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Yushinavel revealed ancient weapons, tools and other devices of the Ayleids no longer to be found on the surface, along with thin, metallic tablets of information of many kinds including diagrams, pictures and even maps. The Ayleid Elites had kept amazing secrets even from the Ayleid Commoners and in Yushinavel many of these were revealed.


It appeared that the Ayleid Elites were busy developing a series of magic-steam mechanisms when the disaster with the second instrumentality of the Dark0ne had destroyed most of them in that city. Mechanisms were refined and much better than the few used by the Ayleid Kingdoms in their scattered alliance and eccentric cultral-economy based largely on slavery of humans and other non-Ayleid entities. The Eternal Champion and others walked amongst rows of magic-steam golems, road-carriages, rail-carriages, boats, spider-mechs, cranes, diggers, lifters and other mechanisms. Amongst them moved both Cyrodilin and Terran specialists, studying them now quite carefully.


Then there were the elemental-cannons, big and powerful, each on its own magic-steam wheeled base of transport. These could spit great fireballs, spits of lightening, ice splinters or laser beams at enemies.


Many projects were incomplete but promising. Others seemed to have been curtailed because of political infighting between the elites.


One project was the construction of an antigravity orb shaped ship to carry people and goods to either of the two moons orbiting Mundus. The antigravship prototype was completed and ready to go but needed to be transported to the surface.


Another project was a gateway to other dimensional realms including the Realm of Oblivion which, it turned out, was another Mundus like world though with some exotic ways to its nature, that also had two moons. Ancient maps gave shocking information that the daedra, greater and lesser, dominated and inhabited only the larger moon. Other forms of entities dwelt on and dominated the other moon and the planet itself. The metallic stone archway of the AazeGate was used once and then deactivated before being carefully locked up. The reason was that the monstrous thing that had come through it had destroyed many Ayleids before it was killed by five powerful Ayleid wizards and priests working in tight unity with one another. Even they had come close to being overcome and two wizards had died of magical exhaustion.


The Eternal Champion kept exploring, kept seeking something she was not sure of the nature of.



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With lightening speed and power the young Empress, also called the new Empress, struck at the Imperial City and the Imperial Island. The beseigers surrounded and cut off the island with its great main bridge, lesser bridges and ferries. Terran warmachines were soon facing the isolated area across the great circling waters around the Imperial Island. Another aspect of the Eternal Champion was there with Patton and Rommel in an old fort tower, cleared of monsters and bandits, observing with magic and powerful binoculars the great and ancient city with the great tower rising at its very centre.


The White Gold Tower was there, glittering and amazingly elegant. Most people falsely assumed that the Ayleids had built it but it was far older than their civilization but they were wrong as they were about the great deeper labyrinth below the city that was linked to the tower base found deep beneath the surface. Ayleid structures were still to be found, underground mostly but some were still on the surface. There was even an underground Ayleid city buried beneath part of the city but it long ago had been sealed up by orders of an Emperor.


For thousands of years people had wanted to get into the Imperial City hoping for a better life, for a chance to steal something valuable, to enter one of the elite universities, academies or collages. Now just as many seemed to be trying to escape from the city, from the madness of the False Empress and the brutality of her strange soldiers.


Patton scowled. "Dead bodies hanging from the walls and decapitated heads on spikes, are these normal exhibitions for the Imperial City?"


The Eternal Champion shook her head. "No, far from it. The hanging of bodies or the spiking of heads over the big main gate was normal in the past during terrible events of civil unrest, especially battles of succession, but that has not happened for a very long time. The Empire likes to think of itself as being far more civil than that these days. I do not like the feel of this, something is not right."


Rommel nodded. "Yes, we surrounded the city far too easily and those bodies and spiked heads, they are a sign that not only are our actions known of but that the False Empress does not fear them. We will have to bombard the city with shells and rockets to get in. I assume that is not going to be easy for your people for the city is so central to your pride, your culture and your history. We should have little trouble knocking down the walls."


The Eternal Champion shook her head. "With the huge amount of magic sunk into those very well built walls, I am not so sure that would be true. I also sense magic hidden on the battlements and in the wall in the emplacements there. Not traditional magic of the Cyrodilin Empire but something darker, more powerful in some ways. Yes, there is also something Ayleid in nature there. We need to plan our first strikes well. We need to contact people in the city and gain more information. Infiltration is a good idea by small groups."


There was much to plan, much to consider as the seige continued to consilidate all around both the great island and city.



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The first great elemental comet of fire and light shot from outer space and struck Berlin with a great swirling, growing blast of flames and bright white and ultraviolet light. It spread across many hundreds of kilometres burning away the undead. The gibbering dying insanity that was Hitler died at once. Many thousands of zombies and vampires perished along with over half of the terrible undead-cyborgs.


The second great elemental comet of fire and light struck Paris.


The third great elemental comet of fire and light struck somewhere in Poland.


But with the three great elemental comets of fire and light came many hundreds of small but still powerful elemental comets of fire and light.


In less than a week the great undead threat to that world was gone and yet Europe was devastated, was dotted with undead survivors and strange mutations. The human armies were soon marching back into Europe with their magical creatures as allies. Fighting was savage but it was a matter of hunting down wandering, uncontrolled zombies and destroying isolated pockets of vampires or undead-cyborgs. No major Continental European city was inhabitable any more and they would have to be destroyed except for major historical landmarks that people would try to salvage. The Effiel Tower was half melted and the tip of it was touching the ground.


Nobody but the strange little woman/man seemed to know where the exotic comets had come from and who, what had created them, sent them, and she-he was not saying.



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The NUNDF Taskforce in the DC Wastelands assisted the Brotherhood of Steel and other forces to smash the super-mutant army and the enemy slipped away, vanishing beneath the ground into a vast series of underground networks, bunkers, vaults and other facilities including sewers, subways and utilities.


The strangfe little man there walked through the National Mall in Central Washington DC taking photographs, it seemed, with a big bulky exotic camera. It all seemed to be very touristy, very casual but as he made his way through the area, green plants began to spring up, mines became harmless, savage wild dogs turned tame and followed him happily and damaged structures somehow became less so.


People were starting to come through from the home world, the Alternate Earth, of Scully and Muldar. Their home world was excited by the exotic advanced technologies such as robots and antigravs of vertibirds along with pulselaser guns, power armour and much else. In turn they were offering resources to fix up not just the DC Wastelands, to tame them, but to do the same for the rest of that world.


There would be problems to overcome, difficult negotiations to undertake, conflicts to avoid, but generally the future seemed to be promising.


But in the World War Two vintage world Japan was still facing attack by some great mysterious menace.


But on Tameriel of the Cyrodilin Empire, there was about to be a great battle for the control of the Imperial City.


But on Tameriel of the Dagon Empire Muldar and Scully were busy trying to not just survive but to help undermine the terrible rule of a monstrous daedric goddess.


There was also the puzzle of Captain Cosmos' rocketship buried in the city of Washington DC on Scully and Muldar's home world.



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The NUNDF Taskforce in the DC Wastelands assisted the Brotherhood of Steel and other forces to smash the super-mutant army and the enemy slipped away, vanishing beneath the ground into a vast series of underground networks, bunkers, vaults and other facilities including sewers, subways and utilities.


The strangfe little man there walked through the National Mall in Central Washington DC taking photographs, it seemed, with a big bulky exotic camera. It all seemed to be very touristy, very casual but as he made his way through the area, green plants began to spring up, mines became harmless, savage wild dogs turned tame and followed him happily and damaged structures somehow became less so.


People were starting to come through from the home world, the Alternate Earth, of Scully and Muldar. Their home world was excited by the exotic advanced technologies such as robots and antigravs of vertibirds along with pulselaser guns, power armour and much else. In turn they were offering resources to fix up not just the DC Wastelands, to tame them, but to do the same for the rest of that world.


There would be problems to overcome, difficult negotiations to undertake, conflicts to avoid, but generally the future seemed to be promising.


But in the World War Two vintage world Japan was still facing attack by some great mysterious menace.


But on Tameriel of the Cyrodilin Empire, there was about to be a great battle for the control of the Imperial City.


But on Tameriel of the Dagon Empire Buffy and Scully were busy trying to not just survive but to help undermine the terrible rule of a monstrous daedric goddess.


There was also the puzzle of Captain Cosmos' rocketship buried in the city of Washington DC on Scully and Muldar's home world.




An alternate Earth fixing up D.C.? Strange entry, but creative no less; fine job Maharg67, fine job. :thumbsup:

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So much nice beads in your topic, Maharg67 and how could I miss out on such great and creative works? If you didn't create them... then the Druid's Garden would lost one of their powerful warden. :thumbsup:
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So much nice beads in your topic, Maharg67 and how could I miss out on such great and creative works? If you didn't create them... then the Druid's Garden would lost one of their powerful warden. :thumbsup:


What about me? LOL, ignore me, I'm being selfish. :biggrin:

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Thnak you, Fifoo, you make me blush :biggrin: :thumbsup:


Thanks, also, Keanumoreira (no reason to be jealous, your writing is fine and folks have said so.)

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TimeSage Cosmos dressed in other than a suit this time, instead in working class clothes as a tradesman complete with a wooden toolbox he carried in his left hand. He had a flat, almost floppy cap on his head, a big colourful handkerchief in his overalls pocket and big workboots. His clothes were lightly stained and he was a little grubby. He strode along and the two dogs happily followed, now looking healthy and fit.


It was a warm day but not too hot. He could hear a record player playing orchestral music of some kind. Some ragamuffin kids ran past him and didn't give him a second look. They seemed cheerful enough but he sensed they were also fearful. As he walked past other back walls to other large gardens, he began to pick up a sense of emptiness to some of the houses but in others, a sense of folks being there that perhaps should not have been there.


Then ahead appeared two thuggish lads, tall for their age and broad of shoulder, wearing cheap durable denims of jacket and jeans, Tshirts of thick cotton and workboots. The pair of them were grinning at Cosmos as he walked towards them. They were grinning at each other, now and then, also. They meant trouble, that was obvious, and for some reason they discounted that the TimeSage was tall and broad of shoulders also.


He smelt something odd in their body odour, that is apart from the lack of washing and the eating of greasy, fat food. Their eyes were oddly bloodshot and had a strange, intense stare about them. They pulled out short, crude knives from their pockets and grinned at him.


The grubby blonde one spoke. "Now who have we here, marching through our territory, looking so working fool busy? Going to do some carpentry, then? Going to saw wood on a horsy?"


The other thug laughed sourly.


TimeSage Cosmos sighed. "I am a plumber, not a carpenter, so please step out of my way and I will continue to my place of work."


Instead, the black greasy haired one lunged clumsily at the TimeLord with his knife. A moment later he was flying head long through the air. He struck a wall and his neck snapped. Cosmos cursed quietly for he had forgotten how fragile humans were. The other man screamed rage and rushed at Cosmos in the same clusmy manner as the first had done. Cosmos slipped with amazing speed and agility to one side and struck the man twice with his fist, martial arts fashion. Then the second man was also dead and was lying next to the first.


The TimeSage knelt next to the would be murderers, possible past murderers, and went through their clothes. He found a wallet for each which held some copper penny coins, a fancy looking business card, two or more ticket stubs to a movie theatre and each a sheet of neatly folded paper. On one side of each sheet was the neatly drawn face of Cosmos and below that the writing in Common English, KILL THIS MAN FOR 100 POUNDS. Below that was a telephone number and a postbox address.


The dogs nosed around him, sniffing both bodies with curiosity and pausing only to give the TimeLord a lick or two of affection. They would have fought for his life but had not been given time to do so. He had been training them in how to deal with armed humans.


He spoke to the dogs. "Somebody knew I was coming and set a trap for me except I do not think this was a real trap but just a way of telling me that I am expected. It is a challenge. I suspect that the TimeMaster himself is behind this foolishness. He likes to play such meaningless games. A hundred pounds would be a fortune for such men as these."


Otherwise he found two passports, internal security for the duration of the London Crisis, some more copper pennies, a silver shilling coin, some wrapped lollies, a piece of string, scraps of paper and two small odd plastic bottles with each just one big round blood red pill in it. He carefully opened a bottle, took a slight sniff and scowled in rage. Superdrugs were highly restricted and highly illegal to bring to such worlds as this one. Would even the TimeMaster be insane enough to do this?


The answer was, yes!


Taking some items, including those he had already found, a sock, blood samples, flesh samples, along with other looted items, the TimeLord returned to the CosmosTARDIS with the dogs happily trotting along either side of him. They seemed determined that this time, if anybody attacked, they would be ready to defend their master.



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The CosmosTARDIS was picking up primitive AM radio broadcasts, a basic mass media network at work, from something called the British Imperial Broadcasting Office of the British Imperial Department of Public Radio Broadcasting of the British Imperial Ministry of Media Broadcasting. So it was that they learned that London was under some kind of attack by things that had come up out of the ground, infiltrating into the sewerage tunnels, the Tube of underground railway tunnels and other underground spaces. Folks who could do so were busy abandonning the city to move to new, temporary cities outside of London. The BIBO claimed that everything was under control, that the military and scientists were busy dealing with the problem, but at the same time they were warning people to stay out of large areas of the metropolis, especially of the subways.


It was 1895AD by the commonly accepted Christian Calander of much of the world and of the British Empire. The British Empire was fighting a savage war in South Africa, was dealing with the rising power of a unified Francogerman Empire on Continental Europe and sending food aid to Ireland because of the famine there. England was the Winter Capital of the empire, Edenburrough being the Summer Capital. Apart from Ireland, divided North and South, there was Wales, Scotland, England, Cornia and the Shield Islands. Great Britain was three big islands and the smaller but still large Shield Islands. The British Empire claimed both a great navy but also a large airnavy. British dreadnauts driven by new improved steam-turbines and more efficient snow-coal bricks, also bragged new long range super-cannons and smaller, fast shooting gattling-cannons. New type factories, new type steam-electric trains, a heavily regulated but streamlined economy, all were boasted as being the basis of growing British power.


But the true push of the empire were the slaves, the new type of slaves and slavery that caused TimeSage Cosmos to be quite angry.


He stood in the newly named Forensic Science Chamber, a large metallic room with flying-buttress like structures along all the walls, and large worktables, big sophisticated machines and some rather odd items. Before him, arrayed on a metallic topped workbench, were the items taken from the dead thugs including the flesh and blood samples, partly used up, and the plastic bottle with half of the tablets remaining. The big leaflet, with the offer of payment for his death, was face up on the workbench.


Ninacos was bustling around in her tight silver jumpsuit and was examining tubes of softly bubbling liquids of varied colouration and thickness. "Every indications point to the thugs not just being relatively long term heavy users of the superdrug but being in the first stage of transformation into monsters. The biotech work behind this was both a little clumsy and a little too hurried. Dangerous short-cuts have been taken."


"Smells of the TimeMaster but also of some other rogue TimeLords." Cosmos shook his head a little. "The Ranni, the Elger Brothers, Smithjak and others wandering loose through the vast time-space of the Multiverse. Less so the Ranni than others. She is coldly efficient but is often short of resources. Smithjak is more of an engineer than a scientist. The Elger Brothers prefer other sciences than biotech to play with."


The other triplets were in other parts of the TARDIS. Tinacos was sleeping and Ginacos was taking the dogs for a walk in the virtual reality loop programmed to be full of wonderful smells for two doggies to sniff at and other canine joys.


The two continued on with their work.



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