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[Super simple mod request] Can someone replace any sword with the steel "Top Notch Sword"?


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I have a simple request, and i hope hope hope can be fulfilled. I've always loved the E3 sword, and its super awesome that CDPR finally officially added. I have one little hang up though, I make heavy use of the AMM mod and unfortunately that mod has not been updated to include the new "top Notch Swords", they just aren't there. All i would like is that if someone could replace any (ugly) generic sword with the steel top notch sword, just the steel one, the silver one has... problems. Now... i know exactly what you are thinking or about to say, that there are a bunch of mods that already do this, the issue with literally ever, single, one of these mods is that they all replace the wolf school sword, all of them, its actually kind of nuts. I've tried every single one of them but they all replace the Wolf School swords, the issues is... i like the wolf school swords and I don't want them gone.

So, to be clear, all I want if for someone to pick a random ugly sword, can literally be whatever you want outside of school swords, and replace its mesh with the steel top notch sword that CDPR added. Thats it, replace any sword of your choice with the mesh of the Top Notch Steel Sword (called the Witcher Swords in game).

Thank you!

Edit: Can someone at least ell me how to find the name of the model so i can add it to AMM myself? I know it has something to do with "def_item_weapon" but i have no idea what this it, or where it is.

Edited by who101
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