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can't progress any further in skyrim unbound /main quest !


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Hello, as the title says , i wanted to play skyrim after a long time from the begining without any mods so i just removed all of them with NMM and made sure nothing is left from them , then i started the game being a khajit and chose to go with ralof ,

until before we skape from helgen evrything seemed to be fine until the part that ralof finds a way out and says " that t's it i think we've found a way out " he runs toward the exite but then he stops and won't move,and however i try he won't move from that spot so i'm unable to continue and finish the unbound quest and i'm stuck !

please help me

i have no mods right now !


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  • 3 months later...

When he stops at the entrance ......He IS waiting for you to enter first......step into the light!!!


IN this case just step closer to the doorway, he is waiting for you because the script does not know what door you will pick.


EDIT: both guys will just stand there till you step up to the door and go thru...its automatic when you get close enough.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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