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The Eternal Champion led the armies in the ancient, hidden city Yushinavel though an ancient secret magical gateway that took them instantly to another such gateway deep inside and beneath the White Gold Tower in the centre of the Imperial City. The well mixed army of humans, elves, dragons, wild-elves and others had with them advanced technologies from the DC Wastelands of another world, World War Two vintage technologies from yet another world, some 2007AD weapons from yet another world, magical gear from that world and Ayleid steam-magical devices. Even as they came moving through the underground sewerage and utility tunnels, through the catacombs, up into the Undercity, another event was taking place that was to weaken the defences of the city.


Much to the outrage of the False Empress and Jaghurnes Dagon, all the daedra that had come from that other Tamriel, from the Dagon Empire there, were returning as quickly as they could to their own world. They were rushing to protect their daedric goddess from the three great armies now sweeping across the Dagon Empire. The daedric dominated empire was fighting back but too many forces had been sent away and those remaining could not hold fast. Other daedric forces were being withdrawn from the Realm of Oblivion itself and Jaghunes Dagon's home base, his territories there, were suddenly under great threat.


The Eternal Champion now inside the Eternal City linked with the Eternal Champion with the siege forces outside of the city who were suddenly no longer under attack. The zombies all collapsed into dust as magic was withdrawn from them. The lesser daedra turned and fled back into the waters or through the small Oblivion Gates now sending them back to their home world instead of back to the city across the ring river.


People arose in rebellion inside the Imperial City including many who came out of hiding in the Undercity and deeper. Mages, warriors, common working folk, merchants, sailors and many others including priests and priestesses of the Nine Divines. There was much savage fighting and no quarter given especially when it was noted how many innocent people had suffered under the control of the monstrous invaders and the fiendish followers of the evil False Goddess.


Yet when the Eternal Champion came to find the False Empress, she only found her corpse and on her face a frozen look of shock and horror. Her body was skeletal thin as if flesh, blood and life energies had been sucked out of her with amazing suddeness and terrible agony caused. The trouble was that this death was not caused by Jagrunes Dagon or any daedric god or goddess but by something quite alien to them and their kind of evil; no, this thing was of the Great Undeath.


She was most troubled and at once she decided she must seek special and even dangerous ways to learn the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about what was really going on.



Edited by Maharg67
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The attack on World War Two vintage Japan began with the smaller monsters of the WetOnes crawling up out of the ocean, slimy and rotting, slithery and loathsome. They came in smaller numbers but the swarms soon grew in size as did the monsters. The Japanese soldiers and civilian defenders fired off guns from fortified positions as Japanese aeroplanes strafed and bombed the creatures. Godzilla and the other monsters, including the smaller Godzilla like creatures, jetted energy-flames that caused whole swathes of beasties to burn and explode, to vapourize while they screamed strangely.


Out at sea the Japanese Navy was fighting the monsters, was shooting at them with machineguns and cannons, was hurling depth-charges into the waters and Japanese Marines were defending the ships as monsters started to crawl up the sides of them.


Mothra flew through the air and let loose with its own form of energy attack, great pulses of destruction causing ocean water and attacking monsters to explode up into the air. Mothra was a great moth like monster, as her name implied.


Then the attack was suddenly over, the monsters that could were fleeing back into the depths of the ocea. Yet nobody was fooled amongst the Japanese Leadership and, it seemed, neither was Godzilla or the other allied monsters; the attack had been a test of defences and not the big one to come.



Edited by Maharg67
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TimeSage Cosmos and Brigadier Stuart were soon hidden from the front fence by the lightly overgrown and gone wild gardens at the front of the house. The plants were all local ones and Professor Greening was proud that he was preserving certain species of English plants. It was not long before the saw the dead creature. It was a green scale-skinned humanoid only one metre tall with strange circular black eyes, clever claw-hands and wore a kind of webbing of metallic leather belts and pouches. It still clutched a pistol in its hand that looked like a slightly exotic copy of a human revolver-pistol.


Cosmos frowned heavily. "Somebody has been interfering with very ancient history. This is a Surrilan, one of the dinosaur peoples who once ruled this world. This is a youngling that was hatched from an egg but is yet to go through the process of emerging into full adulthood. Surrilans are warm blooded reptiles, or neoreptiles, as all proper dinosaurs were or are. A very long time ago the dinosaur peoples realized that their world was turning against them, that the climate was changing, so they made nine big escape projects. I do not know what all of them were. The first was a series of fortified colonies that would try to survive the changes. The second was the construction of thirteen deep underground colonies where folks would be most in status-capsules while the others looked after the cities. The third was thriteen colonies in the Lunar Underworld. The fourth was a launching of thirteen deep space arks to carry on the species on other worlds. The other five remain a mystery. Some say there were actually thirteen, the last four being so secretive that they were not named. Dinofolk technologies were very advanced, far more so than humans are today on this world, so they could have gotten up to a great deal."


They took the gun and a long, silvery knife with them along with some items that Professor Cosmos slipped into a big pouch. He put more into the pouch than should have been able to fit into it and the officer frowned softly.


Brigadier Stuart shook his head in wonder. "First that car, Bessy, with its tricks and now this. Where are you from and what are you, Professor Cosmos?"


Cosmos gave a mild grin. "I am a TimeLord. I am not human though our long distant ancestors were human. I come from a world very, very far from here. Now, we must be careful. Surrilan younglings are more savage than the adultlings. They are used as fairly expendable soldiers, if one can put it that way. Survivors are seen to deserve being adults."


The officer frowned. "Did they copy our pistols?"


The TimeLord responded. "Brigadier, please try to use your intelligence. The basic principles of a revolver-pistol are quite straight forward and such a weapon is quite practical. I assure you that the Surrilans invented revolver-pistols back when dinosaurs still walked the Earth. The difference is that their revolver-pistols use not gun-powder but a different driving force that makes them more efficient, quieter and more powerful. Oh, yes, they take more bullets relative to size of weapon because the projectiles are relatively slimmer."


At that moment there was a rustle in the greenery. Stuart aimed his gun but Cosmos stopped him and a bedraggled, unhappy puppy dog came out into the open looking frightened but hopeful. Cosmos picked up the puppy that was soon wagging her tail madly and giving the TimeLord a good licking.



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The Brigadier snorted softly. "Professor, is this the time to play with puppies?"


With the pup snuggled happily into his arms, Cosmos replied. "It is always a good time to play with puppies, Brigadier Stuart! Now, she has told me, in her own way, of what happened to her. Something monstrous killed people and some Surrilan younglings. It appears that there is more than one alien involved in what is happening, or at leat what appears to be an alien. A monstrous human thing, strange smelling, smashed through a door and killed a butler who fired a shotgun at him. The puppy belongs to a little girl, oh what a barbaric notion that is, but she ran away screaming and left puppy to run out into the gardens, which she did because she is a smart little puppy."


The Brigadier scowled. "Monstrous human thing? There was the Case of Doctor Jeckle and Mister Hyde. The fool doctor created a serum that unleashed his suppressed, dark side and he became Mister Hyde. Mister Hyde was a superhuman monster who carried out many evil acts. Catching him was very difficult and only worked because Doctor Jeckle assisted in the capture. Doctor Jeckle is safely locked away in a comfortable prison house and when Mister Hyde starts to take over, in a padded cell. The army was called in to help capture Mister Hyde and I was one of the young NCOs there. I was just a sergeant back then. I say this because those footprints, bare and huge with splayed out toes, look like the ones he left behind. I take it that he killed the neoreptilian youngling."


The TimeLord nodded even as the puppy vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer. "Time has been toyed with. None of the dinosaur peoples were meant to survive to emerge on this new version of their world. Yes, the youngling was knocked down with an impressively powerful blow and killed at once. I sent the puppy to a safe place. I can send small living things and bigger non living things back to my TARDIS in such a manner but, hopefully not too often as doing so drains my energies."


"I hope that Tinacos is alright." The officer looked ready to race off to rescue her. "She seems to be such a nice young lady."


TimeSage Cosmos smiled. "For a 'young' lady, Brigadier, she is much older than yourself. Tinacos is able to look after herself and she has Bessy." He touched the youngling's body and the creature, along with its gear, vanished with a sparkling shimmer. "We need to go further into the property. Do you feel the oddness, Brigadier?"


The officer went to say something, paused, and then spoke. "Yes, something feels not quite right."


"A time-space distortion field." He spoke even as the pair of them began to approach the big main doorway to the mansion that was a grand pair of double-doors bordered by huge, thick columns made to look as if great big vines snaked up them from the ground to the tops. It was an interesting effect. Lying next to one slightly open door was a thuggish brute of a man in a cheap black suit and beside him was a dropped revolver-pistol, a human one this time. His head was twisted around and it was obvious that he was dead.



Edited by Maharg67
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Wow. One of the reasons I haven't left you many comments lately is simply because you write so many different stories I can hardly keep track of them all. But rest assured, I still think they're all great and I'm impressed. I'm still a fan, even if I'm just lurking in the shadows. Great stuff!
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Thank you, Herculine. I am in the process of trying out your Oblivion mods but I have been having troubles with the game and I made a mistake so I now have to put the game back on. I will send you feedback on your Oblivion mods. When do you want me to test your Doom levels?
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Thank you, Herculine. I am in the process of trying out your Oblivion mods but I have been having troubles with the game and I made a mistake so I now have to put the game back on. I will send you feedback on your Oblivion mods. When do you want me to test your Doom levels?


Well, thank you for volunteering, but for now all you can do is check out my Doom blog to follow my current progress. (The link is in my sig.) I'm about 90% finished with a map I'm going to be satisfied enough with to release to the public. When it's completed you'll be one of the first to know!

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Wow. One of the reasons I haven't left you many comments lately is simply because you write so many different stories I can hardly keep track of them all. But rest assured, I still think they're all great and I'm impressed. I'm still a fan, even if I'm just lurking in the shadows. Great stuff!

I totally agree with you, Herculine. Maharg gives a great contribution in the Druid's Garden.

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