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Thank you, Herculine


No, I did not draw the picture but I wish I had the ability to do so. I am still learning how to draw to such a level of quality and to find my own particular style.


More whacky characters to come along with other whacky things.

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The kitchens were big enough to serve many guests but they looked as if in more recent times only part of them had been used. Electric lights were shining there as they had been in the big entrance chamber but not all of them. The big freezer room held not only boxes and sides of meat but three dead humans, being the chef, his apprentice and a kitchen hand. But there were also two dead dinosaur people younglings. One had been killed by Mister Hyde but another had been shot by a double barrelled shotgun at close range. Mister Hyde munched a big sandwhich as he showed off the dead, apparently his appetite being undisturbed by so much death.


When the puppy growled at Mister Hyde, the monstrous man just laughed. Then he stood back as the other two had something to eat. The Brigadier was particular hungry and thirsty. He ate a sandwhich of fresh ham, cheese and gherkins. He also drank a big glass of water and another of fresh made ginger beer. Professor Cosmos ate a fresh apple and drank a glass of cow's milk sprinkled with pepper, sugar and nutmeg. Puppy got some small pieces of raw steak and some water.


They went deeper into the mansion building after that and found a firmly locked armoured door to a section of the house that only the Professor and some of his special select staff were allowed into normally. The TimeL:ord opened the three mechanical and one experimental electromechanical lock in a few seconds with his sonic-rod. On the other side they found four maids, a security guard type thug, a butler, the mother dog with other pups, an accountant, two lab assistants and a librarian. Yet instead of being frightened or angry or anything of the sort, these people seemed oddly calm considering what had been happening.


Also Mister Hyde did not like them, seemed even to fear them and even growled at them. The puppy rejoined her mother and got a good licking for her troubles.


TimeSage Cosmos studied the men and women quietly and then he spoke. "How long have you been on this world disguised as humans?"


The butler nodded. "Yes, we sensed you are alien and quite dangerous. You have two hearts and a smaller, extra brain as well as other oddities despite your human appearance. Are you a TriaImperial?"


The TimeLord shook his head. "A TimeLord. TriaImperials were our ancestors before the TimeLords arose from their ranks to put an end to them and the TriaEmpire. You are StarLords!"


The butler shook his head. "Only StarLordites, servants of the StarLord who is known as Professor Greening on this primitive, aggressive world. The professor has vanished, has been kidnapped by a criminal who calls himself the TimeMaster."


"The TimeMaster is a very dangerous criminal TimeLord." Cosmos was wary of the StarLords who were too ready to interfere in the affairs of more primitive peoples: in contrast the TimeLords were very neutral and careful. "I thought this world to be forbidden to StarLords by the High StarLord Council itself along with the Shadow Proclomation, the Centro and the TimeLords."


StarLords had limited time travel ability but they lacked the Time Secrets that gave the TimeLords the basis of their power. In the one and only war between the two powers, the TimeLords had smashed a great armada of StarLord warstars and battlestars.


The butler responded dryly. "Professor Greening's real name is Koszi^Mahorilzi."


Cosmos was fed data by his secondary brain, his linkage to the Grand TimeMatrix itself. He nodded. "Another rogue, another criminal but this time a political criminal whose only real crime was to question the decisions ot the StarLord Emperor. Why did he come to Terra and why did he transform himself into Professor Greening?"


The butler shook his head. "We do not know. Professor Greening tends to keep much to himself. So much so that at times it become difficult to serve him as a StarLordite. Apart from the inner circle, that is, and none of us here are of that. Even the laboratory assistants here only worked with the laboratory that he allowed human visitors to know existed, let alone to see."


At that moment there was the muffled sound of an explosion and the whole building shook lightly.



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The StarLordites went with Cosmos, Stuart and Mister Hyde. Realising that the StarLordites cared little for the dogs, Professor Cosmos sent them instantly back to the CosmosTARDIS. The StarLordites now donned flexisteel body-armour of a kind that had developed for the British Imperial Defence Forces and .303 calibre autorifles that were powerful but large and heavy; the StarLordites had trouble trouble in carrying them for they were stronger than humans.


It turned out that some of the staff in the mansion estate had been human but none had worked in or had even entered the mansion itself. They were such as grounds caretakers and gardeners. The mother dog and her pups had belonged to a gardener and his family who lived in the longhouse along with other human servants.


They crept through the front garden, the hulking Mister Hyde doing so with surprising quietness and stealth for his bulk and heaviness.


The explosion had taken place outside the front of the mansion estate. Bessy and Tinacos were gone from there but the TimeSage sensed they were safe. A big crater lay in the road and a hole was exposed to show a sewer tunnel beneath. Out of that hole had come dinosaur monsters of various kinds and Surrilan younglings. Dazraptors, dazserpents, dazwings came as had done before but also bigger carnivore beasties on two legs with great big energy-weapons, one on each side, and Surrilan adultlings riding them like taller, more angular younglings. The adultlings wore strange glistening biometallic armour and used a variety of sword, staff and lance shaped energy weapons plus energy shields shaped like traditional shields.


The Surillan military force was fairly large but even as it began to move along the street, it began to meet opposition. Gun fire came from another mansion, powerful hunting-rifles that struck down creature after creature. A proud and terrible adultling fell from her saddle, from her dazroar steed, and struck the ground. Another adultling aimed her staff and a pulse of energy zipped out to strike a bay-window on the mansion from which the bullets had come. There was an explosion and the bay-window disintegrated. The shooting abruptly ended.


But it was clear to the TimeSage now that the invaders must be having at least some trouble with urban warfare in a city not of their ways and with so many places for humans to hide in and strike out from. Brigadier Stuart must have realised the same thing for he was suddenly grinning with triumph.


Cosmos turned to the British officer. "How many would have guns in the city?"


Brigadier Stuart looked thoughtful. "Police of the three uniformed branches being Civil, Military and Security. The Special London Constabulary. The Homeguards. Various military forces be they Redcoats, Greencoats, Bluejackets or Redjackets. Criminals of various levels of organisation and power. Hunting clubs. Sporting shooter clubs. The various Military, Security and Civil Intelligence Agencies such as MI1, CI5 and SI3. General folks owning legally, semilegally or illegally a wide variety of guns."


The TimeSage shook his head. "Which would mean a fair few folks who know how to use those guns. Yet much of the city was taken over with surprising ease. Something is not quite adding up here. I suggest that we return to the mansion."


At that moment all of the StarLordites vanished with a sparkling shimmer. This drew the attention of Surrilan adultlings who raised odd instrument pods and then the dinofolk were surging towards the Greening Urban Estate. TimeSage Cosmos turned and ran with his two companions pelting along either side of him. Having been abandoned and betrayed by the Starlordites, they rushed back into the mansion and locked the doors behind themselves. The mansion was soon to prove itself to be more special than its appearance would suggest.



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TimeLords and StarLords have common ancestors in the form of humans from a variation of this very world, from an AltEarth. When the TimeLords overthrew the TriaEmpire, a good thing for the whole Multiverse, the StarLords arose as refugees fleeing from the vast fallen empire. The StarLords have never quite forgiven the TimeLords for the fall of that oppressive, arrogant, elitist empire or for the later TimeLord StarLord War in which the StarLords were soundly thrashed." Professor Cosmos led the other two towards a particular spot in the mansion that a module in his hand was leading him to. The mansion shook again as a Surillan energy blast struck its front but the building resisted the powerful energy weapons unlike a human created building of that time would have. "It did not help that later the Centro also smashed them in a large scale war. In both conflicts it was the StarLords who attacked with out provocation or any formal declaration of war. The Centro were far less merciful than we TimeLords were but then again, the StarLords hurt them more than they did us."


Mister Hyde growled. "You speak crazy words but I understand what you speak of, TimeLord. Many think Mister Hyde is stupid but I am not so dumb. Why this Professor Greening come to this world when these StarLords think we humans are so backwards?"


"I wish I could answer that question but I fear what the answers might be." The TimeLord halted at what looked like a dead end at a T-junction of grand hallways and then an armoured false wall panel was sliding open for him. Again he led as they went down a gently sloping rampway hallway and then through an airlock style area. They came out into an amazingly huge chamber that looked far too big to be inside the mansion. It looked impressive but the TimeSage did not seem impressed, far from it. "Fool StarLord! This is a crude form of bigger inside than outside technology long ago abandoned by the TimeLords as being far too dangerous to use."


It was a vast laboratory, a factory, a workshop, a garage-workshop dotted with machines, a garden full of big exotic plants and much else. Steam-crawlers were lined up, prototype warmachines with rocket-launchers or cannons or big gattling-guns. Strange robots, thick metallic upright cylinders on three wheels each, whisked around the place doing things or stood in special bays being recharged or repaired or both. Then there were StarLordites in power-armour and with big bulky guns of varied nasty kinds. But most common of all were the thousands of human slaves, being men, women and older children. They worked or they rested in odd capsules or otherwise carried out other needs in various cubicles. Younger children, including babies, were in status-capsules and were clearly in suspended animation. Each slave had a silvery metallic cap on his or her head.


Cosmos was coldly enraged. This explained where many humans had gone and at least one good reason why much of the city had fallen so easily to the invaders from beneath. In the distance he saw more airlock type doors and knew then, somehow, that this was but one of at least a few such vast chambers and he had no doubt that they would also hold thousands of human slaves.


Then he noticed that Brigadier Stuart had frozen and was staring into mid-air with a dumb smile on his face. Mister Hyde was looking around with a grin as if to see what mischief he could get up to. TimeSage Cosmos realised then that the reason the British people had not reacted to so many Londoners vanishing was that their minds were under some kind of subtle but powerful psychic influence. It was a typical StarLord type trick and like the bigger inside than out chambers, it was dangerous.


He had no choice but to do something he badly did not want to do for he simply did not have the resources to deal with this problem.


Through the TARDIS Matrix he communicated with his grand-daughters and through the TimeMatrix he contacted the home world of the TimeLords. He did so to help the humans and not just those enslaved but those of the whole world for if the crazy transdimensional chambers imploded, the whole planet would be destroyed.



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When they awoke the silvery woman was not only out of her capsule but she was making a meal from various liquids, pastes and powders taken from special status-capsules. She wore a silvery pouch-jumpsuit both dull metallic and dotted with many useful and cleverly placed pouches.


She turned to smile lightly at the waking young folk and then she spoke. "Foolish of you to post no sentries while you slept. Please do not make that mistake again. I am AndroDixa. I am a special clone. I served the Mad Emperor and when he was killed, I was placed in storage. The Startowers are linked and are controlled by and through the StarMatrix. Though the StarMatrix appears to be no longer fully functioning, I was able to access some important information. So Gaiga became the Splintered Nations. This is hardly a surprise considering the situation that existed before the Three Day-Nights of Crystal Knives. Now the Daedric Gods have arrived and with them a horde of daedra. They have taken the harbour area but are held off from the rest of the town. The daedra are also suffering heavy losses, especially since the cumbersome vessel they were in has sunk. I am coming to think that it was meant to materialize on land and not on water, hence its sinking with what, I suspect, is a whole lot of equipment and supplies."


Helene sat up on the thin mattress, one of some that had been found in storage, and got off the platform. She looked to where the clone stood in the kitchen alcove or at least an alcove that could serve as a kitchen amongst other functions. "Why would the daedra arrive at the wrong spot?"


"There are many possible reasons. Travelling between dimensional zones is not easy, not easy at all. They could easily have been deflected off course by the partly functioning StarMatrix which was partly designed to stop daedra from invading these islands. In such case the StarMatrix failed to stop the daedra but did put them in a difficult position." AndroDixa started scoop a thick gruel into metallic bowls that did not look very nice but which smelt delicious. "I added a nix mix of spices, herbs and flavourings to make it more edible for all of us. We have to leave the Startower of Principles fairly soon. If the GuardianDixa discovers us, I fear that she will try to put us into status-capsules as prisoners or, worse, terminate us. She has malfunctioned over the many centuries of her protecting this Startower with out any proper special maintenance done. I tried to reach her but her madness is a barrier that stopped me."


The triplets got up and the girl went over to look through the window at the town. She spoke. "Yep, they are bombing and zapping the harbour alright. Even if the damned quasidemons are defeated, the harbour will have to be rebuilt. The Mageadom is not going to be happy. I wonder how much money has been lost with the fishing fleet and trading fleet unable to operate from the port."


The clone placed the bowls on a table and the teens sat at it except for the neobaby who sat on it. Helene dipped a spork, part spoon and part fork, into the stuff before her and went to put it into her mouth but then she dropped the spork and the food back into the bowl. "Nice touch! Nagroota Root powder to weaken our psychic resistance so that you can control our minds. Jazzatita juice, just the right amount, to open us to hypnotism. The rest of the herbs, spices and flavourings to cover the bitter taste of the first and the even more dire taste of the second. The GuardianDixa was the one who put you into suspension. Oh, you perhaps should know there is more to me than you probably see. I am never with out security."


AndroDixa snorted. "It was worth a try. Yes, I am a criminal but only because I wanted my freedom. I did not wish to kill you or even hurt you but only to control you enough, to access your minds enough, to make sure you were not a threat to me or my plans." She shrugged. "I do not know you but I do know you belong to the same species that once enslaved me. Modern Giaga is much more primitive than was the old empire and I must take care here." The dull silvery clone took out two bottles of small pills and put them on the table. "Antidotes for both Jazzatita and Nagroota. You can check them, you who are so clever and perceptive."


"I am Helene." The young Giagan woman responded. Then she checked the antidote pills which were fine. The teens swallowed the antidotes and ate the food as did the silver clone herself.


After the meal the teens all began to search other containers for useful or interesting items. Many were locked but some were open. Helene carefully made sure her companions did nothing foolish.


The silvery woman sat to one side and, though she pretended not to, she kept warily examining Helene as if to find out just who or even what she was.




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Thank you, Herculine. Are you aware that you are also a new character in another of my fanfics in Druid's Garden? Edited by Maharg67
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