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Damed Security thugs woke him early in his sleep shift, buzzing and banging the door of his cramped metallic bedsitter apartment with its built-in fittings and furniture except for a few basic bits of furniture and some decorations. Danz007 was his official Citizen Name but often he was called Danzie. He clambered out of the fold-down bunk in his vault issue shorts and slipped on his blue vault-jumpsuit, a yellow pouchbelt and then yellow boots. It was done with experienced speed.


Security were in black body-armour wrapping them from head to foot, including visor-helmets and gloves. Security Police, not to be mistaken for security guards, were a lot meaner than Civil Police and had more authority than better armoured-armed Military Police. They were clearly not inclined to give him any information or perhaps they had their mouths ordered close. They didn't even enjoy themselves by hassling him, a favourite Security Police hobby, so it was clearly a serious matter.


Metallic halls with glowing fluropanels, potplants with glistening green leaves, colourfully pathetic vault posters, vaultbot roboremotes humming along on rubber wheels (roboremotes being dumb robots controlled by external AI-supercomputers or cyberlinked humans) doing many basic jobs and vaultdroids, basic androids serving the vault that were clearly not human; it was all dreadfully familiar. There were a few people around. Men in blue, women in pink, children in either. People avoided looking at him directly and those who knew him were wise enought to pretend not to do so.


They took a transvator, vertical or horizontal moving elevator, to their destination which turned not to be the Security Sector. No, it was a little known part of the Overseers Sector, a place that most Vaultfolk did not even know existed. It was the Special Security Intelligence Offices where the High Overseer him or herself liked to deal with matters more directly. Unfortunately, Dazie had been there before so he was not really surprised by the destination. He wondered if the damned Overseers would ever let him off the hook because of his past crimes but he doubted it; they found him to be far too useful for that. He was their pet trouble-shooter, their go-getter, their trained killer and he made certain problems disappear.


Or did he?


Danzie soon found himself sitting at a metal table in a coldly metallic interview chamber. There was a big mirror on one wall that clearly hid people watching him. At least they gave him a plastic mug of coffee and not just standard yuck but Class-B Ration stuff which was okay. There was even a satchel of sugar which he used simply because he could. He drank some of the coffee to help him be more wakeful and was not surprised to taste the extra stimulant drugs that had been added to it. Clearly somebody wanted him very awake for the interview.


High Overseer Alphonse Almodovar entered the chamber, then a bodyguard in body-armour, then Security Overseer Francine Fredika, followed by an aide plus yet another bodyguard. They were all armed and Danzie inwardly smiled for clearly they considered him to be dangerous, which was very smart of them because he was a deadly killer who hated them. He partly hated them because they had turned him into a deadly killer.


Then all were seat except the bodyguards in their head-to-toe body-armour and squat, black pulsecarbines. They were less powerful than the pulserifles but lighter, more compact and better to use in confined quarters.



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After basic introductions were made, the High Overseer pushed a sheet of paper over to Danzie and it turned out to be a timetable of recent events written in brief in chronological form. Dazie read it quickly, efficiently, and then he looked up and spoke. "Professor James Ashworth escaped from TekVault101 by unknown means about nine hours ago. He took with him one reprogrammed vaultdroid and one reprogrammed vaultbot along with various other bits of equipment and supplies. You suspect that he may have gained a set of survival exploration power armour, a pulserifle and a xdartpistol. None of these are technologies that you want to fall into the hands of primitives on the surface."


The Security Overseer nodded. "It seems that the renegade had at least some inside help. We are interrogating some people now."


Danzie knew this meant that the Overseers were looking for official scapegoats. The Fifteen Elite Families always wanted to look tough, efficient and quick to the common Vaultfolk but justice was a joke in the vault, especially when it came to the Fifteen Families and the Security Network. He nodded. "Then the professor's daughter also escaped, along with some of her friends. What they took with them is less certain but you seem quite sure that they went through the Flooded Undervault, a most dangerous journey, and out of the vault that way. More insider help, most likely. Official denials aside, we all know that the rebels control some areas of the vault and are fighting government forces over others."


TekVault101 had an official population of one million people but an unofficial population of closer to two million people; this included Rimzoners, Fringers and Undervaulters. Rimzoners dwelt in the Rimvaults that had supposedly been built as temporary quarters and work areas for those who built the TekVault. Fringers dwelt in biocrystal growth caverns of strange qualities. Undervaulters dwelt in the flooded areas and those near them, where they led a most curious form of life. Rebels were stronger in these areas but weaker in the main vault and subvaults. Half of the vault was taken up with a great autorobotic service-support network of network-systems that kept it running and the people alive and no humans dominated there but something did.


The High Overseer then spoke. "We want you to catch up with both Jasmine Ashworth, her friends and her father. We want to know why and how they escaped along with who helped them. Then you can terminate them as a problem to your home vault. You must act quickly but carefully. Of course if you are caught we will denigh that you serve us. We will provide you with some specialised equipment and supplies plus monies and other service-support. If all goes well this may prove to be not just the solving of a current crisis but a blow against the better organised rebels."


A few more words were exchanged. The Security Overseer gave out some needless threats. The High Overseer called upon Danzie's patriotism in a self deluded hypocritical fashion that amused the younger man. Overtly he staid respectful but he badly wanted out of there so he could get on with it.


Then the mission had started for sure.



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Helene looked around the great big metallic stone chamber with its smoothly curved corners and frienly curving shapes. A big ornate fireplace was carved out of a portion of one of the great walls of the chamber. There were furry rugs that that no animals had died to provide. Some cats were there wandering around doing typical feline activities. Two big dogs were playing in the distance at the edges of a big shallow, clear, cool water filled pool. At the fireplace was a mixture of odd bits of furniture, stacks of books, blankets and a curious metallic stone object like a cube shaped cupboard with doors or drawers on each side and an odd disk platform on top; this was one metre high and wide apart from the disk.


The elderly woman was slumbering in a rocking-chair with a big old black tomcat in her lap. She was part elf of the small of minority Ayleid peoples who at one time had fled to Giaga to find acceptance because of their knowledge and their willingness to live separately, and part human. Such hybrids were generally not accepted either by human or elf societies and Helene had saved the old woman from starvation or other abuse but not just her.


The triplets Sam, Sal and Saz were the first to walk out and away from the big disk shaped platform where they had appeared. At once the big friendly dogs ran to them, tails wagging madly, and were made welcome. At once a great new friendship began.


Helene, with Yillie awake and aware in her pouch, made her way towards the elderly woman. Tashia awoke in her rocking-chair and smiled warmly at Helene. "So you found a way back to us. It is good to see you again. The others are out gathering useful items and taking other items to be carefully stored away.


Hadra and Erisha followed Helene, both looking doubtfully at the elderly woman because of her elfish heritage and her age. They were clearly ready to dismiss her as a doddering old misfit.


AndroDixa was not doing so at all. She studied the old woman with some overt wariness.


Helene spoke. "Yillie here is a rescued neobaby. I hope to get hold of her mother, at least. I fear she was kidnapped by corrupt Mageadom Government officials so they could sell her as a pet to some rich folk. She badly misses her mummy and the rest of her family. Mehrunes Dagon appears to be trying to invade Giaga."


Tashia laughed softly. "Your priorities are as always to first talk of the neobay and then the invasion. You are wise."


Hadra frowned. "How is that wise when the invasion will effect so many more people?"


The elderly woman turned to him. "Yillie is more immediate a concern and Helene is far more able to help her than she is able to deal with a whole invasion. Please stop thinking you know everything, young man, and you will learn a great deal more. You can stop smirking, young woman, you can use the same advice."


Hadra and Erisha both looked stunned and less confident that they knew this old woman so well as they had first assumed that they did.


AndroDixi then spoke. "My lineage is ancient and I am centuries old so I know, I sense, that you are a powerful mage and psychic."


Tashia sat up in her chair and smiled. "We will speak about that later, dear, in private together. Your pain is evident, poor thing, born of magic and given no nurtering, no love of any kind." She turned to Helene. "So you were in the Startower of Principles. We got some viewings of what happened there. Seerista even spoke briefly with us. The vatlorns came through. They are like a lot of odd, malformed puppies full of happiness to be here. The Dogsons have adopted them and are training them to hunt fangalongs and to help keep the Sanctuary Barriers secure. We got the fruit, books, shovel, stones, bricks, fishing line, soil and eggs that you sent through or at least Sanctuahaven did and passed on from that to us. Haventown is going well and is growing."


When she was growing up, Helene had no real idea of the Sanctuahaven but she did keep sending things there as if by instinct such as torn books, starving stray cats, dying songbirds, bricks, dying old tramps, unwanted malformed babies, rotting food, stained raggedy clothes and much more. All of this went to Sanctuahaven, was processed, and came out renewed. When she first went o Sanctuahaven she found a small but fairly thriving and peaceful community of life that she had rescued. Sanctuahaven was largely made up of great metallic rock caverns and tunnels lit by glowing crystal with only some exceptions where food could be more easily grown and other resources were harder to gain.


She was made welcome but also pressure was put on her to send through more resources, which was something she could only do to a limited degree. Anyway when she was away from Sanctuhaven, she only vaguely remembered it. Most Sanctuahaven folk understood and accepted but a small minority failed to do either and they became resentful of Helene.


There was trouble and the trouble makers were exiled beyond the Sanctuary Barriers but every so often they tried to cause trouble. Their leader was a big, heavy, muscular thug of a man named Beggas Bristine. He had become insane or so it was whispered by one of his followers who gave over information through the Sanctuary Barriers.


Helene went over to start making a pot of coffee. "It will good to rest here for a while. There is much to discuss for I am starting to remember."


Tashia gave a small start and then visibly calmed herself. "Yes, there is much to discuss."



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Helene slept for a while after drinking a mug of coffee, having a small meal of Sanctuahaven grown food and a frolick swim with the dogs. When she awoke on a bunk she found herself surrounded by happy vatlorns who wanted to welcome her. So she played with them for a while before leading them out of her chamber, a big rectangular one lit by glowcrystals and sparsely furnished, fitted and decorated. The others who had come with her had met with some others already living there. There were the Dogson Family who had adopted the vatlorns. They were the grandfather, the father, the mother, two aunties, a cousin, a son, two daughters and a grandson. They were already in charge of a small pack of dogs they used to help keep the Sanctuary Barriers safe and secure. They also hunted grewbits, mossculars and mushocks that managed to get through the barriers, these creatures being ones who would threaten all those living in the actual Sanctuary and their crops.


The Dogsons were human but were not Homo Sapiens Sapiens but were taller, more angular and hairier. They were of one of the original aboriginal peoples of Giaga who had been there when the invasion of Helene's people had taken place. It had been a brutal affair and the invaders had taken the best of the lands, the seas and most resources. The oomans, native goblins, native gnomes and centaurs had been driven back, along with other wildfolk, to dwell in isolated semi-arid reserves where they suffered greatly. Then they had all vanished. Helene had found a few hundred of them were in the Sanctuahaven but had no idea how they had gotten there; neither did they.


The big table was prepared and people were eating a communal meal there. Dogs, vatlorns and cats were hanging around hoping for scraps. A catch of five grewbits, two mossculars and one mushock hung from a big long wooden pole. All tended to be savage but easily the worse were the big hulking mossculars. They were strange creatures who did not come from the zone where humans were exiled to but to the great wilds of the Sanctuahaven.


Helene did not know the true origin, nature or history of that domain of domains. As of yet she had no real strong urge to discover such facts.


Helene took the neobaby into her arms and sat down at the head of the table, left to her so she could more easily speak to the others there. She had told Tashia, who was sitting at the table now in her own special chair, that she wanted to make some announcements. The Dogsons were at the big table but so were the triplets, the half-siblings Hadra and Erisha along with Ratty and AndroDixa. The small monkeycat was quick to rush up to Helene and to climb into her shirt from where she and the neobaby sort of played with each other.


Helene spoke with a cold tone to her voice. "Resources are still a problem here but now I have the ability to gain new kinds. Thirteen dispensing machines will appear, as it did in my dreams, with limited free credit each day. Six will be of the small general kind. Three will be of the medium general kind. One will be of the big general kind. Two will be special and the last most exotic. A new great suncavern will become accessible very soon, three tunnels opening to it, and it will prove to be friendly, fertile and easily large enough for a growing population. Anything I send through in future will be multiplied by three hundred plus twenty to fifty except for lifeforms which will be multiplied by two to five as one original and one to four copies with differences. Nobody hassle me. I was just a dream with some general information. Seerisha informs me that somebody tried to break into my private storage area which is a breaking of a promise, the going against a general agreement and a stupid thing to do. My private storage area has nothing that can really help any of you. Keep out. Seerisha tells me it was the male teenager Greg Dogson who did this stupid, criminal act."


Greg Dogson stood up and he scowled at Helene. "It is getting quite tough here unlike out there."


Helene snorted. "You mean like my holiday being constantly hunted or locked up by the Mageadom or the three friends I saw butchered by Mageadom assassins or the days I spent running and hiding through the Direlands. This place is far from perfect but the Mageadom is hellish. All who were not born here, who came from the Mageadom itself, know this to be true. Greg Dogson, I think I might take you with me to the Mageadom and show you what it is like."


Greg thrust out his chest. "Okay!"


But his older sister cursed him and pulled him down into his chair before smacking him across the side of the head. Females ruled amongst the oomans. The mother then spoke. "Greg is being punished for his stupidity. Your private storage area is large so there is much speculation about just what you have there."


Helene shrugged. "I have not been there for a very long time. I can not even remember when it was that I did visit there or what I saw there. It was over fifty years ago, at least fifty years. Back then I rarely came to Sanctuahaven and always only to that set of large chambers."


People were staring at her in wonder except for the slumbering neobaby cuddled up with the monkeycat, the silver woman or the old woman. Then Juliata Dogson, the grandmother and matriarch of the Dogsons, spoke. "There is much that you do not speak of. There is much that you are vague about. It would be good to know how old you are."


Helene nodded as if replying to an inner voice and then spoke. "Almost exactly one hundred and sixty-five years old. I am just a teenager by the terms of my people, my true people. I know little of my first sixty years of life and nothing of my true origin. Now, that is enough for now about me. Greg Dogson you will hunt for and bring one snark to the Great Shaft where you will drop the snark. Then you will be forgiven. The place I have forbidden all to go but myself, where I no longer seek to go, holds great dangers that simply can not be allowed to escape. Oh, you can not hurt the snark greatly or kill it though I doubt you would manage to do either. Nobody can assist you, you can use no animal assistance and only a basic hunting kit of a standard sword and knife set, three javelins, a net and a dartgun with 100 stundarts. You may use any special resources you find while you are in the Suncavern of Dustlights but do not try to cheat by taking magics or other tricks into the cavern with you. When the snark is in the Great Shaft, then you can leave the Suncavern of Dustlights and return to the Sanctuary proper. I am open to negotiations but not with you, Greg."


The Suncavern of Dustlights was a very rough place full of tough and deadly flora and fauna. Only there in the Sanctuahaven could be found any snarks and even there they were in small numbers and elusive. They were also damned tough and cunning. For understandable reasons any snark would hate to be dropped down the Great Shaft though any snark would get out after a good climb and soon after that be back home.


The Dogson Grandmother sighed. "We Dogsons have done much for the Sactuahaven and the Sanctuary proper. I ask a boon."


Helene nodded. "Light magical body-armour, two Dogson dogs, one day a week off at the boundary to meet with family and friends, full payment for any resources gained and a snark-whistle. Let us hope for your grandson that Seerisha decides to give him some of her good advice and that he is smart enough to listen to her. Oh, yes, I will make a list of three other ways that Greg Dogson might gain his freedom to return home."


Greg was staring at Helene in amazement. "No wonder everybody does what you say, why you are leader of people who seem so much older than you."


Helene shook her head. "I am only a leader in so far as enforcing the agreement that we have made. Otherwise people here, well you rule yourselves, which is how it should be."


After that they all focused on eating and drinking.



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Ninacos went up into London proper with the overly protective Brigadier. She played along with him as she walked in her kneeskirts and bonnet, her much bossom showing top and large shoulderbag. The officer was happily bedazzled by her and came to believe that she relied on him, at least for the moment, which was far from true. Nincacos was looking around for her grandfather, was seeking to know the situation in Central London. Now that the former slaves had returned there were many more people around. Many of the men were volunteered as militia and many of the women also though this was not the British Imperial Way normally.


Ninacos noted horse drawn traffic, steamtrams clattering along streets, folks on bicycles, steamcars, electric cars and even a few internal cumbustion driven vehicles. Trucks and vans were more common than cars. Two big airships were floating above in the sky, being safely anchored to no less than three great towers each. One was a liner-freighter and the other an aeronaval vessel. The British Imperial Aeronavy had tried to bomb and otherwise destroy the dinosaur invaders from the air but the creatures soon learned to mostly strike at night and to often go under cover or even underground.


Big steamcrawlers rumbled along the street with at least three cannon turrets and three mechanical machinegun turrets each. Then came other steamcrawlers with armour but only mechanical machineguns that carried soldiers or extra equipment and supplies. Dragoons rode along on their horses but these days they wore camoflauged fatigues and body-armour. They were also armed with guns. There were horses pulling .303 gattling-guns and 1-pounder gattling-cannons.


It was getting darker but mainly because of the fog that was starting to roll across the great metropolis but it was not natural fog. It smelt odd and it flowed against the wind. People complained of feeling a little sickened and dizzy when the walked amongst it with out using medical masks or damp cloth over their mouths and noses. Ninacos analyzed the air and realized at once the danger. The fog was not meant to attack the defending humans so much as to make it easier for Surillans to be active in that climate that was so different from the one they had existed in millions of years ago. Yet it would make it harder for humans to fight, to defend themselves, with their guns.


Ninacos went into a bookshop and carefully chose, paid for and took with her a pile of books. When out of sight from any humans but the Brigadier, she teleported them back to the CosmosTARDIS. She was to do this with other items, explaining to the impatient Brigadier that the TimeLord and his TimeLadies wanted to learn more about the humans of the British Empire, more about all humans and that world. She did not inform him that she was doing more than this, was releasing nanobots that infiltrated London, flowing through buildings, the ground, the waters and even the air. The nanobots were going to seek all sorts of data and transmit it back to the TARDIS, would seek the enemy and would carry out other tasks.


In a cafe they had a meal of sorts, thanks to the rationing, and Ninacos flirted lightly with the Brigadier. He revealed that he had his former wife in Portsmith and that his elder daughter, of two daughters an done son, was in the outskirts of London working as a nurse. His son was soldiering in Africa and his other daughter, well she was in North America some where. He got on fairly well with his son and his older daughter but not at all with his ex-wife and his younger daughter had vanished about a year ago. The hiring of very good but expensive private dectives had so far led to no real solid clues to what had happened to her.


Ninacos spoke. "We may be able to find your younger daughter using the TARDIS and some of our TimeLord tricks."


Brigadier Stuart suddenly looked very hopeful. "That would be very good indeed, very good. It is most odd but she is a trained archeological assistant and went to North America with Professor Axlelander and his party who was seeking the truth behind native legends of strange, ancient peoples who supposedly live deeply underground. Perhaps there is some link between the legends and what is happening here in London."


Ninacos smiled and nodded. "It is worth taking a look at. I suggest we go to your HQ next and learn what we can there."


Brigadier Stuart nodded. "An excellent idea."



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Getting to the Brigadier's HQ turned out to be far from easy. With the sudden appearance of many thousands of people in Central London, along with other problems, both the civil and military authorities were in mild chaos. It was only luck that the enemy did not launch any major attacks at that time. The Military HQ that the Brigadier took his orders from had also moved. In its place were now British Imperial Women's Corps Office where many women, most with out uniforms, were trying to set up a new telephone exchange, typing pool and other facilities with too few resources. They had no information to give to Stuart or Ninacos though she did make herself more popular by quickly and efficiently repairing four big clumsy mechanical typewriters and a switchboard. So it was that when they left, they did so on two heavy clumsy safety-bicycles.


They threaded through Central London until they reached, mostly by accident, the British Museum that now was housing a major conference in which many experts were trying to figure out more about the new dinosaur related threat. They slipped through the crowds, Ninacos daring to pull the British Officer where he would not dare to go by himself. Then they were moving through great big impressive hallways of the conference centre past groups of scientific gentlemen, journalists and others including harried police constabulary, servants and government people. There was a scattering of military, mostly officers but there were a few soldiers on guard.


Ninacos soon came to the conclusion that these so called experts, in general, knew very little of real value. There were many large fragile egos clashing against each other. There were a few fairly sound theories but also too many laughable ones.


Then she saw the grey haired woman with her fine spectacles and shin length evening gown, her poodle and her large leather satchel. She was speaking politely but with much vigour to a tall, handsome man with a great hairy beard and an arrogant bearing. "Now, Doctor Peterson, the reptile people can not truthfully be said to be the product of X-rays created by the new invention being used in hospitals through out the Empire and beyond. The facts simply do not lead me to draw such a conclusion. You really must calm down."


But the tall man was most angry. "I have always said that women should never have been allowed to tend university and this proves it." Then he turned and stormed off.


Ninacos walked up to the older looking woman and smiled at her. The Brigadier followed even as he looked around in evident amazement and annoyance at what he was observing.


Ninacos then spoke to the woman. "My name is Ninacos Cosmos and I would like to talk to you about the dinosaur people and their dinosaur creatures."


The other woman smiled. "Why I would love to speak to of such matters but I do not know if I have anything of real value to add to any conversation. My theory is that these dinosaur people, of which only a very few have been seen, were hibernating deep in the ground. My name is Professor Beverley Dickens and I am a scientific adviser to an organisation called Torchwood."


The Brigadier nodded. "I have heard a few whispers but no real details. A very hush hush organisation that deals with mysteries and more exotic threats to the Crown and the Empire. I am Brigadier Benjamin Stuart."


Doctor Dickens nodded. "Yes, I have heard of you. You were Corporal Stuart when you helped defend the Empress and her escort part from an attack of werewolves at the Torchwood Estate in Scotland. It was how our organisation first came to be both named and started. You lost many good comrades that day but you killed all of the werewolves in that part of Scotland. Now I suggest we find somewhere private that we can speak together. I have a feeling, Miss Ninacos Cosmos, that you have something very important to tell me."



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He made his way casually through the crowded transit-corridors as he would normally do. His cover story was real enough. He was officially one of the many obscure officials who served the Vaultgov (Vault Government) by being cyberlinked into the TekVault Network of Network-Systems, the TVNNS. Cyberlinking was how many people worked, often being in control of roboremotes that were dumb robots with very basic artificial intelligence. A good RRO (roboremote operator) could smoothly run up to a dozen such roboremotes. What did he officially do? His classification was vague, his work description just as vague and his skills were a jumble of many but not all were listed. Transit-corridors ran with foot traffic, pedal driven vehicles of various kinds from bicycles to quadcycles, small electric vehicles, a few robots, far more roboremotes, teens on skates or skateboards and others.


Others? There armoured-armed patroldrons of the Civil Police, the sleeker faster prowldrons of the Security Police and the more heavily armoured but slower assaultdrons of the Military Police, being special electric vehicles. There were medidron ambulances, courierdrons, bankdrons, busdrons and yet others.


Nobody seemed to take any special attention of him. Or at least he did not sense that anybody was. Yet he took nothing for granted. After catching an electric tram along a main transit-corridor, he caught a another and then used a transvator to get most of the way back to his apartment. He made sure his mail was diverted to a safebox, his Email was safely taken care of, he put his plants into a status-capsule so they would not need active care, he stuffed some gear into a dufflebag and closed nearly everything down or off. Security would discretly take care of the apartment and make sure no squatters tried to move in. Space was such a premium in TekVault101 and people were so desperate that they would try to live in somebody's place while they were away on duties or for some other reason. When the genuine apartment dweller got back, it was sometimes to find the place was empty of valuable goods and otherwise trashed.


On his way out he dropped briefly off at the crowded apartment of the Jeffo Family to give them all his perishable rations though he could have just put them into a food status-preserver. The Jeffo Family were gorillanoids, genetically engineered gorillas, and though large and powerful looking, in truth they were a fairly gentle people. He staid long enough to share a cup of herbal tea and some dry biscuits with the father, mother, grandmother and two of the children. He liked them and they liked him but there was no deep friendship for he could not afford such a thing or at least that is what he told himself.


Now it was time to go pick up some official and unofficial extra resources before he made his way to a secret exodus point from TekVault101.



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