Gimp or photoshop? the nexus Wiki has a number or tutorials on this kind of stuff.


I advice learning to use the Clone Stamp tool. the way it works is you "stamp" an existing area and it will paint that to where you want it. then its just a matter or selecting brush size/type for best results.

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Are you using Gimp or photoshop? the nexus Wiki has a number or tutorials on this kind of stuff.


I advice learning to use the Clone Stamp tool. the way it works is you "stamp" an existing area and it will paint that to where you want it. then its just a matter or selecting brush size/type for best results.

I can use GIMP, and if you do know any tutorials I'd be glad to look at them. Thanks!

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I have downloaded DN's Custom Vault Jumpsuit Numbers that lets you select digits on different layers but when i move down layers the number still stays 0, it does not show 1-9 at all?


Please help!

Make sure you unhide the layer of the number you want.


Ok, I'm a newbie at GIMP, how do I unhide the layer?

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I don't use GIMP and this isn't my image, but from what I gather, it's relatively the same as photoshop.



Do you see that eye icon? You should be able to click that 'box' to show the layer. Eye = Showing | No Eye = Hidden


Edit: Just in case it doesn't, I'll double check by grabbing GIMP quickly. Yup, works just like I expect it to.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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I don't use GIMP and this isn't my image, but from what I gather, it's relatively the same as photoshop.



Do you see that eye icon? You should be able to click that 'box' to show the layer. Eye = Showing | No Eye = Hidden


Edit: Just in case it doesn't, I'll double check by grabbing GIMP quickly. Yup, works just like I expect it to.



I got everything working smoothly and I can happily say my Jumpsuit is ingame! I just need to find out how to make a Pip Boy Icon and a Note that the player can pick up and read and I'll be satisfied!

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