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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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In the Washinton DC of 2007AD where Scully and Muldar had come from, a rampway hole appeared in the city but others appeared in London, Moscow, Beijing and other cities. These governments of the world, the scientists, were taken by surprise. The mass media was already taking the world by storm with stories of the Captain Cosmos rocketship found buried in Washington DC and now there was this. Diplomatic struggles were taking place for governments other than the US wanted access to the rocketship and its technologies. The big corporations around the world, the universities and other interest groups also wanted in.


A spiral rampway appeared in Africa where starving refugees were soon vanishing down into the hidden depths into a transdimensional realm between worlds. Hundreds became thousands and soon over two million people had vanished from that world. The strange little man led them to a place, a vast chamber, where they began to build a new civilization but one that was subtly influenced by forces unknown to the refugees. Then another spiral rampway appeared on the Indian subcontinent and many poor people from there poured down into a new homeland. Then others began to open in China, other parts of Africa and in other places.


Diplomatic teams met with the strange little man only to find out that he was impervious to their diplomatic games and attempts to seduce, threaten or otherwise gain advantage. When China tried to send elite military forces down one such spiral rampway they found out that an invisible force simply stopped the soldiers in a gentle but firm fashion. The same happened to a clever robotic device sent by the USA to go down the spiral rampway in Washington DC.


Then the strange little man gave his first gift of major importance. A spiral stairwell appeared inside a cave system inside the moon and a safe passage was made for any who would wish to travel from the Earth to the moon.




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The second instrumentality of the Dark0ne was gone but the irony was that the daedra had not gained it. Nor had the lesser undead of the ancient underground city, of course. The Eternal Champion was not the only one to sense the opressive dark feeling of the city lift so that it felt no more evil than any other abandoned Ayleid city. The lesser undead all collapsed into dust and many souls were freed that day.


The Eternal Champion strode through a great, impressive central chamber, disk shaped with a gentle domed ceiling and noted on a great disk shaped dais thirteen great metallic thrones facing inwards to a mighty pedastil holder of bronze, gold, silver and electrum that had held the second instrumentality. The thrones had been for the thirteen Grand Wizards of the Ayleid who had foolishly dared to use psychic and magical abilities and dark knowledge to control the Dark0ne's weapon-tool. They had died a horrible undeath, had become monstrous lich lords, but now they were also gone.


Now it was time to start exploring the great abandoned city, to discover itss secrets.




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The last retreating forces of the FreeAlliance departed from the dark occupied European Mainland to sail across the English Channel or to flee into Italy, to the east or up into Sweden/Norway. Greece was now also under attack by dark forces as a mixture of German, Italian and Greek forces there took the brunt of the assault.


The first enovys arrived from the more advanced Earth of Scully and Muldar. They came with scientific knowledge, technological gifts and promises of military assistance. Negotiations were pressed into speed by need. Then the movement of troops began. The small strange man made no move to interfere except when the more modern Earth tried to smuggle nuclear warheads to the old World War Two type Earth. The warheads did not go past the force field. But modern military forces were soon going through the transdimensional realm, down and up spiral rampways, to the beseiged Great Britain. Modern tanks, jet aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, other missiles and much more impressed highly that other Earth. Weapons, ammo, vehicles and other equipment and supplies were sent to increase the fighting and other capacities of the FreeAlliance. World War Two type machines were not discarded but were soon being upgraded as much as possible as local people were trained as quickly as possible use them. A few weapons, surprisingly, were the same or much the same.


A large army of werewolves gathered on English soil now to help defend it, many to take revenge for the terrible way they had been enslaved by the Darkness.


But the Dice of Fate was soon to be rolled again and the situation would change yet again.



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As Scully and Muldar got closer to Kvatch, they saw that the walls were quite inhuman in design though made of cut stone. They were heavily influenced by daedric architecture and when they used a pair of brass and glass binoculars to study the battlements, they noted dremora soldiers, scamps and scards like taller, skinnier scamps. Thesee fighters had an odd mixture of magical swords, shields and other devices but also bolt-action rifles and submachineguns of World War Two vintage design. The machineguns and anti-aircraft guns on the big, wide battlements also indicated this to be true.


Muldar shook his head in wonder as the two of them hid low behind a bush. "Not Mehrunes Dagon by the daedric symbols there and not quite the same Cyrodiil with those guns being there. We have been given magical abilities, spell-scrolls and other items of such power but we must find a way to avoid direct confrontation with the daedra. One thing that puzzles me is that the city is heavily fortified; why would it be so if the region has been successfully conquered."


The voice spoke quietly from above them in a local language that they found that they both knew. "Lashunes Dagon is the greater daedra, a false goddess, who now rules most of Tamriel through her Dagon Empire but she has run into troubles. The old Cyrodilin Empire was crumbling through corruption, stupidity and civil war between the sons of the former Emperor, a great ruler, that one of them murdered. It already had organised rebels fighting and resistance in many outer areas. Those forces just kept on fighting the daedric invaders and the traitors, the corrupted Legionaries and others, who joined forces with them."


The woman, sleek and beautiful in mythril armour that was tight against her body, dropped into sight into a crouch and studied them through rich, sharp seeing eyes. "Kvatch was destroyed and then rebuilt by the daedra so it looks more daedric than any other of the prime cities of Cyrodiil. It also houses a big area of factories, workshops, warehouses and other facilities for the new weapons and other devices copied from an Alternate Earth like yours but back in the World War Two era, roughly speaking. The huge armoury being filled in the city must be destroyed before the daedra can use the new weapons to destroy the last areas of any real resistance to the monstrous evil of Lashunes Dagon. I am the Eternal Champion. I have visited your world and others. I know that in many ways that Lashunes Dagon is more ruthlessly cunning than her male counter-part, Mehrunes Dagon, though she uses both the carrot and the stick to manipulate folks."


The woman held a magical electrum javelin that sparkled softly but oddly enough did not light up the area. "Lashunes Dagon has given the chosen citizens of her empire the drug shooz to make them dully contented unless she needs them to be aggressive, the entertainments of the Circuses Glamatos and temple rituals that are little more than orgies of many vulgarly hedonistic pleasures. Now many humans are being recruited as 'cannon fodder', as soldiers, as workers, as clerks. Yes, clerks, to run a huge new public service. Most strange indeed."


Muldar and Scully studied the newcomer in amazement. Then Scully spoke. "We will try to help you but we do not see how we can do so."


The Eternal Champion smiled with a touch of irony. "The strange little man sent you here. He would not have done so with out good reason. We are too close to Kvatch for our own good. Follow me and try not to be so clumsy or loud this time. I found it far too easy to track you through the forest."


A little annoyed now, the man and woman followed the other woman through the forest and they did try to move more quietly and less clumsily; they succeeded to a goodly extent.



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Spiritums entered Russian soldiers who accepted them, officers to the lowest infantryman or sailer. Spiritums evoked new courage and power in many more Russian figthers. A huge offensive was launched westwards and before the waves of tanks, aircraft and infantry the undead were hurled back. Vampires and zombies no longer had so much power over these new Soviet and allied forces. They fell back in dismay. The undead cyborgs were left as burned and smoking wreckage. The strange little woman made sure that Soviet scientists did not gain access to the bizarre cybernetic technologies.


It was in twilightish darkness.


She stood now as a young woman in a soldier's uniform and body-armour designed to protect one against zombie claws and fangs. Volleys of rockets flew through the air, Stalin's Organs, with a horrible roaring noise almost continuous. Battletanks rumbled past the big rock upon which she stood. Some soldiers glowed softly with the Spiritums inside them. In the distance rose the terrible shreiking bat like monstrocities of the vampires. Bullets, shells and rocket-grenades flew through the air.


In the distant west explosions erupted high and in great wide sweeping patterns thanks to Soviet arty and rockets.


But soon matters became more interesting for modern Russians of that other Earth had sent soldiers and with them advanced helicopters, jet fighters and battletanks. They were starting to appear on the battlefield. Hind helicopters with blazing autocannons and filled with soldiers, came shooting through the air. Older fashioned warmachines mingled with far more modern ones. The two lots of mainly Russians were advancing now with much power and speed.


But then, suddenly, the advance was slowing to a halt. The strange little woman frowned as in the distant west appeared super-mutants, hundreds of them, rushing towards the Russians, fewer German and others. Hulking behemoths led the others but there were plenty of the smaller but still monstrous kind. Zentaurs came also, the horrific creatures that always came with the super-mutants.


The strange little woman sighed. Matters were indeed getting complicated even by her standards.



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BOB: "Oh, isn't lovely to share a shower, Bab."


BAB: "Please pass the soap, Bob."


BOB: "Why don't I wash your back, Bab?"


BAB: "Oh, that would be lovely, Bob!"


BOB: "I wonder why the neighbours are staring, Bab."


BAB: "Yes, Bob, haven't they seen anybody have a rain shower before?"

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The CosmosTARDIS, experimental as designed by TimeSage Cosmos himself, shuddered softly and the big hexagon shaped console's column jerked just a little as the time-spaceship escaped through the defence-security barriers around the home world of the TimeLords. The column moved up and down slowly smoothly though, apart from this. Professor Cosmos was on the run because the High Time Council wanted to punish him for various illegal experiments he had carried out. Not evil experiments but ones long banned for reasons that themselves were classified but which made no sense to him.


He manned the main console while his triplet daughters operated other specialised consoles for navigation, defence-security and tracking. The last was to find the 'tracks' of the evil escapee, a twisted Timelord by the name of TimeSage Mecellifus who now called himself the TimeMaster. The chamber was at basis a neat hexagon with softly glowing walls but stuff was heaped up against three walls, strapped to those walls, in modular storage canisters.


Bigger inside than outside was the CosmosTARDIS but that was only theory for it was brand new and still expanding internally. In practice there were only a dozen or so fully formed chambers, many of them on the small side. Because of the hurried finished to his TARDIS that he had been forced to carry out, the TimeSage was concerned that the exotic spaces being generated would not all be useable, let alone useful. Still it was not anything he could focus on at the moment. Like too much else he would have to deal with it later or when he had to do so.


He stood there in stiffly formal TimeLord get-up with a rediculous raised frill back around his kneck and long, uncomfortable robes. His daughters wore robes that were quite the opposite, being too translucent for his liking, each showing a wide split on either side running up to the hip. There were female TimeLords, even TimeSages, but his daughters had been declared as TimeLadies when quite young, much to their deep annoyance. TimeLadies gave birth to new TimeLords and to a majority who failed to become TimeLords, the ServingFolk who became such as guards, workers, servitors, clerks and techs. Sometimes a special was born like TimeSage Cosmos with exceptional powers and genius but sometimes an abomination was also born.


Was the TimeMaster an abomination who had slipped somehow through the extensive checking system? If so, he was one partly responsible for allowing the menace to get away with a series of evil crimes and now he was going to make up for it whether the High Time Council supported him or not.


The CosmosTARDIS shuddered softly and then dematerialised, teleporting through time and space across the Multiverse, the multiple of universes.



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CosmosTARDIS materialised with a thrumming throbbing noise in the a big old desolate suburban back area with weeds, scraggy trees, a steady flowing winding stream of surprisingly clean water and some frogs. At once the camoflauge network-system of the time-spaceship made it shimmer and then look like a compact brothel complete with a red lamp over the doorway. The cottage sized building was, happily enough, well concealed thanks to the urban forest.


Overhead passed a huge airship, light gleaming off its silvery triplehull and great big gondolas that looked too big for the airship to carry. It bore the Union Jack, the British Imperial Flag, and the symbol of the British Imperial Airways Corporation, the BIAC. But the glory up there was not replicated down there where an old couch was sitting against the back wall of a small urban mansion estate, the wall being reinforced concrete topped with barbed wire.


Professor Cosmos stepped out wearing a lack middle class business suit complete with bowler hat, briefcase and umbrella. He stepped carefully over the muddy areas and looked back at the shape of the CosmosTARDIS with a snort of disgust. He shook his head and did not blame the TARDIS network-system for it was his fault for having to rush its programming at the last moment. It would have to remain the way it was for now. Then he looked up at the airship passing overhead and wondered what Alternate Earth he happened to be on.


The two mean, hungry looking dogs came pacing towards him with gleaming eyes and for a moment he seemed not to notice them but then the TimeSage began to whistle softly a melody that no normal human could hear but that the dogs picked up nicely. They stopped in evident shock, whined softly for a moment, and then began to wag their tails. They trotted eagerly over to them and he took out two blocks of quasimeat from a pocket and fed one to each hound.


The hounds waited patiently at his side while he finished looking around and when he went back into the CosmosTARDIS, they went with him. They did not know it but they were now part of the crew of the CosmosTARDIS.



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TimeSage Cosmos sat in quarantine in the airlock chamber with the two hounds lying on the big couch-bench with their heads sharing his lap. He was taking turns scratching, patting, stroking one and then the other as the fields of energy flickered around them. The quarantine network-system would not let the dogs into the main part of the TARDIS until they were deemed free of all contaminations and that was, of course, wise. The information gained was of assistance in other ways for it gave the TimeSage some small idea of what was happening in that city, on that world, biologically speaking.


His daughter, Ninacos, spoke to him in Middle Gallefrean, from a well concealed source. "Father, the doggies are wonderful but you should know better than to introduce foreign species into the TARDIS so casually."


He smiled. "Please do not concern yourself, daughter, the dogs were starving and sick. They clearly need a home. The TARDIS Matrix will reflect upon them in the internal expansion of CosmosTARDIS. We will gain valuable data from the sensorscanning of the dogs. I have been to alien worlds more than once before despite my reputation as a TimeCitadel stay home scholar. Now, we are going to have to put a limited duplicator-dispenser in here."


Tinacos spoke then. "How did you cause them to be friendly, father?"


He smiled. "Hypnotic empathy you might call it. I learned it from the Waylords on-in Aquariay III when dealing with a problem with the Sontarons trying to invade the Elightenment Nexus. That was a long time ago, back in my first major rejuvenation period and my second regeneration of that rejuvenation. Problem with the Sontaron invasion was not the possible doom of the Enlightenment Nexus but the over reaction of the Centro. I was there as a TimeWarden back then."


Ginacos sounded surprised. "You were of the TimePolice?"


He sighed. "A common misconception on Gallefrey is that TimeWardens are of the TimePolice and the High Time Council is happy for most to assume this to be the case but the TimeWardens have greater powers, authority and jurisdiction than do the TimePolice. Razzalon himself, Great TimeSage Eternius, created the TimeWarden Service and its first taskforce. Why, because Razzalon had become so amazingly powerful by that time that he feared to interfere directly in Multiversal affairs."


He sensed the amazement of his three daughters and he was mildly amused. He spoke again. "Of course now I am just an old fuddy duddy of a TimeSage. Now what data of value have we gained so far from this world, from these wonderful canines?"


Ninacos sounded shocked. "This is a very sick world and these are a very sick people! I do not understand why they have not all keeled over dead."


TimeSage Cosmos laughed softly for his daughters had never left Gallefrey and had never even gone to the wilder zones of the home world of the TimeLords. They were going to be faced with many surprises to come but something told him they would deal well with the challenge.



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