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body replacers


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hey, im new to the site and I'm having trouble finding a femal body replacer. I found all these mods that say for "so and so's" body replacer mod but I cannot find those body replacers.... Where the heck do I ge them and which ones are the best?
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Why does everyone recommend HGEC out of hand instead of answering the question? There's a lot of body mods. The most well known I believe is HGEC which is a variant of Eye Candy, Corwyn's Fantasy Female and Robert's Female. Here are links.


Body Replacers

Fantasy Female (FF/UFF)

FF Underwear

Exnem's Eye Candy Female Body Replacer

HGEC Exnem Female Body Replacer

Robert's Female Body Replacer

Robert's Male Body Replacer


If you use a body mod you may want a conversion for the default clothing and armor.


Armor/Clothing Replacers

FF Default Clothes & Armor (Shivering Isles)

FF Default Clothes

FF Default Armor

Robert's Default (Male) Clothing & Armor for Shivering Isles

Robert's Default (Male) Clothing & Armor

Exnem's EC Default Clothing & Armor

HGEC Exnem's EC Default Clothing for D-Cup


There are also other body mods such as Eshme, BAB and a couple of other variations. If you find some of the clothing or armor made for these bodies often there will be a link to the appropriate body mod in the requirements area of the readme. To my knowledge you can only run a single body mod at a time, so just choose one male and one female body type.

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