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FPS lag conundrum


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I'm just starting to dabble into modded Oblivion when I notice a freakin' strange occurence in my setup....


It seems that my laptop don't care much about graphic settings, highest resolution and all that hullabaloo... but add in 10 or more npc and Oblivion start laggin' like nobody's business.


Its weird.... I can mod Oblivion to look pretty without much fuss but add in a few npcs to fill the empty streets and lags galore.... :confused:

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The general rule of thumb I have found concerning laptops is the ones with a faster CPU alwys are paired with Intel integrated graphics (thus are graphics limited) or those with a decent graphics solution (e.g. nVidia dedicated GPU) are saddled with a slow CPU. Sounds like you are likely in category two.


They do that to meet a price point. When I was looking for a laptop for my oldest granddaughter a couple of Christmases ago I had to spend about $500 more to get a reasonably balanced machine (fairly fast CPU and dedicated GPU). It probably only cost $100 more to build the balanced machine but they figure that if you know enough to recognize the difference they've got you over the barrel (most people wouldn't even consider the more capable machine even if it was only $100 more ... they'd just whine at the saleman saying why's this one more money). In general we are our own worst enemy.

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This has been an issue with the game since it was released. I remember the questions about it years ago, e.g. "Why does Serious Sam have 100 creatures coming at me without nary a pause, while Oblivion chokes on 5 or 10?" The answer is that Oblivion's engine has some strengths, concurrent animations definitely is not one of them.


You can try one of the online tweak guides for Oblivion, but I don't think it will help much or at all. Get a faster cpu and gpu is the only and real answer.

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